To: Datajack Roze
From: Foreman Domai
I do agree and Free Drone is strong enough to withstand both Hive and the Spartans, so they cannot intimidate us as they did before.
I am quite of aware of it Datajack, as i already been told by Svensgaard. In past decade, his ships as intercepted various hive transports heading for the Morganites or University. As Ulrik wasn't sure what to do with them, he sent those who wanted to come to Free Drone. I am a bit surprise he hasn't told you.
Will gladly vote for you and help you out stop this illegal trade of Drones.

Foreman Domai
From: Foreman Domai
Private Message
From: Datajack Roze
To: Foreman Domai
Greetings James,
I hope you are well. I'm sure you've already guessed the intent of this message, so I will get right to the point. I seak your support in my campaign for Governor.
In the past I know you have sought neutrality, leaving us to squabble it out amongst ourselves. But I feel now that it is imperative that you choose a side.
From: Datajack Roze
To: Foreman Domai
Greetings James,
I hope you are well. I'm sure you've already guessed the intent of this message, so I will get right to the point. I seak your support in my campaign for Governor.
In the past I know you have sought neutrality, leaving us to squabble it out amongst ourselves. But I feel now that it is imperative that you choose a side.
I feel you should know something about one of the major candidates. CEO Morgan, our current Governor, has been purchasing Drones to work in his industrial complexes from Chairman Yang. Academecian Zakharov also participates in this illicit trade. I am trying to reveal their trade to the council, but those who helped discover this information for me would be instantly found out.
I hope you can support me in this election and we can bring those involved to justice.

Foreman Domai