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Preliminary release of Mars scenario (Take 2)

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  • #91
    FlameFlash: As you probably noticed, no response about a Mac hack, so presumably no.

    ricketyclik: Any luck, or are you having as much trouble as everyone else seems to .


    • #92
      I've downloaded all the zip files, but I haven't got around to unzipping, reading or installing any of them yet. I'll probably get around to it today.

      I understand I'll need the hack patch? What does it do?


      • #93
        John, will modpicker work with the Mars mod? I've only just got it and haven't played with it, but it seems like it may be a simple way to switch between game modes?


        • #94
          No, Modpicker doesn't support the only thing that is a bugbear in the Mars Mod - const.txt (It has the same problem with the MedMod, only it's not so important there). I've considered asking for the source code for Modpicker so I could fix that, but I haven't.


          • #95
            ok, i'll read back through the how to organise my files stuff

            I cans set it up so only one line in one file is edited to switch between modes can't i?


            • #96
              You can indeed. I think I posted fairly detailed instructions to Dragon1. Note that on PBEM you can leave it on normal game settings unless you are the game creator.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Martin Gühmann

                Firts you have to consider that Window$ contains some features that are intended to keep the user dumb, one of them is the stupid don't show file extensions of know file types. To disable this feature go to the Extras menue of Window Explorer then folder options (don't know if this the name that is used in an English Window$ version) then click on the View tab (again a translation from German) of this box and there you should find the above mentioned options. Afterwards that's done you should be able to see if the file has an extention or not.

                Ok cool, I found that and I am looking agin.
                The C:CTP MASTER.....


                • #98
                  Originally posted by J Bytheway
                  If there is an upu200.tga then redownloading is unlikely to help - if you mean there's an upu200 without the '.tga' then yes, do redownload, but I assume you didn't mean that...

                  You might try copying (or moving) the file into ctp_data\default\graphics\pictures\ - it shouldn't overwrite anything there. But that would likely just cause you to get an error on another file. You could copy across most of them (those which don't overwrite default files) but that's a crude solution. My best recommendation is still to reistall CTP (I find I have to do it myself every few months...).

                  Well I found upu200.tga in the right spot... So now I have to reinstall ctp and patches eh?
                  The C:CTP MASTER.....


                  • #99
                    I'm afraid that that's my only suggestion... Remember to start and save a game of CTP and reboot between applying patches. Bugs like this are the strangest kind. The other common inexplicable one is when it can't find the sprites. Nobody knows what causes them so far as I know .


                    • Do you mean sprites with the number above 199, I think it is a bug in CTP1/2, the game thinks it is sprite 0. I have no idea if the sprite has a number between 0 and 199 and it is at the right place, what the problem could be. Another idea I have if you put the sprite into a scenario subfolder. Unfortunatly I am not so experimenced with the scenario folder structure, as it is in CTP1 only useable with the hack patch and in CTP2 you better don't use it. I only know as I tried to use some pictures in a scenario folder in CTP2 I saw the pictures that are stored in the *.zfs file instead of my own ones afterwards I put them into the default pictures folder they showed up. Another aspect of my problem was that it could be that I had to start a new game of my scenario-mod to see any effect.

                      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                      • No, I mean ordinary sprites that should work - they can't be read by unhacked CTP from the scenario folder, and sometimes the hack doesn't apply properly so they still can't. It was this problem that killed the Pheonix MedMod PBEM game. Sometimes it's the pictures which are affected and sometimes the sprites... But I suppose we can't expect 100% reliability from the hack.

                        I would guess in CTP2 since there's no hack the pics and/or sprites wouldn't be read from the scenario folder (though you'd think Activision would have learnt their lesson... ).


                        • Originally posted by J Bytheway
                          No, I mean ordinary sprites that should work - they can't be read by unhacked CTP from the scenario folder, and sometimes the hack doesn't apply properly so they still can't. It was this problem that killed the Pheonix MedMod PBEM game. Sometimes it's the pictures which are affected and sometimes the sprites... But I suppose we can't expect 100% reliability from the hack.

                          I would guess in CTP2 since there's no hack the pics and/or sprites wouldn't be read from the scenario folder (though you'd think Activision would have learnt their lesson... ).
                          Actual Activion didn't learn their lession they only took the code of CTP1 as a base and made huge modification. You have the same problems with the scenario structure at least I tried it with images they weren't read from the sceanario folder. You have also the benefits of undersea tunnels for ships. And there should also be a memory lack in CTP2 like in CTP1. I noticed that if I had to many cities I wasn't able to load my save games without deleting the userprofile.txt and one other file everytime I wanted to load a game. The hack fixed this, I bet you can find this in CTP2, too but fortunatly with the bigger city radius I don't need to found so many cities to cover the whole map.

                          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                          • Dragon1: I thought you might like to know I got the scenario working over a LAN (though I've noone to play it with at present ). I posted this thread in the CTP-Multiplaying forum with some general pointers on getting multiplayer scenarios working (though it might be old hat to you).

                            Ricketyclik: Any progress? Or did I scare you off?

                            FlameFlash: Hmmm? I'll start pestering you in Land Ahoy soon .
                            Last edited by J Bytheway; June 2, 2002, 19:23.


                            • I'm getting around to it...


                              • I hope it doesn't seem like I'm pestering you .

                                On a random note: this is the longest thread ever in the CTP creation forum, which is a little worrying . (Yeah, I have too much time on my hands )

