Originally posted by Peter Triggs
Yeah, after the initial compilation excitement, things are getting a bit quiet around here. What's everybody up to, if anything?
I've been plowing through the AI files, trying to get a better idea of what's going on in there (especially, diplomacy). Progress is a bit slow but it's coming along.
Yeah, after the initial compilation excitement, things are getting a bit quiet around here. What's everybody up to, if anything?
I've been plowing through the AI files, trying to get a better idea of what's going on in there (especially, diplomacy). Progress is a bit slow but it's coming along.

I've also been looking over the old manual and doing some rough notes on the good and bad points - although i'm aware i'll have to wait for nearer complete versions of the code/game that will ship form here before i can get down any real details for use in the new game manual.
EDIT: thought i'd take out the link
