Well start from the beginning. Can also have private messages to other leaders here, else the whole Council automaticly hears. The council is usually Virtual these days. Can have faction representives to speak instead of the leader. so now, lets get ready to rumble!!!!!
No announcement yet.
Chiron Chronicles: Planetary Council
Announcement by Data Angel Representative
The Data Angels have decided that current humanitarian efforts have not been fully sufficient to relieve the suffering of civillians within the current warring factions of the Cult of Planet and the Lords Believers.
As a result, we will be aiding the UN in their efforts by funding relief efforts within the territory of the Lord's Believers, and aiding those displaced in the war. Food, shelter and clothing will be shipped to "safe" Believer bases where Data Angel aid officials with coordinate with Believing volunteers to look after those displaced by the conflict.
This will help relieve some suffering, and ease demands on the U.N.'s strained relief funds.-Argo
"Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."
[OOC: Okay, now... Lal is responding to a private message from Roze (which I received in the form of a private message from Argonaut a few days ago...) Since I'm going to post the response here, I thought I should include the message I'm responding to, since it hasn't been posted in public before. (Technically, I guess I should ask Argonaut first, but I see no reason why this shouldn't be posted and I'm assuming it was only sent to me in private because there was no game thread to post it in at that time. -You can bonk me in the head if I'm wrong!)
Anyway, here goes... (end OOC) ]
Private Message
To: Commissioner Lal
From: Datajack Roze
I feel it is important that I speak with you Pravin. As you are, I am sure, aware, I have decided to once again run for the office of Planetary Governor.
First, let me assure you that it is not do to a grievance I have with you. I have always respected your leadership ability and you have not failed us yet in your role of Governor. But I also see nothing wrong with a different voice representing the people for a time. I only have a problem when that different voice is the likes of Nwabudike Morgan.
We cannot allow such a man to return to the office of Planetary Governor, and the only way we can assure this is by having the Chiron Alliance providing a single, and unified front, backing a single candidate.
I do not believe myself more deserving of this position, but examine our political situation. If you run as the Chiron Alliance candidate, the Believers, Spartans and Hive will certainly unite their vote against us. The University is highly likely to vote for Morgan, as is the Cult if they want further support in their war effort. We would have to unite the entire Alliance PLUS Foreman Domai to even stand a chance. Most likely, it will result in a draw (if not defeat) and Morgan, as Governor, will retain.
However, if I were to run as the Alliance candidate, I can possibly persuade others to join our cause, if not abstain for supporting Morgan. I'm sure, as wise as you are, you see the greater good comes from the Chiron Alliance holding the Governership rather than risking the position unnecessary.
I will be speaking with the other Alliance leaders, as well as various other faction leaders. I do hope Pravin, that you can support my bid and do what is best for the Alliance at this time.
Your friend,
Private Message
From: Commissioner Lal
To: Datajack Roze
Dear Roze
In regards to the matter of your seeking office as Planetary Governor... as I have stated before, I will not hold this against you. I also see that there is some sense in what you say. However, I am unable to support your candidacy, as doing so would send the wrong kind of signal to the people of this world. If I was to stand down now and support your campaign, it would be seen by many as an indication of my being more concerned with preserving the power of the Chiron Alliance than enforcing the U.N. Charter. Not only would this give my critics a stick to beat me with, but we might quite possibly end up destroying everything we're trying to protect. No offense taken, my friend, but if I have to choose between ruining the integrity of the Peacekeeping Forces or risking another term with Morgan as Planetary Governor, then I shall have to take my chances with Morgan. I can not be seen as serving an alliance which half the people on this planet see as their enemy.
Commissioner Pravin Lal
U.N. Peacekeeping Forces"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
U.N. announcement
The U.N. welcomes new initiatives by the Data Angels to help ease the suffering of the war-torn population on the Western Continent.
[OOC: Short statement, no detail... -as if the U.N. doesn't really know much at the moment...]"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
Spartan Information Service
The Spartan Federation welcomes efforts to help the Lords Believers. We do insist that you make arrangements with them before you get too far into your planning. We wouldn't want any incidents to dampen this jester of good will.
On further matters concerning operations within the Believer territory, Sparta defers to Sister Miriam Godwinson.Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
As Planetary Governor, I would like to offer a new initiative for peace on the Western Continent. I am hereby extending, in public, a formal invitation for Prophet Dawn and Sister Miriam, or their representatives, to visit Morgan Industries for a face-to-face meeting. I also offer the services of senior members of my Diplomatic Corps as mediators. Only by taking risks can we hope to achieve real progress.
If this suggestion is not to the liking of the parties, I can arrange a meeting at Planetary Council Base or another suitable location. I also welcome the participation of the Spartans and the Peacekeepers, and other parties with a stake in this issue, in any such conference.Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
OOC: I was kind of trying to do some secret political manuevering actually Guardian, but I guess you ruined THAT for me, didn't ya?Oh well, so much for my machiavellian plan to take over the world.....oops....
Private Message : Enhanced Encyrption
To: Comissoner Pravin Lal
From: Datajack Sinder Roze
I am sorry you feel that way Pravin. While I see some sense in what you say, I cannot help but notice that you put your own concerns in front of supporting your friends.
I intend to continue with my campaign, and will not restrain myself from seeking true friends from within the alliance. I had hoped we could have provided a stable government with a decisive victory. It appears that you have made this impossible.
Private Message : Enhanced Encryption
To: Captain Svensgaard, Lady Deirdre, Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five
From: Datajack Roze
Greetings friends,
As you may be aware, I have been attempting to persuade Comissoner Lal to drop his candidacy for Planetary Governor, and side with me, ensuring a defeat of Morgan in the coming election. The Comissoner has refused to lend his support, and I fear that some of what Chairman Yang has been saying is true. He seems himself as the 'true' and rightful leader of humanity.
While, I hope, that I am merely misjudging him, and that his decision does not indicate his greater intent, I have chosen to still run for office, despite the potential hazard it creates.
I have spoken with some faction leaders outside of the Alliance, and have begun open and peaceable discussions with several. However, none are the lease bit content to see Lal in office. That is why I seek your support. To prevent the likes of Morgan from retaining, so that someone more trustworthy holds the office.
Lal cannot win this election. If we were all to throw our votes behind him, the rest of Chiron would surely unite against us and vote us down. That is why I ask for your support, one who has not alienated other leaders on Planet, but can still keep our own values at heart.
Please, consider what I have said. It appears much more depends on this election than any had thought possible.
"Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."
OOC: Well, duh!
I guess I screwed up pretty bad, didn't I?
*Guardian bonks himself in the head for not asking first when he knew he should have...*
Guess I'll take the time to go with my gut feeling next time and not rush things along like I did last night. Sorry about that. Anyway, it's still secret as far as the game is concerned. (The other players know about it now, but their characters don't...) Anyway, what I did up there was a pretty nasty breach of some pretty basic unwritten rules...Can you forgive me?
Next time someone sends me a private message, I will assume that there is a reason for it being sent in private, and it will remain private unless we specifically agree on something else...
"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
OOC again: You know, I really didn't think much of it at all, since we've always posted private messages like that before. As a player and a reader you get to know, you just have to remember that your characters may not know all that you know, and... well, in a way that's part of the fun!
But... make no mistake here; I still should have asked first.
On a different note, Lal would have been quite a little bit annoyed if he'd known what Roze was saying to the other leaders. There are some rather nasty accusations in there - not the kind of stuff I'd expect from a friend and certainly not behind my back! It would definitely have a negative impact on our relations. But... Lal doesn't know...
(And I'll try not to put any more OOC only posts in this thread...)"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
Originally posted by Argonaut
Private Message : Enhanced Encyrption
To: Comissoner Pravin Lal
From: Datajack Sinder Roze
I am sorry you feel that way Pravin. While I see some sense in what you say, I cannot help but notice that you put your own concerns in front of supporting your friends.
I intend to continue with my campaign, and will not restrain myself from seeking true friends from within the alliance. I had hoped we could have provided a stable government with a decisive victory. It appears that you have made this impossible.
From: Commissioner Pravin Lal
To: Datajack Sinder Roze
Well, I'm sorry to have disappointed you as that was certainly not my intention.
Seriously though, in regards to my "putting my own concerns in front of supporting my friends", I'm sorry, but I really don't have much choice in a matter like this. If, as a Peacekeeper, I didn't at least TRY to maintain some kind of neutrality in interfactional matters, then why should I even be a Peacekeeper in the first place? If we were to engage in political power play on behalf of an alliance - any alliance - then we might as well disband the Peacekeeping Forces and go be Pirates or Spartans instead. Well, that's not what we're here to do, and if this means I can't be your friend, then I guess I never should have been. I'm sorry to say, but I really thought you knew me better...
Pravin"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
General Message
From: Sister Miriam Godwinson
To: Planetary Council
I am here to present to the Council the Believer reprentative to the Planetary Council, Father Theodore Deacon. He will answer all questions and has my authorities concering Believer foreign affairs, and will stay permanently as of today at the Planetary Council base. Discuss with him like with me. As much as I would of preferred attending the Council personally, I have currently very pressing matters that need my imminent attention. However, when the election for Governor begins, I will tend to the Council myself until that matter has been settled with.
Sister Miriam Godwinson
General Message
From: Father Theodore Deacon
To: Planetary Council
I am glad to be here, and hope that we can work together to make this world a better place.
I would like to thank all Council members, especially Datajack Sinder Roze, for issuing all possible humanitarian aid to the Western Continent.
But at the same time I remind this Council that an unauthorized intrusion by the military forces of any faction will be considered as a provocative action, barring situations where negotiations have been held beforehand. Also, any military support to the Cult, or any attempts to stop Believer military units on a task authorized by the Believer Military Command, will be considered an act of war.
[OOC: OK. here goes, I think everyone can guess what those imminent matters are
As far as I know we can communicate via the PM system even if there is a proper game thread, just to make it easier. At least I find it somewhat difficult to "not" know something. That is why I have not even in real life read those PM's of Roze and Lal. Just for the sake of simplicity.]Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
General Message
From: U.N. Ambassador Isabella Fuentes
To: Planetary Council
My friends... the Believer representative has stated that
any attempts to stop Believer military units on a task authorized by the Believer Military Command, will be considered an act of war."Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
General Message
From: Father Theodore Deacon, Believer Council Representative
To: Planetary Council
Miss Fuentes has stated a reasonable concern regarding actions interfering with the UN Charter.
I declare that the Lord's Believers have no desire to commit atrocities against hostile factions. If Believer units have been equipped with Nerve Gas, it will not be used under any circumstances other then if several hundreds or more Believer citizens are under the immediate threat of death caused by enemy forces.
In standard combat conditions, the Believer units will not commit atrocities. Sister Godwinson and I myself give this Council our word for it. If that is not enough for the Peacekeepers, or anyone else, then I see no reason why the Lord's Believers should attend the Planetary Council at all.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
General Message
From: U.N. Ambassador Isabella Fuentes
To: Planetary Council
Let the record show that the Believers have given their word not to commit atrocities "in standard combat conditions".
We have no reason to question the word of the Believer representative. However, it would be interesting to hear his definition of "standard combat conditions"..."Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
Spartan Information Service
To: Father Theodore Deacon
From: Spartan Representative Karl Solo
Father Deacon, I would like to welcome you to the Planetary council. I look forward to working with you in the coming year as we ensure that both our factions continue to prosper. If you require any assistance at all do not hesitate to ask. Colonel Santiago wishes to send her greeting as well.
To: Planetary Council
From: Spartan Representative Karl Solo
I am here at the command of Colonel Corazon Santiago. I have authority to speak on behalf of the Colonel and the Spartan Federation. From time to time the Colonel will address the council herself as she sees fit. This will be done through the Spartan Information Service. All vid links and written communication will be handled by them. Colonel Santiago will be issuing a declaration in the coming days.Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh