* A classic paddle steamer pulls up at the dock of the Resort. A large group of passengers and their luggage disembarks. Several have ski equipment, 2 of the younger lads carrying very swish looking snow baords
* They are met by an older chap, yet one obviously very fit and extremely well muscled.
"Hello to you all" he states. Paddy has been otherwise engaged at the moment and asked that I see you all up to the house. Please leave your luggage, we will see that it gets to your rooms. Please take a seat on the trolley cars and we will go.
* Two tractors are there, one with several trailors for people to sit, and the other with 3 baggage cars.
/me greets his new guests at the drive
Welcome to Smokey Mountain
/me leads the guests into the main room
Ok folks take a seat I would like to take you through a few things...
* Several young ladies enter carrying trays of drinks and snacks
Eat up... Ok I would like to introduce you to our regurlar staff:
Harry Groffman - Harry was the doorman when I arrived, and remains in this capacity. He may not be as strong as he once was when the "muscle man" with Griscos Circus, but please know that in 17 years I have not seen him not handle a situation to his satisfaction
Michelle Coltrain - Michelle is a little honey I know, and I am sure you will all treat her and her staff of bar and chamber maids with respect. Michelle is a relative newcomer here, only having been with us these past 5 years.
Nathan Rodger - Nath is our ski instructor, as well as a damn fine cook. He certainly has a skill with a knife and a box of vegies
Talking of cooking, this here is Grandma Charlotte. Granny as we all love to call her was born on these mountains only a few years back. You will all find her more than willing to meet any cullinary requests that you may have.
And here behind Granny we have young Bruce. Bruce looks after the livestock, tends the gardens and his Grannies number 1 assistant. If you here any squels late at night, fear not, it will be Bruce chasing after a chambermaid or two
* Bruce blushes
Well my story is a simple one. 17 years ago me ol' Pa passed to the other world. Much to my surprise the crafty old bugger had a very large share holding in the timber company he managed. Well my cousins and I were quite shocked, but that did not stop us cashing in a few of them shares and heading off on a holiday
as I am sure you understand... Nothing like a party in several ports to Honour the Spirit of the old man 
Then somewhere along the line we ended up at this small ski resort. A great place, off the beaten track, and mainly accessable over a very that very lake just as it is today. Here we stayed in a nice resort that actually encouraged its visitors to stay extended periods. Some had actually became residents, enjoying the festivities, the skiing in winter and the sailing in summer.
Well to cut a long story short I liked the place so much I mortgaged the inheritance to the hilt and eventually bought the place...
So here we all are... hope you all enjoy the coming weeks here on Smokey Mountain.
The Residents
1. Nikolai
2. Rah
3. Ruby Chaser
4. Duke o' York
5. Ljube
The Guests
6. Chaunk
7. Spaced Cowboy
8. Adagio
9. Sparrowhawk
10. Whoha
11. Joncha
12. Jon Miller
13. Illuminatus
14. Skanky Burns
15. civman2000
16. Rasputin
17. Jaguar
18. fishsticks
19. reismark
The Campers
20. Tuberski
21. SnoopCat
22. Hercules
* They are met by an older chap, yet one obviously very fit and extremely well muscled.
"Hello to you all" he states. Paddy has been otherwise engaged at the moment and asked that I see you all up to the house. Please leave your luggage, we will see that it gets to your rooms. Please take a seat on the trolley cars and we will go.
* Two tractors are there, one with several trailors for people to sit, and the other with 3 baggage cars.
/me greets his new guests at the drive
Welcome to Smokey Mountain
/me leads the guests into the main room
Ok folks take a seat I would like to take you through a few things...
* Several young ladies enter carrying trays of drinks and snacks
Eat up... Ok I would like to introduce you to our regurlar staff:
Harry Groffman - Harry was the doorman when I arrived, and remains in this capacity. He may not be as strong as he once was when the "muscle man" with Griscos Circus, but please know that in 17 years I have not seen him not handle a situation to his satisfaction

Michelle Coltrain - Michelle is a little honey I know, and I am sure you will all treat her and her staff of bar and chamber maids with respect. Michelle is a relative newcomer here, only having been with us these past 5 years.
Nathan Rodger - Nath is our ski instructor, as well as a damn fine cook. He certainly has a skill with a knife and a box of vegies

Talking of cooking, this here is Grandma Charlotte. Granny as we all love to call her was born on these mountains only a few years back. You will all find her more than willing to meet any cullinary requests that you may have.
And here behind Granny we have young Bruce. Bruce looks after the livestock, tends the gardens and his Grannies number 1 assistant. If you here any squels late at night, fear not, it will be Bruce chasing after a chambermaid or two

* Bruce blushes
Well my story is a simple one. 17 years ago me ol' Pa passed to the other world. Much to my surprise the crafty old bugger had a very large share holding in the timber company he managed. Well my cousins and I were quite shocked, but that did not stop us cashing in a few of them shares and heading off on a holiday

Then somewhere along the line we ended up at this small ski resort. A great place, off the beaten track, and mainly accessable over a very that very lake just as it is today. Here we stayed in a nice resort that actually encouraged its visitors to stay extended periods. Some had actually became residents, enjoying the festivities, the skiing in winter and the sailing in summer.
Well to cut a long story short I liked the place so much I mortgaged the inheritance to the hilt and eventually bought the place...
So here we all are... hope you all enjoy the coming weeks here on Smokey Mountain.
The Residents
1. Nikolai
2. Rah
3. Ruby Chaser
4. Duke o' York
5. Ljube
The Guests
6. Chaunk
7. Spaced Cowboy
8. Adagio
9. Sparrowhawk
10. Whoha
11. Joncha
12. Jon Miller
13. Illuminatus
14. Skanky Burns
15. civman2000
16. Rasputin
17. Jaguar
18. fishsticks
19. reismark
The Campers
20. Tuberski
21. SnoopCat
22. Hercules