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The Chiron Chronicle: Discussions (4)

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  • Why don't we wrap-up the elections, I seem to remember that Santiago said wshe was willing to make concessions and a revote???

    If she isn't then I suppose there may be war- but we should probably resolve the issue.

    Usurpers eliminated, who said that, I didn't catch that in LMP's writing????
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    • Now that the elections are settled, do we all do the time warp again?
      Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


      • Originally posted by Sprayber
        Now that the elections are settled, do we all do the time warp again?
        IF we all want too, and get the aliens, and have common goal to eliminate

        Here is i see it for a possible Time Warp of 10 years

        -Space begun when the Cyborgs launched the first Satellite into space in 2201
        -Spartans and Pirates unofficially got into war in 2202...lagging them behind in the space race to shoot as many satellites.
        -Spartan/Pirate War slows down to almost a halt by 2205, but still have the occasional skirmish
        -Spartan/Pirate unofficially ends by 2208 and started arguing in the council of possible Atrocities by both sides
        -Some faction satellites detect two unknown ships moving towards chiron while blasting each other. They soon both enough damage to each other that both ships crashed into Chiron in 2209.
        -First visual contact, by a military unit, with a group of aliens in Isle of Deinira. soon afterwards, with the aliens at Mount Planet. in 2210 and this where the time warp ends.... what do you people think? I am sure you can add more stuff in it and SPrayber change the timing of the war a bit too



        • I say, the Believer-Cult negotiations are begun at Gaia's Landing. It takes several weeks, with the Believers making ludicrious demands at the beginning, as usual, like getting Spore Runner Sanctum to themselves, but then the Spartans and the Hive ask them half-nicely to calm down, and by early 2202 the sides have an uneasy truce and maybe some thingamajicks attached to it.
          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


          • Wait! before we go ahead we have several problems to resolve.

            Okay- after Roze wins the election... Zak will drop his little scandalous bit- The Cult will have its ecological settlement, and more problems could arise. I believe that Morgan was going to have an industrial summit???

            And if the time warp goes ahead, lets start about a week before the aliens land so that we can have them fighting in space ... more diplomacy, but a little fighting would not be contrary to the spirit of the game.

            Then we can have a more dramatic landing, with the faction leaders not quite knowing what is happening.

            And what is the reasoning behind a Spartan-Pirate war... It seems as if the Spartans are angrier at Roze,PK's etc...
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            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


            • Darkcloud, read the Council thread. The elections we're resolved a couple of days ago now. No winner, Santiago and Roze will preside over meetings merely to maintain order, neither posessing a veto.

              Why are the Spartans angry with the Data Angels? There's been the contest for Governor but, we're not the ones harassing Spartan ships with a massive fleet.

              "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


              • Originally posted by DarkCloud
                Wait! before we go ahead we have several problems to resolve.

                Okay- after Roze wins the election... Zak will drop his little scandalous bit- The Cult will have its ecological settlement, and more problems could arise. I believe that Morgan was going to have an industrial summit???
                Roze didn't win, she and Santiago are sharing power.

                And if the time warp goes ahead, lets start about a week before the aliens land so that we can have them fighting in space ... more diplomacy, but a little fighting would not be contrary to the spirit of the game.
                This is what I think too. There should be some posts before the aliens land. This will give the Spartans there time to die honorably

                Then we can have a more dramatic landing, with the faction leaders not quite knowing what is happening.
                At first the Spartans will fall back and see what this new enemy is all about. When the aliens take a human base and do their bloody mayham, the Spartans will then choose to fight agaisnt them to allow other faction's civilians time to leave. Since there would be no Spartan civilians at Bunker 118 all the Spartans would be expected to go out and meet the enemy. I thought of something interesting that somone may have already allueded to. We could have a collection of military personal from each faction on the island forced together to fight gurella style. I know that Santiago will order the Spartans to harass the bugs as much as possible.

                And what is the reasoning behind a Spartan-Pirate war... It seems as if the Spartans are angrier at Roze,PK's etc...
                Santiago probably likes Roze a lot more than Lal and Sven. The Pirates have Athens outpost, harrass ships, prevent colonoization, and other un neigborly things. The Pks don't even register much anymore. Santiago sees Lal as more of an annoyance than an enemy. Of course the Hive sees it the opposite I belive. Then there is the upcomming meeting between Lal and Santiago. I think that mostly both of them will not agree on much, but will come away less hostile.

                Guardian: I wonder if Braddock will like Lal meeting with Santiago. I wonder what the prevailing view will be when they find out that their greatest enemy (The great Spartan boogy man)doesn't even think about them that much? Except Solo that is. Even Solo attacks the Pks only when he wants to attack the Pirates by extension.
                Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                • Well, General Braddock won't be too happy...

                  First of all, there are the promises Lal just made in the Council, to have the Assault Rovers at New Hope stand down and prepare to leave and to move the naval task force away from Redemption Base... Braddock and his kind won't really make a lot of fuzz about it, but they will express concern that the Commissioner may have promised too much too soon... We have no idea how the negotiations will turn out yet and those forces could still be needed... (Also, I guess Major Johnson just might pull some minor stunt at some point... )

                  Then the good Commissioner takes it upon himself to go and meet the Evil One...
                  Well, not quite that bad, but not too far from it either. No Peacekeeper has met Santiago since they locked her up back on the Unity, and she has a nasty reputation, to say the least...

                  However, the Peacekeepers still believe in diplomacy and all... they just won't lower their guard anytime soon...

                  Anyway, I gotta go... I'll post more later...
                  "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
                  -- Saddam Hussein


                  • Thank you Argonaut!
                    Sorry, I was reading it very quickly- trying to see if anyone was violating any rules and if it concerned me... Thus I could not quite get the "gist" of what the posts were saying There is only so much time

                    -Okay, so, we resolve the summits, the little crisis, then jump forward?

                    -Who is going to do the aliens? What if we have a joint effort? Three of us take one group and three take another, it will be a novel idea.
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                    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                    • We may also request that Roze possibly resign her veto power in the Planetary Council... although if she makes other concessions, that will not be necessary- however, it is obvious that the Data Angels may or may not have forced members of the anarchist Perfecct Society or Jakhobians to assist with sabotauge of the nerve gas... Also interested in the nerve gas were the Believing Special Forces, who, we have determined, due to death residue analysis- were attempting to commandeer the convoy when a stray shot hit one of the gas tanks and exploded.

                      That is one heckuva shot, DC.
                      I mean, if the Believers deny everything, that would mean that Roze's governorship might not be necessarily questioned either.
                      Maybe the Believers should admit? And say that the Angels were there also? But then the peace process could be harmed big time, in case Roze's power at the PC isn't stripped off.
                      Must think..........
                      Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                      • We may also request that Roze possibly resign her veto power in the Planetary Council...
                        I thought neither Governor had veto power in the Council?
                        "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


                        • Originally posted by SMAC Fanatic
                          I thought neither Governor had veto power in the Council?
                          So did I. And I think Argonaut corrected DC on that, and because of that I kind of passed it in Deacon's reply. But I think a term like "stripping governor powers" would suit the condition better. So, let's just say Zak is asking Roze to stand down and give Santiago governorship? Right?
                          For a faction of a - 2 probe rating, they sure are cryptic in their words.

                          Argonaut: So, whaddya think? Methinks Miriam will PM you tomorrow.
                          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                          • Originally posted by DarkCloud
                            Wait! before we go ahead we have several problems to resolve.

                            Okay- after Roze wins the election... Zak will drop his little scandalous bit- The Cult will have its ecological settlement, and more problems could arise. I believe that Morgan was going to have an industrial summit???
                            We can do that...and then have a brief 2-3 days air bombing of University Base by various factions.

                            And if the time warp goes ahead, lets start about a week before the aliens land so that we can have them fighting in space ... more diplomacy, but a little fighting would not be contrary to the spirit of the game.
                            I just wanted to give the aliens time to settle before first contact.

                            Then we can have a more dramatic landing, with the faction leaders not quite knowing what is happening.
                            this can be mentioned in the history of the time warp.

                            And what is the reasoning behind a Spartan-Pirate war... It seems as if the Spartans are angrier at Roze,PK's etc...
                            Darkcloud, don't you pay attention to the Planetary Council Thread? Pirates and Spartans seriously don't trust each other, they both expect a war to happen against each other and both waiting for the other to strike first. think about it...give the right spark and booom, all out war between them.



                            • Originally posted by kassiopeia

                              So did I. And I think Argonaut corrected DC on that, and because of that I kind of passed it in Deacon's reply. But I think a term like "stripping governor powers" would suit the condition better. So, let's just say Zak is asking Roze to stand down and give Santiago governorship? Right?
                              For a faction of a - 2 probe rating, they sure are cryptic in their words.

                              Argonaut: So, whaddya think? Methinks Miriam will PM you tomorrow.
                              Zakharov is cryptic because for one, he really does not have very good evidence- he is attempting some power politics- but he is really just pissing everyone off- including his allies the Spartans and believers.

                              He is only asking Roze to abandon her powers temporarily- thus granting the Spatans more power for a time... Zakharov hopes to earn favors.
                              Darkcloud, don't you pay attention to the Planetary Council Thread?
                              I read it- more so now than before (because posting slowed down) but when posting was heavy, I merely looked for buzzwords
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                              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                              • My take on the Spartan-Pirate war

                                I don’t see how it could be limited to just the Spartans and Pirates. Natan may want to weigh in on this but if the Spartans and Pirates go to war that will mean that Sparta will have to cross drone lands to attack. From their reactions to simple requests by Sparta in recent years I don’t think that the drones will be too receptive to that. In case of a drone attack, the Hive is sure to jump in as well to extract a measure of payment for years of drone activity in the hive. Besides, I think the Hive still looks at the drones as Hive citizens waiting to be “liberated” That’s four factions right there. Next question will be the Pks. Will they enter the war or remain neutral? They may have a hard time entering if it looks like the Pirates started the war and not the Spartans. Im sure Braddock would have no problem going to war again, but surely he and the rest of the PK military would have to show just cause. The University, Morgans, Cyborgs, and Data Angels, Gaians, and cult would most likely stay out of it and just let the others fight it out. The Believers may or may not really be able to help the Spartans and Hive. Leaders, please correct me if Im wrong in my assumptions.

                                Now we could run down a scenario in which the Spartans and Pirates go to war for whatever reason. The drones take the Pirates side against the Spartans. Both factions think that Sparta will go for Athens outpost first and they do present a large army against it, but a massive army swings around and takes one of the drone bases near the Spartan border. All along the hive is quiet and the drones are forced to divert as many units as possible to retake whatever base the Spartans capture. And still the hive is quiet amid rumors that yang is upset with the Spartans for something unrelated (they were bitter enemies at one time). . On the eastern front a siege is going on around Athens outpost. Pirates are trying to re supply and the drones are using their airforce and many cheep units to try and break the siege at Athens. Then the Hive strikes with some kind of amphibious landing, from transports and takes two or three (maybe just one) drone bases. The drones are now reeling. The hive is in striking distance of the drone capital. So they must pull back many of their units from the attacks on the Spartans and go to defend their homeland against the evil hive. Leaving the pirates none too pleased but understanding. Of course as expected the Spartan navy isn’t faring too well against the Pirate navy. Taking some heavy losses. So it is ordered to withdraw to safe harbors. Maybe a Pirate fleet tries to enter Eurytion Bay and finds that the hive has deployed mines along the route. The Spartans will use mines in large quantities as well. Cause that is the only way to slow the pirate ships without heavy losses to their own navy. That means around bases, entrances to bays and straits. Also in open sea where pirate vessels are known to travel. (Probably will discontinue placement in open sea after other factions get angry.) But otherwise the Pirate ships are having their way with the Spartan fleet when the Spartans choose to engage. By this time Sparta has established another seabase close to fleet anchorage. It won’t be large since its fairly new and instead of taking the base over the Pirates destroy it.

                                Second phase

                                The war begins to drag on without major moves. The hive has gotten bogged down with the addition of extra drone forces, but the drones can’t fully commit their superior airforce since Sparta has a large airforce as well (not as big, but highly trained and motivated) Other factions begin to make rumblings because the war is disrupting trade. Both sides blame the other for starting the war. Pirates use their new weapon against a group of Spartan ships. Spartans respond by using sporific gas pods around Athens and they begin to equip more units with nerve gas. (But don’t USE) Meanwhile on the isle of denairia tensions between Morgans and Angels can become tense over some incident. Sparta decides to send small army against the drone base on the island. They don’t know that the Pirates have landed marines at the base for an attack on Bunker 118. About this time an University or Cyborg (or both) satellite detects two fleets of alien ships battle it out in space. (we should make it more than just scout ships. This way the Progenitors can realistically posses not only advanced weapons, but more than just a few. This would also give them a relatively high population as well.) The main ships of the two fleets suffer critical failure and both crash on the surface. The Usurpers land on the isle of deainaria and begin to slaughter most of the human forces they meet.

                                This is where some may object. I would like Bunker 118 to be the last human base taken on the island. For this reason. When the Spartans first hear about the aliens they do something they haven’t done before. They sit back and watch as the Usurpers take whichever base first and kill all the inhabitants or enslave them. The other factions try to make a Dunkirk type retreat getting their civilians out first. The Spartans then intervene and attack the Usurpers at every turn and take massive causalities in the process. The Spartans even go as far as to trying to defend the Drone base against the Usurpers. Its like each time the Usurpers try and attack a base the Spartans attack and draw their attentions away. Not expecting a victory but only trying to buy time. The Pirate forces on the island may choose to join the Spartans who knows. So that by the end of the whole disaster on the island, the Spartan base (bunker 118) would be totally destroyed and whoever unfortunate enough to be there will be dead. A hand few of Spartan soldiers not killed in the hit and run attacks scatter across the island in an attempt to conduct a guerilla campaign. Remnants of other factions meet up along the way until you have some kind of ragged army comprised of Morgans, angels, Spartans, drones, and pirates.

                                It will be like the Spartans have finally found their purpose in the great scheme of things. They are soldiers in a world that doesn’t really fit them anymore. But they will find a worthy enemy with the bugs. They can chop and gas their way across the island and have the other factions cheer them on.

                                Basically I think we should start game play with the usurper landing. That means Spartans-Pirates are still at war but in the middle of preparing campaigns on the Island. The first Spartan post would be Bunker 118 frantically informing Sprarta Command of some kind of alien invasion on the island. Then we go down the road of the usurper slughters, possibly mistaking the Caretakers as usurpers(unless they remain hidden for a while longer. Maybe they are the ones that learn how to speak our language first and try to communicate. Sparta would want to know how to kill bugs from them. ) wrestling with the issue of gassing the bugs and other nice humanitarn issues.

                                So what do you guys think?
                                Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh

