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Chiron Chronicles: Planetary Council

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  • #31
    Private Message
    Encryption Level 5
    From: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
    To: Colonel Corazon Santiago

    Colonel Santiago,

    Thank you for your message. I am happy to see that you share my concerns about the possibility of Roze's installation as Governor. However, I must inform you that I cannot cast my vote for you at this time. With the situation as it is, my foreign policy team and myself are in agreement that I must stand for re-election. I regret that you will not be casting your vote for me. I would like to think that there has been less interference in your internal activities during my Governorship than during the previous one, not to mention the great strides your economy has made.

    Perhaps one day I will be able to support you for Governor. I sincerely hope that the friendship between our nations and between the two of us will not be adversely affected.

    In friendship,
    CEO Nwabudike Morgan
    Private Message
    Encryption Level 5
    From: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
    To: Sister Miriam Godwinson

    Thank you for your reply. It is encouraging to see a leader willing to take such risks in the name of progress. I have not yet received word from Prophet Dawn or his representatives, but I am amenable to your request that the meeting be delayed until after the Governor election.

    On an unrelated note: After meeting with your representatives, my Industrial Co-Ordinator informs me that a draft agreement was reached for the transfer of a total five thousand tons of Nomex-B, polyteramide, and caustic seroalanine. I am prepared to approve the transfer, and await confirmation from your side.

    CEO Nwabudike Morgan
    Private Message
    Encryption Level 5
    From: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
    To: Academician Prokhor Zakharov

    Thank you very much for the information. This is most interesting indeed. My sources inform me that a schism may be forming within the Chiron Alliance, related to Roze's campaign for Governor. All signs indicate that she and Lal will both be candidates in the upcoming election.

    I am pleased to announce that another Industrial Development Package has been approved. You will be receiving 50 energy credits within a week, and an additional 25 credits worth of manufacturing machinery no less than a week later. I look forward to working with you in the future.

    On a related topic, I am currently floating an industrial summit, to be held around mid-September. You are invited to participate. We will be discussing, among other things, the Environmental Economics draft policy, resources available from native life, and defense against mind worms.

    I hope to hear from you again soon.

    In friendship,
    CEO Nwabudike Morgan
    Private Message
    Encryption Level 5
    From: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
    To: Prophet Cha Dawn


    It is my great pleasure to inform you that another Industrial Development Grant has been approved. Morgan Bank will be transferring 50 energy credits, to dispense as you see fit, in the next week. We look forward to working with you in the future.

    Following Industrial Co-Ordinator Johansen's meeting with your representatives at Morgan Energy Monopoly last week, the next shipment of manufacturing chemicals (including the increased amounts of Tarin requested) is leaving tomorrow our time. It should arrive at Trial By Fire expressly.

    I hope to hear from you soon concerning the proposed peace conference at Morgan Industries. I understand the trials which this war has placed upon your people, and the extensive damage caused by this war, but please believe me when I say that it is in the interests of both your nations to resume negotiation.

    In friendship,
    CEO Nwabudike Morgan
    Public Message
    From: Council Liaison Aron Fleischer
    To: The Planetary Council

    The concerns of Ambassador Fuentes about the effects of nerve gas, should it be used on the Western Continent or anywhere else, are shared by Morgan Industries. We strongly urge all parties to refrain from biological or chemical warfare.

    We understand that most factions have already made up their mind as to which candidate they will be supporting in the upcoming election for Planetary Governor. For the benefit and information of those who have not yet decided, CEO Morgan has authorized me to deliver the following message:

    "Since Morgan's governorship, all factions have experienced regular yearly economic growth of between five and 20 percent. Exports have risen by 30% in every year. Economies have diversified and modernized. Such prosperity was never seen on Chiron before - if you wish to see it in the future, vote once again for CEO Morgan."

    Thank you.
    Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


    • #32
      Spartan Information Service

      To: DataJack Roze
      From: Colonel Santiago

      I think this has been a matter of misunderstanding. I am troubled that my words have offended you. Sparta has nothing but respect for the Data Angels and you. My words were meant for the current Planetary Governor and Commissioner Lal. We in Sparta are concerned that the current movement towards more interference in factional affairs will only increase under a Lal administration. And as far as Morgan is concerned, We do not trust a man that offers peace with one hand and (as far as our intelligence can determine) supply one side with weapons. Again, we are sorry that you took my announcement as a slight. But you must see my position. I cannot allow Lal to win. And as you know, we cannot trust Morgan. What am i left with? I cannot vote for you openly. You are still allied with Lal and the Pirates. Both represent serious threats to Spartan security. The Pirates far more than Lal. Sparta is happy with the status quo in world affairs. But some of your allies seek to change that to the determent to our position. Surely you have seen this yourself in the actions of the Pirates and PKs.

      Once again, we hope that relations between our factions will not be compromised by this slight of words. My desire to be Planetary Governor is nothing personal against you.

      To: CEO Morgan
      From: Colonel Santiago

      I fear CEO Morgan that your refusal to support me will most certainly be enough to allow Roze to become Planetary Governor. She has the potential support of the Pirates, Drones, Gaians and Cyborgs. That is enough to take the prize if our vote is split. And Morgan, I am not doing this for my economy or for profit margins. I am doing it to preserve the Spartan way of life. Sparta will continue to look at your faction as a partner. But remember. When Roze is elected, do not say that I did not warn you. Sparta will not come to harm if she is elected, but can you say the same for Morgan Industries? Think back to the days of your conflict with the Pirates. They will seem golden when compared to what you face with Roze.
      Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


      • #33
        OOC: Svensgaard rather keep watch on the council via holovids, etc... has Pirate representives at the Planetary Council Base, but only to take care of details, respond to stuff Ulrik doesn't care about, or ambassador to ambassador stuff, etc....
        representive from the Nautilus Diplomatic Corps is Ambassador Melissa Davion

        I'll play Free Drone avoid making Domai an idiot :P I suck at writing and what to say in Politics...
        Yes Svensgaard can be an ass towards such factions as University and Morgan :P but svensgaard simply prefer playing the devil advocate in the council.

        Mr. President.... game years is made up of 10 months...each month is comprised of 40 days. so there may not be a september :P i say most Chironians use terms like first, second, third, fourth quarters.... or tenth month, etc...... numbers instead of names. I like how you make MOrgan seem, but suggest you mention trade goods that exist, or possibly could in near future and in smac. stuff we can understand please :P also, one energy credit is worth a lot on chiron. how many watts that is...still need to figure that out :P don't want to get into the millions of energy credits in CC, like most stories i read in this forum.

        Darkcloud...sorry for the Svensgaard reply to make University look stupid :P Nerve Gas is Chemical base and doesn't effect Mind Worms. have more chances in finding the perfect Mindworm killer via retroviral engineering. another thing, wouldn't University more into using mindworms, breeding them, etc...? especially controlling the Manifold Nexus and all.......... unless.....

        To: Planetary Council
        From: Captain Svensgaard

        1. Nerve gas has proven quite effective in battles against mindworms and other of the planet's ilk that refuses to be controled.
        Excuse me? I do hope that the representive of University made a mistake, else University ain't as smart as we think they are. Nerve Gas doesn't effect mindworms or any other Chiron lifeforms. May of course kill the Empath controlling mindworms, but doesn't kill the mindworms, or slow them down.

        Captain Svensgaard
        Last edited by Guest; August 14, 2001, 03:50.


        • #34
          To: Planetary Council
          From: Captain Svensgaard

          The University has been pursuing research to make OUR nerve gas pods optimal against mindworms and the planet menace. Our plan is to destroy all planetspecies and make it possible for the earth species we brought with us to propogate and live upon this harsh land.

          Our scientists have deduced that when all planet's xenofungus is destroyed, we will have a utopic earth.

          Thus, you must reconsider. The University wishes to use the nerve gas pods against planet, not people.


          Nerve Gas, against mindworms? sureeeeeeeeee. Good luck for your people in finding the right Chemical that kills them without killing Humans. Wouldn't Napalm simply work better?

          Sorry if i offend the Gaia's Stepdaughters.

          Captain Svensgaard

          To: Planetary Council
          From: Free Drones Ambassador Clondike

          I would like to bring up this issue before the council.
          Do Cyborgs and Drones deserve to be considered 'human' or should we treat them like secondary citizens because they are 1. Not genetically engineered. but 2. They are robotic-human hybirds and thus are lesser than the human race.

          Thus I would like to propose that their 'humanity' be investigated and that their positions on the council be investigated as well.


          How dare of University to consider Drones not human! I suggest that the Council start a investigation of University of Planet on how they treat their people, including Hive.

          Ambassador Clondike
          Free Drones


          • #35
            General Message
            From: U.N. Ambassador Isabella Fuentes
            To: Planetary Council

            I propose that this council ignore any and all suggestions that certain groups of people are more or less "human" than others. We did not come here to be nazis.
            "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
            -- Saddam Hussein


            • #36
              OOC: Sorry, all, didn't mean to confuse. I did just make up the crap I was selling to Miriam and Dawn, but I was kind of thinking we could use our imaginations. My intentions were that the chemicals Miriam will get are harmless on their own, but can also be used as components in nerve gas or other nasty substances. Same for Dawn's exports. I'll make it easier to understand in the future. I'm an engineer, and we get excited when we talk about chemicals. Once again, sorry.

              Private Message
              Encryption Level 5
              From: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
              To: Lady Deirdre Skye

              Lady Deirdre,

              I wish to inform you of recent developments in Morganic research, in a field I think you would find interesting.

              My economic staff have been working together with our environmental scientists, attempting to reduce the ecological depredations of industry. They are currently formulating an Environmental Economics doctrine, a draft of which should be released before the beginning of 5th Month.

              I would of course be happy to share this document with you. We believe we have found many practical methods to maximize fungus production while minimizing disruption. In addition, I believe you would appreciate the section on eco-tourism. Such activities as remote hiking, spelunking, and river rafting were common on old Earth before overcrowding began to set in, and considering that so much of Planet is untouched by human habitation, they could become common again. Think how your environmental initiatives could be enhanced by their proper use!

              CEO Nwabudike Morgan
              Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


              • #37
                (OOC: Just as a reminder of previous conversations )

                Open Message
                From: Prophet Cha Dawn
                To: Planetary Council

                Don´t you people know anything else except quarreling for power? Can´t you see, or do you even care what is happening on the western continent?
                17 years ago, as you know, the Believers launched their third crusade. And as the two previous, without any provocation from our side. This is a pure genocide war, the d*mn fanatics wan´t us dead because we don´t believe in their God, and honor the native life as much as human life. We have seen whole generations of humans and mindworms being devoured by this Endless War, so please, help us stop this genocide.
                We are not monsters, do not believe the lies of our enemies. The truth is, we value native life as much earth-based life. But we, the humans, are quilty here. Humanity came here on this planet like a plaque and started plundering it, destroying the native life and its home. Our enemies hate us because we are willing to sacrifise our lives for this nature, because they don´t understand it. They only want to destroy it. So we give the native life an equality, and we do not try to make everyone else follow the same rules as we do. Our first war operation on foreign ground was when we sent troops to the eastern continent, to help the peacekeepers. And that was all, we haven´t attacked anyone, but we have been always a target of aggression from various factions, and only because our ideologies are so different...

                (OOC: As from Blakes previous posts can be seen, the Cult sent a long time ago already an ambassador to the Council Base.)

                From: Cult Ambassador Quzer
                To: Planetary Council

                I’d like to address a few issues previously spoken.

                First, the Cult is completely against the idea given by the Spartan ambassador, of even considering Psi attacks to be atrocities. The Psi attack is the only attack, and defense for Planets indigenous lifeforms. We, as you already know, give the natives equal rights as earth-based lifeforms, and in turn they provide us with lifeforms capable of defending us.
                So, that means, our defense is dependent on Psi attack/defense, but for example, the Believers defenses aren’t dependant on nerve gas at all, so they can fight just as well without it, especially when it comes to using it against indigenous lifeforms.

                Secondly, the mindworm harassments described by the believers, which are not caused by us, is definitely not a sufficient reason to start a 17 year lasting war against the nearest mindworm using faction. I mean, the Believer accusations are ludicrous! They have probably caused it to themselves, by polluting their territory some much that the local fungus has started to spawn indigenous lifeforms like maniacs. At least, that is our educated guess, taken from the huge pollution clouds coming from Believer territory.

                Private Message
                From: Cult Ambassador Quzer
                To: Father Theodore Deacon

                Greetings Father Deacon,

                I am Ambassador Quzer, son of Prophet Dawn and the representative of the Cult. If you have any business with the Cult, contact me. This is a perfect time for finally initiating some communication between our two factions.
                Straight to business, haven’t we fought this war long enough already? We have kept our pre-war borders, even though you have sent three, gigantic assault waves. Each and every one we have stopped, even though your army is thrice the size of ours. Doesn’t that at least say that we are a tough nut to crack? And I can promise you, we won’t be any easier in the future.
                17 years have been wasted. While the other factions have flourished and grown in power, we’re bogged down in a deadly stalemate, watching as whole generations from both sides have been devoured by this war. Why? Does your God want this?
                So, Prophet Dawn has sent me to inquire what are you’re terms of peace. Plainly, tell me what your side wants and well see how it suits our terms. Let us finally end this conflict and continue our lives.

                Private Message
                From: Cha Dawn
                To: CEO Morgan

                Greetings again Morgan,

                Thank you for the generous grant, it will be remembered. I’ll gladly participate in the peace conference at Morgan Industries, but only after the Planetary Governor elections. Talking about peace negotiations, we are now trying to set up a peace negotiation with the Believers, or at least an inquiry why are they so feverishly continuing this war. If they succeed, the negotiations at your capital will be to formalize the peace treaty this time in front of the whole Planet, and if not, the negotiations will be a good fallback.


                • #38
                  General Message
                  From: Believer Representative Theodore Deacon
                  To: Planetary Council

                  Cha Dawn has stated that
                  ...the Believer accusations are ludicrous!
                  Sister Miriam Godwinson or any other Believer official abstain from commenting on this statement, as in this situation there is only the Cult word against our word.

                  Also regarding the comments about the previous Believer statement about Nerve Gas, a detailed report from the Crusade Committee (Appendix A) insists that all meteorogical aspects will be taken in to count during combat conditions. Let it be put in the record that Sister Godwinson is very pleased of the Peacekeeper interest in the welfare of our citizenry, but she reminds the Peacekeepers that they are Believers.

                  In other interfactional matters, I am pleased to announce that the Believers are very interested in the following peace talks with the next Planetary Governor as a mediator.

                  Private Message
                  From: Trade Minister H.G. Hollows
                  To: CEO Nwabudike Morgan

                  We will accept the current delivery, but we will have to renegotiate the trade agreement about these items. The Crusade Committee is planning on disbanding all Nerve Gas systems. Do not get this wrong, the merchandise has been of premium quality, but there might soon not be a market at the Western Continent.
                  Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                  • #39
                    (OOC: The University is a group of Fascists )

                    General Message
                    From: Ambassador Ian Davidson-Splertrovsky
                    To: Planetary Council

                    We merely ask that the Council questions whether we allow these supposedly 'non-human' races to conduct business with the Council at large. We meant no insult when we brought the issue to the council. We merely wished to ask the council where we think the Human species is headed- into a race of insubordinate computers or into a race of genetically engineered giants, as Zakaharov has worked towards for many years.

                    Private Message
                    To: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
                    From: Academician Prokhor Zakharov

                    I will be glad to join you at the Industrial Summit, Nwabudike. Together we can accomplish great things.

                    (OOC: LMP-
                    Darkcloud...sorry for the Svensgaard reply to make University look stupid :P Nerve Gas is Chemical base and doesn't effect Mind Worms. have more chances in finding the perfect Mindworm killer via retroviral engineering. another thing, wouldn't University more into using mindworms, breeding them, etc...? especially controlling the Manifold Nexus and all.......... unless.....
                    Oh, doesn't matter, I can still get the council mad at me. In this case the University was lying about how it can combat mindworms and is merely storing it for later

                    And yes, University has many mindworms of their own, many are secret. Some are public knowledge)

                    To: Planetary Council
                    From: High Academican Prokhor Zakharov

                    Svensgaard is wrong in what he says. The University is more advanced than you can imagine. We can do things that were once thought impossible. Consider that.


                    To: Planetary Council
                    From: Ambassador Ian Davidson-Splertrovsky

                    The Drones are not human. They are but drones. Stronger than humans, yes. We look forward to good relations with the drones. However, do we want the Drones to rule the world, as they are obviously stronger and thus superior in some ways to humans? Will they not try to block Genetic Engineering so they may preserve their iron grip upon the world.

                    The University respects the Drones' might, but we wish Humans to one day be as mighty without computer or other such implants.

                    (OOC: Mister P. Good idea but I don't think it will fly. We have had problems with things not in the game before )
                    -->Visit CGN!
                    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                    • #40

                      General Message
                      From: Ambassador Rebecca Katt, Data Angels
                      To: Planetary Council

                      Once again we insist that the University delegation ceases it's absurd inquries into the rights of Drones. Drones are humans, humans can be drones. You are scientists, are you not? Or is biology not part of the University curriculum?

                      Private Message
                      From: Datajack Roze
                      To: Colonel Santiago


                      I regret being so harsh on you. I find too many people stabbing me in the back lately, and I overreacted at your statement.

                      I am not offended by your running for Planetary Governor. Far from it, for I would much rather see you in charge than CEO Morgan. While I still intend to win the office for myself, I shall not be quite so dissapointed should you win.

                      And therefore I cannot be truely offended by what you said regarding candidates only 'grabbing for power'. This is a campaign, and I would not be in politics if I couldn't take the heat once in a while.

                      Good luck on your camapign Corazon, and may the best woman win.


                      Private Message
                      From: Datajack Roze
                      To: Foreman Domai

                      Greetings James,

                      I hope you are well. I'm sure you've already guessed the intent of this message, so I will get right to the point. I seak your support in my campaign for Governor.

                      In the past I know you have sought neutrality, leaving us to squabble it out amongst ourselves. But I feel now that it is imperative that you choose a side.

                      I feel you should know something about one of the major candidates. CEO Morgan, our current Governor, has been purchasing Drones to work in his industrial complexes from Chairman Yang. Academecian Zakharov also participates in this illicit trade. I am trying to reveal their trade to the council, but those who helped discover this information for me would be instantly found out.

                      I do have a plan to unveil their activities to the Council, and the authority which comes with the office of Planetary Governor would greatly assist it. Lal refuses to cooperate with me, fearing it would seem he was favouring the Alliance, and thus his ears often fall deaf to his closest allies.

                      I hope you can support me in this election and we can bring those involved to justice.


                      "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                      • #41
                        General Message
                        From: U.N. Ambassador Isabella Fuentes
                        To: Planetary Council

                        In response to the Believer representative...
                        Also regarding the comments about the previous Believer statement about Nerve Gas, a detailed report from the Crusade Committee (Appendix A) insists that all meteorogical aspects will be taken in to count during combat conditions.
                        Quite frankly, we do not find this the least bit reassuring.

                        Let it be put in the record that Sister Godwinson is very pleased of the Peacekeeper interest in the welfare of our citizenry, but she reminds the Peacekeepers that they are Believers.
                        They could be Spartan or Hive citizens for all we care.
                        The point is that they're human beings.

                        In other interfactional matters, I am pleased to announce that the Believers are very interested in the following peace talks with the next Planetary Governor as a mediator.
                        Now, this is better news.
                        Regardless of who the next Governor turns out to be, we welcome any new peace initiatives. We will assist in any way we can, but we're also willing to stand back and let the parties sort it out without us. Whichever way works best.

                        In regards to the various accusations the parties have raised against each other, we propose to let these matters rest and focus on bringing this devastating war to an end.

                        On a different subject, the U.N. Peacekeepers fully support the Data Angels' objection to the racist propaganda of the University representative.

                        Private Message : Enhanced Encryption
                        From: Commissioner Lal
                        To: Datajack Roze

                        Dear Roze...

                        I suppose you are right. At least I do find it hard to argue against you in this matter... Yet, I do not feel like you understand my position here. I never meant to say I didn't trust you to preserve and enforce our Charter, but surely, you must see that it would reflect poorly upon myself and my ability to enforce the Charter if I was seen as having to go ask somebody else to do it for me? Yes, I suppose it must seem like I'm being extremely self-centered and focused on appearances, but appearances are important to my work. That doesn't mean I have to like it...

                        From the day Svensgaard introduced us after Planetfall, I have supported you in everyway I can in order to preserve that charter. When we established the Planetary Council, I voted for you to ensure the sanctity of the Charter and to protect human decency. This does not mean you owe me anything, but I wish you to understand why I am upset.
                        Let me see... If I get this right, you are upset because you feel that you have always supported me and yet now I won't support you. You have always supported the Charter, and yet now I don't seem to trust you with it. Yes, I can see how that could be upsetting...

                        We have also fought hardest to protect others facing persecution. From day one, we supported the Cybernetic Conciousness who had chosen to avoid persecution, like ourselves, by the University. We have defended their right to exist and be treated as equals, when in your own bases they have been treated with disdain and suspicion.
                        Well, the latter is not something I'm proud of, but I can explain how it happened... Of course, you already know that story...
                        I don't know about you Roze, but I will never forget the day they put the U.N. Enforcement Base garrison on full alert because the Cyborgs were coming... -our allies whom we no longer trusted...


                        But, despite all this, you see yourself as the only one capable of defending the Charter that we both value and uphold.
                        No Roze, I just don't want to end up looking like I'm INcapable of defending it.

                        If you seek to maintain neutrality, then why are you part of the Alliance?
                        I have asked myself that question many times...

                        I thought you had joined because we all had something in common, to defend what we believed in and find a way to protect humanity on this increasingly hostile Planet.
                        You know what? I thought so too...

                        Now, you are willing to turn your back on that Pact because you do not see your allies as worthy of that trust?
                        Perhaps. I honestly don't know who to trust anymore. Some times I feel like people just support me when it suits their own purposes. Between the two of us, Deirdre and yourself are the only ones in or out of the Alliance whom I've never had any doubts about.

                        This Alliance cannot be treated merely as a defence pact, friends to call on when one of us is under attack. If we cannot stand together when times are good, then I question the purpose of this Alliance at all.
                        On all accounts.
                        I guess a vacation would be nice, but I don't see it happening...
                        It's not that I don't trust you, it's just...

                        (*Lal shrugs helplessly and the message abruptly ends...*)
                        Last edited by Guardian; August 14, 2001, 19:19.
                        "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
                        -- Saddam Hussein


                        • #42
                          Private Message
                          From: Datajack Roze
                          To: Comissoner Lal


                          The lack of respect you seem to hold for the Chiron Alliance is distrubing, especially when we have fought to protect your holdings on too seperate occasions. I am not interested in being your 'foul-weather' ally, your lap-dog which comes running when you find yourself in trouble. As far as I am concerned, we are pact-mates in name only.

                          I choose not to abandon the Alliance cause, unlike you, I believe in what we have established here and will not turn my back on my friends and compatriots.

                          And to think I once looked up to what you represented.


                          [b]Private Message
                          From: Datajack Roze
                          To: Lady Deirdre, Prime Function Aki-Zeta Five and Captain Svensgaard

                          Well my friends, you have all be quite. I will not hide from you that Lal and I have had quite the falling out. I will no longer commit to the defence of U.N. holdings and civillians, unless the Alliance or the Charter leaves me with no other viable alternative. I personally cannot believe it has come to this, but Pravin and I have had several 'enlightening' conversations which show me quite how naive I have been towards his policies.

                          So I ask, where do you stand on the Planetary Governor issue? Am I waisting my time in running, or should I be seeking my own viable candidate to vote for?


                          "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


                          • #43
                            OOC: When, DarkCloud, you said that "it won't fly", were you referring to the industrial summit? I suspect you might be right, but it was worth a shot, since that's the sort of thing governments are always doing. That whole Environmental Economics thing was supposed to cause confusion in the Alliance, but since no-one seems to be writing for Deirdre, it may be irrelevant in the long run.
                            Private Message
                            Encryption Level 5
                            From: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
                            To: Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang


                            I come to you as a fellow independent-minded leader, concerned with the very real danger of the return of a Chiron Alliance member to the seat of Governor.

                            During the two decades of my stewardship, Sheng-Ji, I would like to think that the Council has not interfered in your social experiments. Certainly the two of us have enjoyed a productive relationship, and together we have grown and prospered. We have everything to lose should Roze's campaign succeed. She is close not only to the unpredictable Captain Svensgaard, but also Lady Deirdre, who has always irrationally feared your society and my industry, and the meddling Brother Lal, who in the past forced you into continuous diplomatic wrangling over your style of government. I ask you to remember this when considering who you shall vote for in the upcoming election. Should I be retained, I can promise that nothing would change in our relationship.

                            If nothing else, vote for Colonel Santiago. I myself do not trust her; a faction armed to the teeth must be watched with all the eyes available to us. Nonetheless, the likes of us have more reason to trust her than to trust the Alliance, and if worst comes to worst, I may have to vote for her myself.

                            I remain, in friendship,
                            CEO Nwabudike Morgan
                            Private Message
                            Encryption Level 5
                            From: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
                            To: Prophet Cha Dawn
                            cc: Sister Miriam Godwinson

                            The overtures that have been made by the both of you are most impressive and encouraging. I look forward to seeing you both at Morgan Industries after the election.

                            CEO Nwabudike Morgan
                            Private Message
                            Encryption Level 5
                            From: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
                            To: Academician Prokhor Zakharov

                            My dear Prokhor,

                            I have been devoting much thought to the upcoming Planetary Governor election. Your support through this complicated time is greatly appreciated, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

                            It is by no means a sure thing that I will be retained. In the event that it becomes impossible for me to be re-elected, I think that we should consider supporting Colonel Santiago. Do not get me wrong: I have by no means given up the race, and I still intend to be voted into a second term. But I have been weighing up which scenario would be worse: Santiago as Governor, or Roze as Governor. For both of us, the answer may well be Santiago.

                            Liaison Fleischer will be announcing my industrial summit publicly tomorrow. Its official date is currently Day 1, Month 9 through Day 12, Month 9.

                            I look forward to seeing you soon.

                            In friendship,
                            CEO Nwabudike Morgan
                            Private Message
                            Encryption Level 5
                            From: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
                            To: Trade Minister H. G. Hollows (New Jerusalem)

                            Re your previous message: I understand your decision, and would be happy to discuss the terms of sale.

                            CEO Nwabudike Morgan
                            General Message
                            From: Liaison Fleischer
                            To: The Planetary Council

                            On behalf of CEO Morgan, I would like to invite all factions to participate in the first annual Planetary Industrial Summit, to be held at Morgan Industries from Day 1 Month 9 through Day 12 Month 9.

                            We will be discussing such issues as global warming, pollution, fungal resources, aerospace technology, defense against native life, and eco-tourism.
                            Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                            • #44
                              (OOC: The University is a group of Fascists )
                              OOC: unethical, yes. please don't go fascist...not SMAC like :P Can understand having percentage of University populace dislike Cyborgs (people at the hidden bases would have pro-cyborg feelings, with their secret research dealings with them...) and have general dislike of Drones, which make sence... but no fascist stuff please. anyway, proberbly University's strategy to try to get the council consider Drones non-human so they can experiment on them legally :P while pissing the Council off like usual.

                              General Message
                              From: Ambassador Ian Davidson-Splertrovsky
                              To: Planetary Council

                              We merely ask that the Council questions whether we allow these supposedly 'non-human' races to conduct business with the Council at large. We meant no insult when we brought the issue to the council. We merely wished to ask the council where we think the Human species is headed- into a race of insubordinate computers or into a race of genetically engineered giants, as Zakaharov has worked towards for many years.

                              To: Planetary Council
                              From: Free Drone Ambassador Clondike

                              Drones ARE Humans. It seems the unethical University is persuing mind control of humanity. If University chooses to continue persuing with this nonsence, Free Drones will consider vendetta to liberate University of monsters.

                              Ambassador Clondike
                              Free Drones

                              Private Message
                              To: CEO Nwabudike Morgan
                              From: Academician Prokhor Zakharov

                              I will be glad to join you at the Industrial Summit, Nwabudike. Together we can accomplish great things.

                              (OOC: LMP-

                              Oh, doesn't matter, I can still get the council mad at me. In this case the University was lying about how it can combat mindworms and is merely storing it for later

                              And yes, University has many mindworms of their own, many are secret. Some are public knowledge)

                              To: Planetary Council
                              From: High Academican Prokhor Zakharov

                              Svensgaard is wrong in what he says. The University is more advanced than you can imagine. We can do things that were once thought impossible. Consider that.


                              To: Planetary Council
                              From: Ambassador Ian Davidson-Splertrovsky

                              The Drones are not human. They are but drones. Stronger than humans, yes. We look forward to good relations with the drones. However, do we want the Drones to rule the world, as they are obviously stronger and thus superior in some ways to humans? Will they not try to block Genetic Engineering so they may preserve their iron grip upon the world.

                              The University respects the Drones' might, but we wish Humans to one day be as mighty without computer or other such implants.

                              (OOC: Mister P. Good idea but I don't think it will fly. We have had problems with things not in the game before ) [/QUOTE]


                              • #45
                                To: Planetary Council
                                From: Captain Svensgaard

                                To: Planetary Council
                                From: High Academican Prokhor Zakharov

                                Svensgaard is wrong in what he says. The University is more advanced than you can imagine. We can do things that were once thought impossible. Consider that.
                                Thats not what our Probe Teams are saying.

                                Captain Svensgaard

                                To: Planetary Council
                                From: Foreman Domai

                                To: Planetary Council
                                From: Ambassador Ian Davidson-Splertrovsky

                                The Drones are not human. They are but drones. Stronger than humans, yes. We look forward to good relations with the drones. However, do we want the Drones to rule the world, as they are obviously stronger and thus superior in some ways to humans? Will they not try to block Genetic Engineering so they may preserve their iron grip upon the world.

                                The University respects the Drones' might, but we wish Humans to one day be as mighty without computer or other such implants.
                                Drones are not humans? Have you Ian ever met a drone, one that you people haven't Nerve Stapled? They are just as human as you are, no matter how much you change yourselfs via genetic engineering. As for strength, it is simply hard labour, not genetics. Even lazy Scientists can achieve such strength via exercise.

                                I also want to apoligize for my Ambassador's outburst. Do understand that his parents were Hive slaves, as I once were. But do not think that we won't declare vendetta.

                                Foreman Domai

