It is also pleasing to note that Alliance Defeat37 are sinking through the ranks. I intend to get my revenge on whoever it was from that alliance who attacked me.
No announcement yet.
Apolyon vs the Universe! - Part 8
on the topic of Defeat37, not sure who attacked you but before Christmas they had 8 members. They now have 5, but I can only identify 3 of them from the original 8.
The 8 they had were:
skyzz ------> Who I can't find anymore, he was ranked #52
lwkqq ------> Who I can't find anymore, he was ranked #66
Mike Ng -----> He has moved to their allies, Medousa who are an alliance we arn't ready to take on
JasonQoo ------> The highest ranked member of Defeat37 I can find, current rank # 892
pro05 --------> Who I can't find anymore, he was ranked #1083
sinkuroo -------> Still in Defeat37, current rank #1378
berko --------> Still in Defeat37, current rank #1195
Not sure if this helps, would help to know who it was that attacked you.
/me"Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge
building towards a better offense
You really neeed to attack inactives to get to the higher research levels.
Is it best to hit with a least 2 large cargo ships?
I have at least 5 inactive planets to plunder (4 large cargos)
I have been attacked once, but they got crushed tryinganti steam and proud of it
CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be
I just wondered how far you go at each level for it to be worthwhile.
For instance I went back to research another level of Combustion Engine as like the other engines it adds a 10% to the basic speed for each basic speed for the type of ship.
The idea being to get the large cargos to there (wherever) and back faster.On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation
Looks like lwkqq is no longer in the Universe(no revenge, but no future attacks either
I have Combustion level 10, not sure when I will research level 11, it isn't on my priority list.
Not sure about what you said about adding 10%, Combustion does add 10% per level to the base speed, but Impulse adds 20% and Hyperspace Engine adds 30%.
For me to travel by Large Cargo between neighbouring Galaxies takes me 3:30 hours (approx.) at 100%. To travel 2 galaxies (say from galaxy 1 to galaxy 3) takes me about 5 hours. Not sure what your speeds are, but the increased levels haven't helped too much, though Large Cargos are among my slower ships, so any increase helps for long trips.
As for other techs, I am maxed out various techs (Energy 8, Hyperspace Tech 8, Laser 10 (see earlier to see how I screwed up and researched 11), Ion 5 and Plasma 7) and want to continue adding to the engine techs (combustion/impulse/hyperspace engine), the defense techs (weapon/shield and armour) and of course Espionage and Computer for as far as I can take them (though costs are prohibitive and even with my research lab at level 32.....11+11+10.......they all take 1 day plus).
Edit: Exception to the above is Combustion Engine, level 11 will only take me 12 hours).
/me"Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge
Never mind, I've decided that I can spare the time to find some cows to fleetsave this evening.
Despite spending over a week off, I'm still under 1500 in terms of total score, which relieves me, and many of my cows are still (i).
Now I'll check L'Event to see who I should be sending my fleet at.
Close encounters:
I was about to be attacked by someone in the 2 Galaxy from the Olympus alliance when I sent him an online message re that I would fleetsave.
So communication worked.
Then this from no 3 player Koopa
From Koopa
are u online ? maybe u can help me !
dont worry, tomorro whe dont has a fleethe saved his fleet on df i kill him all ships dont worry.
Just sned youre imps if u have the resst is my work
I have 30k ships i clean him
so u cant help me wi9th Interplanetary Missiles in x:x.x ?
No I couldn't I don't have any at this stage.
Anyway the point is I have not passed on his target to the target.On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation
I wouldn't do it. The chance of getting harassed by the Anatolia guys is way too big.
But if you decide to do it make sure he pays you for the missiles and gives you a very large part of the loot.Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
And notifying the next of kin
Once again...