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Neverwinter Nights - The revenge

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  • Originally posted by duke o' york
    You could have said that on Tuesday!

    Any handy hints as to where I can get my hands on a magic longsword at this level of the game would be much appreciated.

    --If you have Weapon Focus (Something), there's a Something +1 in one of the crates in the Lair of the Intellect Devourer back in the prison. (You're a fighter, apparently, so no reason to NOT have picked Weapon Focus for some weapon.)

    --One of the merchants at the Docks sells some +1 weapons. Have about 2000 gold ready.

    Is there any point to lugging one of those fire beetles' bodies around everywhere? Are they good for anything?

    You can use them to access the Magic Shop in Chapter 2. Other than that, none that I'm aware of.
    oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


    • The bellies can be used to create powers on items IIRC. You find some tomes later with details. Carry one maybe.


      • I've sold one of them to Aribeth. Can I buy it back from her later, or should I go and get another one and keep it in my bag of holding?

        I finished the Beggar's Nest last night, apart from the other vault in the graveyard. It has a chest outside with a note saying somthing like "Wall at arm's length", but I'm afraid I couldn't solve the riddle and work out how to get in. INT 8, you understand.

        Any help much appreciated. I got a longsword +1 from Gulnan's room, and some nice armour from the mummy's tomb.


        • You can buy it back from Aribeth within chapter 1. What happens later is classified.

          As for the riddle a guy near the start location gave you a quest to find some artifacts, (you probably have the easy ones which he directed you to) which you need to open doors to get more.

          The arms length one is the ceremonial shield IIRC.


          • Btw I played a bit more Folderol last night. I started a sorceror on Neversummer 3.5 too, though I got annoyed at dying to almost the first monsters in the game.

            I did the Noobe gardens, and am just about to help the druids out.


            • Jamski was quite impressed with the Dry Wind Scimitar I had made by the bloke in the City Core - and he's right, I should be using it all the time. It's only from the +1 scimitar I took from Gulnan though, so if I was to turn up in the armourer's with a +2 scimitar and some adamantine would I:
              (a) Get exactly the same sword again,
              (b) Get a +2 Dry Wind Scimitar, or
              (c) Be told to bugger off because he can only make one in each game?

              Things are really quiet at 'poly's nether regions today, and so I took the opportunity to go to the Bioware site and have a look at the Dragonlance world under construction. Bloody hell - it looks, and sounds, wonderful. The idea is phenomenal, and the alterations they are having to make to the code are pretty major, so it sounds like a massive project. They said that it would be a bigger download than HotU!!!

              (I'd like to make it clear that I have no idea how long it would take to download HotU, and have no interest in doing so. )


              • Originally posted by duke o' york
                Jamski was quite impressed with the Dry Wind Scimitar I had made by the bloke in the City Core - and he's right, I should be using it all the time. It's only from the +1 scimitar I took from Gulnan though, so if I was to turn up in the armourer's with a +2 scimitar and some adamantine would I:
                (a) Get exactly the same sword again,
                (b) Get a +2 Dry Wind Scimitar, or
                (c) Be told to bugger off because he can only make one in each game?


                If you did that, you'd get the same +1 Dry Wind Scimitar. The recipe doesn't specify a specific enhancement, just that the weapon has to be magic. Wait until Chapter 3, when you can upgrade it to a +3 weapon with that adamantine.

                Besides, you're probably not of a high enough level to be getting +2 weapons as drops, AFAIK.
                oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


                • I was only interested in seeing whether or not I could have some more magic items built (I've got a phial of fairy dust, for example) and then selling them on at a profit.

                  Because that's how to best roleplay a paladin!


                  • My NWN experience has taken a turn for the worst.

                    At the weekend Jam created some kukris for my kukri master, because the designers seemed to have forgotten them. However I lost both last night (and my +1 strength helmet) in one fight to some lameass rust monster that destroys your equipment.

                    Is some DM screwing with me, since that seems a little harsh for one fight?

                    To add insult to injury there was a boulder blocking the doorway out which respawned, and with my backup weapon I can't do enough damage to get out, so I am trapped unless I deliberately die and respawn.


                    • Heh. Iskander ran across those once-- and promptly lost his +2 greatsword and armor.
                      oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


                      • Iskander probably said the same few phrases I did. I don't roleplay much, but I did manage a good stab at roleplaying someone very very pissed off indeed to lose their hard earned stuff.


                        • Btw all........please post here if you are interested in joining up on Folderol or Neversummer3.5 sometime on GMT evenings, or maybe weekends.


                          • I'm interested, oh GOD I'm interested

                            Could be less than a month to wait now as well!

                            COULD be.....

                            1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
                            That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
                            Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
                            Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


                            • Depends. I may already be asleep by the time GMT evening rolls around here. But yes, I might be interested.
                              oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


                              • I haven't been on NWN at all in the past week (too freakin' busy), but I may be able to do this in the future. If you guys set a time, at least let me know about it and I'll see if I can be there or not.
                                Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                                Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                                7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game

