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  • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
    Pardon my stubbornness (and my dirty powergamery), but your AC as sorcerer will never be any good, so these +1 or +2 from monk levels don't help much. I played casters a lot and believe me, melee opponents make me the least problems. That's what stoneskin, improved invisibility (50% concealment) and damage shields are for. Beating on me, a meleer weakens himself while doing me no harm (stoneskin, greater stoneskin). The rest does one well aimed nuke. Nah, a sorceror doesn't need AC, at least in the medium and high level. And in the low, when you still need it, mage armor gives you +4. Use familiar and summons well, and you rarely will get hit.
    I am forced to agree entirely with the wannabe powergaming German.


    • Originally posted by Stuie
      I defied convention and went with Rogue levels. So I'm building this: F6/R5/WMx
      Too many rogue levels. If you take just 1 you only lose 1 base attack bonus (and can avoid losing a feat) and get some sneak attack and more AC if you save skill points for tumble (UMD is good as well). It's not a bad trade.


      • I made a Monk archer in Foderol, which was a lot of fun to play.
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        • Originally posted by Stuie
          I defied convention and went with Rogue levels. So I'm building this: F6/R5/WMx

          If I want to play a magic user (maybe leading to Arcane Archer), what's a good epic module (or series of modules) for when I'm finished HotU? I was thinking of trying out the Aielund saga - anyone played that?

          Edit: on the other hand, I checked out some of the Ravenloft modules and might want to do some undead hunting. Decisions, decisions. Who cares when NWN2 comes out when there's so much to do with NWN.
          The Aielund trilogy is very good IMHO
          What other Ravenloft modules? I knew one which was good but a bit too short
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          • Originally posted by DrSpike
            Too many rogue levels. If you take just 1 you only lose 1 base attack bonus (and can avoid losing a feat) and get some sneak attack and more AC if you save skill points for tumble (UMD is good as well). It's not a bad trade.
            Tumble is worthless for plate wearers, as it is subject to the armor and shield penalty.

            The value of UMD is arguable. It can be good with the right build. Or it can be just a toy (i.e. a wasted skill).


            • Originally posted by Unspeakable Horror
              The Aielund trilogy is very good IMHO
              Hell yeah! I played through the first act or whatever it's called over the weekend and it was fantastic! So much better than the official stuff that I stopped playing HotU. I'm playing my very first Monk - makes for some interesting tactics. I'm going to mix in some Shadowdancer levels as well. I just started the second act and my character is currently M7/SD2 and ready to level up again. I think I'll take several levels of Monk before I do any more Shadowdancer levels.

              What other Ravenloft modules? I knew one which was good but a bit too short
              Return to Ravenloft and Beyond the Gate are a series that you can start from level one.

              Valley of Shadows is stand alone (and I think needs a level 10ish character).
              "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
              "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
              "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


              • A stealthy monk? Why not?

                Just don't mix in too many SD levels. Of the SD perks by far the best is hide in plain sight, and that comes at level 1.

                Level 2 SD is ok, let's see... you get Evasion here (which you already have as monk!), Darkvision (helps against a non-problem, just bump up gamma), and Uncanny Dodge, which is a nice feat.

                Level 3 gives you two once-a-day perks, which generally isn't such a great thing. One of them, summon shadow, is especially crappy - there's nothing you need a shadow for, better train your own fists.

                Level 4 gives Shadow evade thrice a day, which contains concealment (monk gets twice/day at 18), damage reduction 5/+1 (which is crappy, monk gets a permanent 20/+1 at level 20) and +1 AC, which isn't bad. Effects grow at level 6, 8 and 10. But remember, it's to be selected (you'll forget to select that most of the time) and only thrice a day. Meh.

                Level 5 beings in Defensive roll - avoid death with reflex save. Not bad, not good - if you get to need that, you lost the fight anyway. It also brings Uncanny Dodge 2 (+1 reflex), which is not bad, but as monk all 3 saves are primary, so that every monk levels strengthens fortitude, will and reflex.

                Level 7 brings Slippery Mind. Well, well. It's a great feat for a rogue - it grants him a second roll if he fails on a will save. But a rogue will often fail a will save, he mostly has only 8 WIS (-1) and will save is only secondary. A monk has usually at least 14 WIS (+2) and will saves are primary. As monk you will rarely fail a will save. "Meh" feat for you.

                All in all I would suggest you leave it at 2 SD and level up your character at least to monk 20/SD 2, before you put more levels into SD.


                • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
                  All in all I would suggest you leave it at 2 SD and level up your character at least to monk 20/SD 2, before you put more levels into SD.
                  Thanks Sir Ralph! Nice build analysis. I was thinking of leaving SD at level 2 (I wanted Darkvision - gamma adjustment doesn't feel right ) - and now I'm convinced. I've got what I wanted out of Shadowdancer and may just go Monk the rest of the way.
                  "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                  "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                  "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                  • Monk gets some nice feats above level 10:

                    Level 10, 13, 16 - Ki-strike: Your fists count as +1, +2 and +3 weapon

                    Level 11: Immunity tp poison (vs disease you're already immune since L5)

                    Level 12: Intrinsic spell resistance (10 + level, hence 22 and growing, NICE!!)

                    Level 15: Quivering palm (Fortitude save or death twice a day) - Not bad against rogues and casters, fighters will resist this.

                    Level 18: 50% Concealment 2/day - not bad if you get swarmed

                    Level 20: Immunity to mind affecting spells (good, but your will save is already high), damage reduction 20/+1 and most importantly (), your eyes begin to glow blue.

                    Additionally, your run speed increases +10% every 3 levels (NICE!) and your fists become 1d12 weapons at level 12 (that's like a great axe!) and 1d20 at level 16 (there's no such weapon, suck it up fighters!), which is great!

                    Your monk becomes a combat machine with almost no weaknesses in the level-teens.

                    Hide in plain sight is still nice, so 1-2 SD levels are useful. But the more you take, the later you get to the monk perks.


                    • One of the very few weaknesses of a monk is by the way getting swarmed by many mobs who hit on him simultaneously. Try to avoid such situations. You can do that with a bit strategy. Scout ahead (your stealth helps with that, go go SD!) and pull carefully (take shurikens), best through an open door or with your butt in a corner, it makes it harder to surround you and reduces the # of mobs hitting you.


                      • Yes, with my archer (who has PBS ), I have perfected the technique of wedging myself into corners or at the very least against walls to prevent myself from being surrounded and battered senseless - it's very useful because I can fire at them one by one and my regen items will take care of the majority of the damage I may take.


                        • Good stuff - now how about some Feat recommendations? That's the part of the game in which I am weakest - planning Feats properly.

                          I already have:
                          Circle Kick
                          Spring Attack

                          I was thinking about:
                          Weapon Focus (unarmed)
                          Blind Fight
                          and something else... prior to level 20. Once I hit level 21 the choices become a lot more obvious.
                          "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                          "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                          "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                          • Weapon Focus (unarmed) and Improved Critical (unarmed) of course. You should've put more priority into these, they're more useful than Spring Attack and can be gotten as early as level 3 and 12. You shouldn't have taken Knockdown, as you get it for free.


                            • Crap - I wish I hadn't taken Knockdown. I just realized I MUST get Weapon Finesse. Duh.

                              Then I'll go with the two you mention, SR.

                              My problem is that I have the Diamond edition, so no manual I can easily refer to while I'm playing (well... without Alt-Tabbing that is).
                              "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                              "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                              "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                              • Weapon Finesse? You should priorize strength over dexterity (it adds to both attack and damage!), so you don't really need it.

                                It is still a useful feat later on, for situations where your strength is reduced by spells or called shots. Then your attack bonus automatically switches to DEX when your strength slips below it. But that's only after the feats I told you.

                                Must haves as monk are:

                                Weapon Focus (unarmed)
                                Improved Critical (unarmed)
                                Toughness (can take this later)

                                Of course you need Mobility for your SD, too. All other is optional.

