I couldnt find a decent Biplane, I'll keep digging though. sorry for the lag.
Also I drafted some SLIc for the spycreating barbarians once entrenched. I'm not that familiar with SLIC so I'm hoping you can proof and correct it.
I couldnt find a decent Biplane, I'll keep digging though. sorry for the lag.
Also I drafted some SLIc for the spycreating barbarians once entrenched. I'm not that familiar with SLIC so I'm hoping you can proof and correct it.
HandleEvent(EntrenchOrder(army_t)) 'SpyBarbarianSpawn' post { int_f SpawnGuerrillas(location_t theLoc, int_t SpyPlayer) { int_t theSpy; int_t theGuerrilla; location_t SpyLoc; location_t UnitLoc; unitLoc = tmpUnit.location; SpyLoc = theLoc; theSpy = UnitDB(UNIT_SPY); theGuerrilla = UnitDB(UNIT_GUERRILLA); player[0] = SpyPlayer; if ((unit[0].type == UnitDB(UNIT_SPY)) if(PlayerGold(player[0])>300) { //Maybe this line can be removed if (HasAdvance(player[0], ID_ADVANCE_COMMUNISM)) { if(CellOwner(SpyLoc) < 0 || CellOwner(SpyLoc) != player[0].owner){ SpawnRebels4 (6, tmpLoc, i, 1); } } }