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Making Cradle 3+ fully compatible with the Apolyton Edition

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  • Originally posted by Cyberguy00 View Post

    Is it possible to add more buildings than the 66. These new buildings could be used if other existing buildings are removed from a city. This might then lead to cities that would specialize in one thing or another, eg, science, production, food, intelligence or culture etc. So there may be 3 or 4 extra science buildings one could build over what there is now & to decide to use them & therefore have that city specialize in science might mean that production is minimized, ie no factories etc so that there are building slots for the extra science type buildings available.

    My original response began with, "Oh yes, very possible", but that is INCORRECT. Here is the problem:

    The 64 buildings and 64 wonders limit is NOT based on how many can fit in a particular city, but rather on the COUNT and SEQUENCE of items in buildings.txt and Wonder.txt. Any structure which comes sequentially after # 64 on either list (regardless of when it is chronologically available) can be selected and added to the build queue, but after completion it does not appear in the list of city assets and is thus buildable again by the same city (and any other).

    That said, there is a mechanism by which additional Wonders can be created, but at least for now I haven't found a workaround for buildings (i.e. having more than 64)
    Last edited by Kull; February 3, 2024, 11:29.
    To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

    From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


    • Eight New Improvements: I've been working on a few large projects, but along the way have made a number of fixes and gameplay enhancements. Let's review:

      1) War Discontent:
      - There is nothing in-game (nor even in the Game Manual) which describes "War Discontent" and how it is calculated. The effects are visible as a reduction in "Happiness", but what causes that? Although you might think (based on other games) that the variables include things like "duration of war" or "battles lost" or even "military strength of enemies", in fact it is NONE of those. Instead there are 8 different variables, most of which involve count and location of your military units, and ALL of which vary from one Government to another. I'll spare you the details here, but it's all now itemized in a new GL "Concepts" entry.

      2) Martial Law:
      - Another important impact on "Happiness" is the "Martial Law" effect provided by military units garrisoned in your cities. As with "War Discontent", the effects vary by Government Type, and again there was no direct description provided in-game. This too is now discussed in a new GL "Concepts" entry.

      3) Great Library updates:
      - A number of units and one building require Goods in order to be built (Horse or Uranium), and this information has been added to their GL Entries.
      - Another new feature in Cradle 5 is that several TIMPS are immune from pillaging (Nets & Pastures), and this information is now included with their GL Entries.

      4) "Expel Unit" Reputation hit:
      - The ability to expel civilian units rather than kill them is an important feature in the game, but the player still gets a reputation hit. This is especially problematic in Cradle 5, because the AI is MUCH better at building and deploying civilian units against you. This setting (ExpelUnitsRegardCost) is located in "diplomacy.txt", and there is a different entry for every one of the "Diplomatic Stances", ranging from -10 ("Default") to -20 ("Provoke War"). Oddly enough, these are the same reputation hits incurred by pirating trade routes, which is just insane. Accordingly I'm going to drop the "Expel" hit down to -1 for "Default" and -5 for "Provoke War".

      5) "Lawsuit" Reputation hit:
      - Cradle uses the "Lawsuit" as a way to assassinate or "disappear" certain civilian units, the idea being that it's a "less visible" (and thus more diplomatically acceptable) method of removing them as opposed to just killing them outright with a military attack. As with "Expel", this setting (LawsuitRegardCost) is located in "diplomacy.txt", and there is a different entry for each of the "Diplomatic Stances". And once again we see a real disconnect between the reputation hits. For example, in "Default", a secret assassination of civilians costs 30 points whereas a standard "military attack" is only 20 points! The differential in "Provoke War" is similar; -60 for the assassination, -50 for a military kill. Accordingly the "Lawsuit" reputation hit has been reduced to -10 for "Default" and -20 for "Provoke War".

      6) Uniticons.txt Error Fixes:
      - While adding the new "Religious Victory" building entry to the uniticons.txt file, I saw that "Robotic Plant" had an incorrect link, specifically the building history was pointed toward the Advance instead of the Improvement itself. Looking further, four other IMPROVE categories had the same problem: Arcologies, Oil Refinery, Monument & Arch. Since the correct entries do exist in the GL, only the links had to be fixed.

      7) Rivers:
      As reported earlier (see Post #8), minor adjustments to the Rivers settings in const.tx caused an incremental improvement, but rivers were still far and few between. After examining the changes suggested by other players, I doubled the previous settings and the result was excellent. The Cradle 5 continents and islands are now well populated with rivers of every length, and even twin river systems (ala Tigris and Euphrates) are not uncommon (see attachment).

      8) Plunder Unit attributes:
      - While running some tests, I noticed that all four of these units have inappropriate attributes listed in units.txt:
      - The first four don't make sense for units that are either animals or captives, while the 5th is only applicable to units that can be constructed. For similar reasons, all have now been given the previously missing "CantCaptureCity" attribute.
      - In addition, Plunder IV (the truck) had "MovementType: Mountain" which means that it could traverse mountains in the absence of roads. That obviously doesn't make sense for a wheeled vehicle of this sort, so it has been removed from this unit (but not from the other three).

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Twin Rivers.jpg
Views:	364
Size:	88.9 KB
ID:	9463827 ​
      To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

      From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


      • "War Discontent" Revisited: As reported in the previous post, a new Concept entry was added for "War Discontent", but I wasn't entirely happy with the result. Among other things, there are 8 variables associated with this, and they can be modified so as to be different for each of the 18 Government Types. But unlike the multiple values associated with "Martial Law", Cradle makes no distinction when it comes to War Discontent - every value is the same for every government. And - oddly enough - the same is largely true for most other mods and even the AE base game. Aside from "WarDiscontentPerUnit" and "WarDiscontentMaxUnits", 6 of the 8 variables are unchanged from the original CtP2. That led me to perform some detailed testing in order to figure out exactly what is going on. But rather than drag you through the various tests and all their iterations, we'll just look at the findings:

        - WarDiscontentMaxUnits: This is a value which provides the maximum number of units which can be positioned outside of a city or fortification before unhappiness begins to occur.
        - WarDiscontentPerUnit: This is another value, and is used in the formula which calculates the "War Discontent" unhappiness.

        Thanks to Peter Triggs (who posted the actual formula used in the exe), we know that both of these are factored by the number of cities in order to achieve a "per-city" happiness malus. To see how this plays out in-game, we'll look at "Tyranny" in Cradle 3, which sets "WarDiscontentPerUnit" at .5 and "WarDiscontentMaxUnits" at 25. Let's assume the player has 8 cities and 41 units outside a city or fort: ((41-25)*.5)/8 = 1.0 Thus a -1 "War Discontent" value is applied to each of the 8 cities. The real kicker is that you get this unhappiness even during peace time - it has NOTHING to do with War! On the plus side, testing shows that it does NOT apply to units which have the "Civilian" attribute, and thus affects military units only.

        That still leaves 6 other variables, and we'll start by looking at those which actually do have an effect:

        - AtHomeRadius: This is a value which refers to the radius of tiles around a city (in AE and all mods it is set to "2" for all gov types). This has no effect on the "WarDiscontent" variables discussed above, and in fact only seems to be used by the next variable:
        - OverseasCoef: Yet another value, it's a WarDiscontent penalty which is applied (additive) to the WarDiscontentMaxUnits number. The primary mitigating factor is the AtHomeRadius value, but Forts have an effect as well, in which the distance malus from the nearest city is maintained (i.e it does not increase) in the circle of hexes immediately around the fort (but not INSIDE the fort, lol).

        Here's an example of how these play out, using an OverseasCoef of "1" and an AtHomeRadius of "2" (and we'll also assume the total unit count is low enough to avoid the WarDiscontentMaxUnits penalty): A unit positioned 2-tiles or less away from any player city will incur no unhappiness. But if it moves one additional tile away (now at 3), the WarDiscontentMaxUnits number from that unit alone is now -1. Another tile and we're at -2. And each additional tile adds -1 to the total, with no upper limit! (see attachment) Just as sketchy, this formula makes no distinction between military and civilian units - both incur the malus. In my testing, it didn't take long before the AI started to see revolts, driven solely by the movement of units away from their core set of cities.

        That looks pretty bad, but realistically it could be offset by increasing the AtHomeRadius (say from 2 to 8) and reducing the coefficient to a fraction (f/e from "1" to ".1" or even lower). But why bother? It's simply a different way to obtain a WarDiscontent value. On the other hand, what if it has an effect on the remaining four variables? Well, that's definitely worth looking at, so here they are:

        - HomeDefeatCoef: A happiness penalty caused by units dying in combat near home.
        - HomeDefeatDecay: The rate at which the Home Defeat penalty decreases each turn.
        - OverseasDefeatCoef: Happiness penalty caused by units dying in combat away from home.
        - OverseasDefeatDecay: Amount Oversea Defeat penalty decreases each turn

        That certainly looks promising. Especially since previous testing proves that the game is able to distinguish between a unit located within the "home radius" and one that's outside it (i.e. "overseas"). Even more, these variables are talking about units that are being killed, so for once we have a happiness degrader that is actually tied to warfare, not just units positioned outside of cities. But unfortunately, none of these variables have an effect. No matter how many units you lose, and regardless of where they are located, there is NO EFFECT on "War Discontent". Disappointing to say the least.

        So where does that leave us? First of all, the last six variables will stay exactly as they are - unused and unusable. As for the remaining two, I'm going to make some changes so that we do have variation among the gov types. However, the changes have to be incremental, not radical. I simply don't have the time to perform extensive playtesting which involves ALL the different govs. Anyway, I'll look at how this was handled in AE, AOM, MoT and MedMod and will use those findings as something of a guide.

        Lastly, I'm going to change the name of this effect from "War Discontent" (which emphatically it is NOT) to "Military Unit Unhappiness" and will revise the various GL entries accordingly.

        Click image for larger version  Name:	Overseas Coefficient.jpg Views:	1 Size:	107.1 KB ID:	9463888 ​
        To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

        From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


        • Revised Grand Canyon: As discussed in Post #18, Cradle 5 includes the "Natural Wonders" mod, featuring a number of new code enhancements which improve positioning on the map and ensure that all of them appear in game. For the most part the graphics are pretty good, the exception being the "Grand Canyon". It's a single tile improvement, and the graphic quality is, well, poor (see inset on attachment). In addition, there isn't anything particularly "grand" about a single TIMP, so I took another look at the code and was able to modify it in order to generate a string of 3-to-4 "canyon tiles" in a sequence running SE-to-NW. The next step was to modify an existing graphic (found on the web), and line it up so the SE section merges seamlessly with the NW edge. The result, albeit a bit cartoonish, gives the appearance of a very long canyon with a river running through the middle of it (see attachment). In addition, the assigned attributes in "tileimp.txt" prevent the construction of any other improvements on these tiles, so roads and such will have to run around the Grand Canyon, rather than through it (which seems appropriate).

          Click image for larger version

Name:	New Grand Canyon.jpg
Views:	301
Size:	102.4 KB
ID:	9464373
          To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

          From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


          • As you can probably gather from the nature of the recent updates, Cradle 5 has been undergoing some rather extensive playtesting, which - unsurprisingly - has revealed a number of issues, most of which are rather small but - when fixed - provide noticeably improved gameplay. Here are some of the recent changes:

            1) "Obsoleting Advance" added to Unit GL entries: When selecting new Advances to research and units to build, the player needs to consider whether the new Advance will cause a particular unit to go obsolete (meaning that you can't build more of them). Previously this information was NOT provided in the GL (or anywhere else), but now it is - all units have a new entry which tells you which Advance (if any) will make them obsolete (see circled text).

            2) Emissary acquires "Hear Gossip" attribute: In Cradle 5, the AI builds a lot more stealth units, and one of the few downsides to that behavior is they are more likely to spot (and expel) foreign diplomats, and in particular those which are parked adjacent to a capital city. As a result, it's difficult to have one sit there long enough in order to "Hear Gossip", so that attribute will now be added to the "Emissary", since he arrives earlier in the game, before the mass of "stealth-spotting" units begin to appear. Plus, it IS one of the attributes of the "early diplomacy" that this unit represents (i.e. acquiring knowledge of foreign lands through various methods). GL entries updated accordingly.

            3) Government-Specific Unit Card indicators: As discussed earlier in Posts 33 & 34, There are two categories of government-specific units, the "disbanding infantry" and the "specials". To assist the player in quickly determining whether a particular unit belongs to either category, a pair of symbols have been added to the upper left of their unit cards - a "shield" for disbanding infantry and "crossed sword & axe" for the specials (see attached)

            4) PT Boat becomes Subchaser: The primary function of the "PT Boat" unit (in all versions of CtP2) is to detect submerged submarines, something that PT Boats were not designed to do (they don't have underwater detection devices). Accordingly, the unit has been re-named as the "Subchaser", a similar-sized small naval unit (from the same era) that WAS specifically designed to hunt submarines. Changes made to the GL, gl_str.txt, and the Tech Tree (all the graphics remain the same, however).

            5) Leader Selection Screen: When loading a new game, the player has the option to choose a "Male" or "Female" Leader. However, as laid out in item 1 of Post #150, Cradle 5 only features Male leaders so the selection screen has to change. And now it has - the new choices are between "Leader 1" and "Leader 2" (see bottom of attachment).

            6) Unit Promotion CTD: This is an old bug, regrettably not fixed by the Source Code team. Whenever a unit is promoted to "Veteran" or "Elite", a notification appears in the "Msgs" list. It contains an "eyeball" icon, and if you click that it centers the screen over the promoted unit, and the cursor blinks at that location. However, if you open the message and click the "Eye" AFTER the unit boards a vessel, the game is unable to locate it, and instead you get the "No exception object" error message, after which the game CTDs. I ran a large series of tests, and eventually determined that the only solution was to remove the "EyePoint" code from each of the "promotion" messages.

            Having a message which tells you a particular unit was promoted and which then centers on the unit is a very nice feature, but retaining code which causes a CTD - even if it's only in rare cases - just strikes me as a bad idea, especially since most of the message functionality is still retained simply by deleting the "EyePoint" code. As a result, I opened the script.slc file and removed the eyepoints from both the Veteran and Elite promotion messageboxes, and this CTD will never occur again.
            Click image for larger version  Name:	Leaders-Unit Symbols.jpg Views:	1 Size:	64.6 KB ID:	9464809
            To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

            From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


            • Floodplains: The "desert river" attachment in post #197 brought back memories, specifically that one of the interesting features in Civ3 was the ability of Rivers to turn sterile "0-food" desert hexes into "3-food" floodplains. This is actually quite realistic since historically a number of "desert river terrain" regions had very high population levels, f/e the Nile, Tigris/Euphrates, & the Indus valley. That had me wondering - could something similar be done for Cradle 5?

              Fortunately the "terrain.txt" file includes an "EnvRiver" section for EVERY terrain type, although currently the settings are identical for all of them: +5 to gold, food, and commerce. But it does mean that we CAN have "floodplains" in CtP2! Accordingly the EnvRiver Desert food setting will increase from 5 to 20 (the same level of increase as seen in Civ3) and we'll also increase the "score" (which is how the AI values different terrain types) from 20 to 40 - making it equally desirable to "grassland river" terrain.

              Testing shows that AI settlers are drawn to the new "floodplains", and the Desert entry in the GL has been updated to describe the increased benefits.​
              To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

              From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


              • Parchments (Rev1): This is another one of those projects that's been on my R&D list from the very beginning. Whenever there's a diplomatic interaction between the human player and an AI civ, the "Diplomatic Proposal" window opens, showing tone options on the left and the leader picture of the recipient at the top. At the bottom of the screen is the "parchment", where offers and replies appear as they are made. In vanilla CTP2 there was a unique parchment for each civ, featuring a faded symbol in the center which represented the civilization of the proposal sender. However, many of those used modern iconography (such as the "Rising Sun" for Japan) and most of the new Cradle civs are not represented in CtP2. Most mods (including Cradle) have modified these parchments in various ways, and the best features are the unique symbols for each civ and the addition of a second picture. I liked the Cradle approach (also featuring sender pictures and cultural icons), but most of the symbols were not unique for every civ, and neither were many of the diplomat photos.

                After a great deal of effort, I came up with a new parchment design which contained unique "diplomat" pictures (different from the leader pics) and culture symbols, the latter prominently displayed at the top of each parchment. The new design was so visually appealing that I created all 33 parchments before testing even one. Which turned out to be a mistake. As you can see in the attachment, Carthage has just received a proposal from the Persians, and.....apparently there's a good reason why symbols shouldn't be placed "front and center". Back to the drawing board. Argh.
                Click image for larger version

Name:	Bad Parchment Symbol placement.jpg
Views:	199
Size:	87.8 KB
ID:	9465368 ​
                To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                • Parchments (Rev2): Shrinking the culture symbols and placing them in the bottom right of each parchment did the trick, as they no longer conflict with the text display. The "fixing" process would have been even faster, if only I'd bothered to save each symbol as a separate file the first time. As opposed to having to create every one of them from scratch (again). Lesson learned.​
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Rev2 Parchments.jpg
Views:	194
Size:	149.0 KB
ID:	9465398
                  To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                  From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                  • "Sprite Selection" Reticle color: While testing out a new air unit sprite (more on that later), I realized that it's very hard to see the unit motion because of the "sprite selection circle" or "reticle" (a graphic based on the CtP symbol). Not only is it "neon green", but the reticle continues to surround the unit as it moves, thereby obscuring many of the "in-motion parts" as the unit proceeds to a new location. The question is, can it be made smaller or at least less obtrusive?

                    Digging a bit deeper, the reticle comes in several colors, each of which means something:
                    1) Green: Unit Sprite has movement points available.
                    2) Yellow: Unit Sprite has used up all movement points on this turn
                    3) Red: Unit Sprite has no movement points (f/e a "city")
                    4) Black: Sprite is a Good (reticle appears and then fades away)

                    Unfortunately I could not find the reticle graphic in any of the files. It's not included with the compressed .zfs or .til files, nor is it one of the editable cursors. In addition, there is a different look for the settler-type units, as the green reticle also includes a small green outline around the adjacent hexes.

                    The good news is that I found the file which controls the colors: Colors00.txt. Rather than require modders to edit this file, the SC team added a line to userprofile.txt (ColorSet=0). The way it works is, you create an alternate file with a different numeric ending and the game will use that file instead of the default. For example, Cradle5 now uses a file named Colors06.txt and the line in userprofile.txt has changed to ColorSet=6. As for the specific color, Line 44 is the culprit, specifying that the reticle is a bright neon green. I played around with this and tested a number of different colors, but unfortunately all of them obscure the movement to some degree. The big problem is the reticle graphic itself does not have an alpha channel (nor can one be assigned), so it's impossible to add a transparency effect, which would solve the problem. Anyway I finally settled on a "less bright" tone of green, and the reticle is now somewhat less obtrusive (see attached).
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Green Reticle Old and New color.jpg
Views:	170
Size:	30.9 KB
ID:	9465469 ​
                    To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                    From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                    • "Exploding Unit" sprite graphics: Any unit which has the "SingleUse" AND "Explodes" attributes in units.txt is destroyed after it hits the target. Apparently, when it is given a target and is moving toward it, the game has ALREADY taken into account that the unit is dead (even before it is actually destroyed) and so the unit sprite disappears the instant it starts moving toward that final destination. The only solution is to have it move one hex short of the target and then attack from there, which is kind of silly, but at least you don't lose the "flight animation" sequence until - after stopping - it is sent on to the target.

                      In the attachment, you can see the effect on the Cruise Missile sprite in each case. The top example shows the appearance of the sprite when the unit is told to stop one hex in front of the target. The one below shows that the sprite has disappeared (all that's visible is the unit shield) as it moves directly to the target.

                      There's no fix for this - and in fact the "Nuke" missile has the same issue - but I wanted to highlight the problem and make it clear that there's nothing wrong with the sprites, but rather the graphics are "working as designed" (unfortunately).
                      Click image for larger version  Name:	Cruise Missile move graphics.jpg Views:	10 Size:	53.6 KB ID:	9465511
                      Last edited by Kull; November 15, 2023, 19:00.
                      To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                      From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                      • Fixing the Interceptor: The CTP2 Interceptor sprite (GU046.spr) does not have an "Idle" animation, and thus displays no movement on the map. There are three animations (Move, Attack & Death), comprising 238 images (including shadows), so I added a 4-image Idle in which the jet rocks side to side a bit. Unfortunately the "movement" portion is so subtle (a slight waggle of the wings) that it's not visible on the map, especially given the obstruction from the reticle graphic (see post #204 above, which includes the modified CtP2 interceptor).

                        Conversely, the CtP1 Interceptor has a very noticeable "after-burner" effect as it moves, so I decided to give that a closer look. This sprite has only two animations (Move & Attack), comprising 140 images (including shadows). In addition to a new single image "Idle" animation, I copied in the 28 "Death" animation files from the CtP2 unit (altering them slightly to better match the CtP1 unit), and the result was a distinct improvement (see attachment).

                        Since both Sprites have now been fixed, I'll include the two of them in the download but will renumber the CtP1 sprite (from 46 to 225) and change all the text references accordingly (newsprite.txt & uniticons.txt). Also includes new 2D art which matches the look of the new sprite.
                        Click image for larger version  Name:	CtP1 Interceptor.jpg Views:	2 Size:	19.3 KB ID:	9465578 ​
                        To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                        From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                        • New Fighter sprite: The existing fighter sprite (a US P-38) does not have an Idle animation, so there is no "on-map" movement. Rather than rebuild the unit, I decided to use the "Spitfire" sprite (see attached) which was included with the CtP2 "World War 2" scenario. This unit has all 4 animations, including a nice "Idle" in which the plane touches down and bounces. No sprite editing required! In addition it's a 1-engine fighter, and thus more emblematic of the fighter planes of this era.

                          Unfortunately the existing fighter pilot's voice features an American drawl (files GUV031-034), and is thus not appropriate for a British plane. Luckily there is a British air alternative: the file group GUV105-108, which is currently assigned to the "Bomber". That unit is an American B-52, so reassigning the British pilot voice to the Spitfire opens the door for improving the Bomber voice as well. To that point, while searching through the voice files I spotted another issue. The voice sequence for the "Machinegunner" (GUV101-104) is actually that of an American-accented pilot. He talks about "skies open" and you can hear the "mic click" at the end of each phrase. Definitely NOT correct for a ground unit, and it means these voices can be reassigned to the Bomber.

                          Of course, that means we now need a "ground unit" voice replacement, and the best option was the GUV076-079 series, previously assigned to the "Leviathan". That's a very late game unit that can easily accommodate a more electronic sound. And fortunately, that is EXACTLY the voice used for the Leviathan in CtP1! Why it was changed, I don't know, but now it's back.

                          The result of all this is a new sprite for the Fighter and new voices for the Fighter, Bomber, Machine Gunner and Leviathan. All of which required changes to newsprite.txt, sounds.txt, & uniticon.txt along with new 2D art (borrowed from AOM), the Spitfire sprite, and four Leviathan voices copied over from CtP1.

                          As a side note, take a look at the Road network built by AI Rome. Not a sprawling mess, but rather a coherent connection of one city to another. Very nice.
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Spitfire and AI Roads.jpg
Views:	157
Size:	119.4 KB
ID:	9465597
                          To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                          From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                          • Fixing the Stealth Fighter sprite: The Stealth Fighter sprite has four animations (Move, Attack, Idle & Death), comprising 132 images. However, even though it has all the necessary animations, there are several problems. To begin, the single file Idle animation is of little benefit since the "movement" animation consists of 5 identical files with no motion of any kind. In addition, there were graphical errors associated with 24 of the "Move" and "Attack" animation files, in which turbulence is only shown coming off of one wing, while several of the "Attack" files had a similar problem in which missiles were fired from only one wing. Conversely, the "Death" animation features an interesting 5-file sequence in which the fighter gradually fades away.

                            That sparked an intriguing idea. Since this is a "stealth" unit, why not use the Death animation for the Idle, but rather than "fade-out", have it "fade-in"! Likewise, why not use the same effect for the Move sequence? As for "Death", the "explosion" effect used by the Spitfire works just as well for any unit, so that could be inserted here as well. The final result was a completely re-imagined sprite with new animations which look great in-game. As an example, the attachment shows two Stealth fighters, one at rest and the other fading in and out of view as it moves across the map.
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Stealth Fighter.jpg
Views:	147
Size:	25.5 KB
ID:	9465651 ​
                            To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                            From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                            • Fixing the Spitfire and Stealth Fighter (again): Hoo boy, it never fails, one step forward and two steps back, lol!

                              One reason for selecting the Spitfire was the opportunity - for once - of using an existing sprite exactly as-is, no modification required. But looking closer at the attachment in Post 207, something clearly was missing - the Idle animation has no shadows! Even worse, opening the sprite confirmed there were no shadow files for ANY of the animations. Fortunately the WW2 scenario includes the German Bf-109 sprite which is exactly the same size as the Spitfire, and it DOES have shadow files. So I deconstructed both sprites, copied the shadow files from Bf-109 to the Spitfire, rebuilt the sprite, and voila! Shadows that match perfectly, for every animation.

                              While doing that, I also decided to revise the Stealth Fighter's Idle animation. Turbulence coming off the wings of an "Idle" jet doesn't look right (see the attachment above), so the images have been fixed and this sprite rebuilt as well.
                              Click image for larger version  Name:	Revised Spitfire and Stealth Fighter.jpg Views:	1 Size:	24.3 KB ID:	9465678 ​
                              To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                              From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                              • Fixing the Stealth Bomber sprite: Like many other incomplete sprites, the Stealth Bomber has only three animations (Move, Attack, & Death), comprising 226 images. Fortunately the Attack and Death animations required no editing, and originally I planned to add nothing more than a short Idle. However, the successful "fade in-out" effect used by the Stealth Fighter is obviously a natural fit for this unit as well. Especially since the existing Move animation had only 6 files featuring a barely visible up-and-down rocking motion, along with blinking red lights on the wing tips. The Idle for the rebuilt sprite uses the original 6 Move files along with the Stealth Fighter's "fade-in" effect. And the new Move animation follows the same approach, with a sequential fading and reappearance as it moves through the air (see attached).
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	Stealth Bomber.jpg
Views:	100
Size:	19.1 KB
ID:	9465781
                                To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                                From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise

