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PROJECT: Playtest (Thread No. 5)

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  • thats weird the const.txt should have that line. can you give me the file date for the const.txt in your gamedata folder?

    I just checked what i posted and its the 771b i posted and its the right one. please make sure you have the right one.

    if you are trying to start a scenario, i think that nay be the problem so yoou would need to paste these lines from the const.txt in there:
    # Apolyton changes
    MAX_MATCH_LIST_CYCLES 6 # Amount of AI match list cycles
    MIN_TURNS_BETWEEN_REVOLT 3 # minimum number of turns from a city revolts until it is possible to revolt again
    MAX_CITY_WONDERS    100  # 1000 is source code default; modifying this will limit how many wonders/buildings a city can have
    CAPTURED_CITY_KILL_POP   1  # when a city is captured this number of the population is lost
    COMBAT_ELITE_CHANCE 0.0 # Like veteran by zeroed out, possible for mods
    CITY_ON_TRADE_ROUTE_BONUS  0.25   # if a trade route passes through a city and the desination and source is not the same as the city owner then you get this percentage of the trade route value
    Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

    See me at


    • Date on my file is 8-26-06. I wasn't trying to load a scenario, just start the program. When I unpacked the download, my program showed 16 files unpacked. Is that the right number of files, or am I only unpacking a portion of the archive?
      Last edited by demon59; July 29, 2007, 01:57.


      • Is it possible that it didn't overwrite the original files?


        • OK, seems I'm only getting a portion of the archive to unpack. I'll play around with it and see if I can determine where the problem lies.

          Edit: Seems the archive was corrupted during download and wasn't unpacking properly. After a fresh download it finally cooperated and I was able to start a game.

          Geez...when you click "Raging Hordes", you get raging hordes!
          No more one warrior garrisons, even in the early game.
          Last edited by demon59; July 29, 2007, 12:23.


          • Originally posted by demon59
            Geez...when you click "Raging Hordes", you get raging hordes!
            No more one warrior garrisons, even in the early game.

            oh yeah, we've recalibrated the difficulties a bit because everyone was playing very hard as a default level plus with te improved AI, they now have some fight in them hope you have fun
            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

            See me at


            • Had to restart a few more times because some random AI will fall early to the barbarians a few games in a row, I wouldn't blame them because that happens to me pretty often. I've gotten out to 1000 AD on impossible and bandits. I'll start testing how elite affects the game, with vet chance at 90% and elite chance at 30%, vet improvement being 20 (percent right?).

              The longbowman seems a little too similar to the catapult, only 5 difference for range and a lack of bombard. I was thinking that the longbowman can have 2 movespeed and only 20 ranged. It'll be more expensive than the catapult. Thus we have ancients and pike moving at 1, samurai and longbow (and in the future infantry and cannon) moving at 2, mounted archer moving at 3, and knights moving at 4. Well except for the knight, I think this is a little better than the original 2 for mounted idea, because there is less difference between 2 and 3 than 1 and 2.


              • Im trying to compile the original activision source code under visual c++ 2005 express. After reading some of the posts, i see i have to update the source code. Who issues the passwords so i can update my source via the repository?


                • I think all your answers are here:

                  you looking to help out?
                  Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                  See me at


                  • I have sent an email asking for access to the repository. I would like to help out, but my c++ skills are only basic. Ive made a few basic 2d games in the past using allegro. I guess i will look at the code and see what i can make of it. I do need the updated version first as im going to have to compile the source with 2005 express (visual c++ 6.0 no longer available for download).


                    • slink360,

                      darkdust should reply soon. in the mean time through that website you should be able to see what the latest stuff. Don't worry about basic skills, I had zero when I started (except a semester of turbo pascal in '93). So you'll get plenty ofhelp and should pick up stuff quick (a lot is just copy-paste modify).
                      Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                      See me at


                      • Hi,

                        I've been playing till turn 76 now, game is perfectly stable. After having played AOM for a long time, I do miss the long path through history with many many units, but I hope in the end AOM will work on AE. Is it possible that the transport lag could have been responsible for the extremely long turns in AOM on AE from turn 50 onwards?

                        E, has the workaround for these transports been implemented yet, or not, the info in some of the above posts is a bit confusing ("I didn't commit the changes yet").? I was a bit stupid when starting this game, I chose 70% land because that's what I'm used to in AOM, but this way I can't really test the transport issue of course.

                        I also like the idea of goldhunger for units (if I understood that option correctly in the Rules screen), curious to see how strong this will affect gameplay. Walter once tried to give units foodhunger also, but it had a very negative effect on empire growth.

                        I'll post again soon

                        Only tyrants need worry about tyrant-killers


                        • Hello!

                          I've found that the transport lag is somewhat present, I haven't seen it one turn after another (I'll have to test it further).

                          The Barbarian AI seems significantly improved, it no longer attacks cities right away, instead it defends important routes like the AI from other civilization does (like 1-tile pathways).

                          However, it's still easy to trick other civilizations with diplomacy. Someone with a weight of 3 can be tricked into signing a forced Peace Treaty by threatening to attack them (also forcing Alliance by threatening them with war which isn't a proper method to find allies but it works); buying other cities is available at low prices (this also increases your regards towards that civilization) - but advances are still insanely high -; still no options to force other civilizations to being peaceful towards others thus achieving a real World Peace.

                          I've been thinking about a couple of feature requests, for example: landmarks which could be good for some scenarios; and advances enabling extra units depending on other researched advances. Example: Advanced Composites enables Stealth Fighter and Stealth bomber. But with Adv. Naval Tactics it enables Stealth Battleships, with Nuclear Power it enables Stealth Subs, with Vertical-flight it enables Stealth Helicopters, etc... Another example, Chaos Theory with Adv. Infantry Tactics enables Hover Infantry. (leaving Chaos Theory as a "Enables other advances" advance.) Not necessarily asking to be a feature in the current AE, but an additional option for modders.


                          • I added cajunarson's turnlag code but he said it didn't do the intended effect.

                            the gold per unit should work but the empire gold manager i think gets thrown off by it (i need to sit down and find where all the calculations go to, its not as simple as adding them each entry is different code )

                            Lemur - if your up for I suggesting adding that stuff to advance.txt it could go in the AE. I think there is an advances thread around too.
                            Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                            See me at


                            • Hello again. I now have got my password and i started downloading the source from the repostory. About five mins in, my avast antivirus told me that it had found a trojan named BV Deltree-N. I have stopped the download for now. Do you think this is a trojan or does avast have it wrong?
                              Last edited by slinky360; July 31, 2007, 13:59.


                              • I'd stop downloading. Try emailing darkdust: marc{..:[_at_])::..} probably subject it as SVN server access. I dont think there is a trojan but to be safe I wouldn't download anymore.
                                Last edited by Martin Gühmann; May 22, 2008, 17:28.
                                Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                                See me at

