Originally posted by Sparrowhawk
I am happy to continue raiding inactives with the occassional retaliation against a Droth type to keep it interesting until we have risen to a respectable level (like say when 10 of us are at the points that you and Skanky are at now). You both seem to have risen quickly on reaching 5000+ any secret to that or is it more of an exponential thing? (The stronger you are = the more you collect & spend which in turn makes you stronger yet).
* Sparrowhawk
I am happy to continue raiding inactives with the occassional retaliation against a Droth type to keep it interesting until we have risen to a respectable level (like say when 10 of us are at the points that you and Skanky are at now). You both seem to have risen quickly on reaching 5000+ any secret to that or is it more of an exponential thing? (The stronger you are = the more you collect & spend which in turn makes you stronger yet).
* Sparrowhawk

That said: finding a couple of good targets helps, and then keep hitting them. I love the three-wave, and try to hit as close by as possible, and then repeat.
And offcourse rapid colonization helps a lot. The first thing I did was to make sure I got 8 colonies.
edit: And I should not forget save-raiding: meaning I do a fleetsave by attacking a wealthy inactive: I still get some stuff, while I send my ships to safety. (These are only my fleets I save, one or two fleets with most of my goods go to a colony overnight (or day as well))