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Chiron Chronicles: Planetary Council

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  • To: Planetary Council
    From: Foreman Domai (still at Free Drone Central)

    It is true that the Free Drones have produced the most pollution on Chiron so far, but we have in the past decade started modifying our Industry to be more environtmentaly friendly. That is why we receive less and less problems with mindworms. Its as if they can detect our intentions, so they became less agressive to us, to give us a chance. I also should add that the Free Drones never went to the point of completly eradicate all the Fungus fields in our territory.

    So now I would like to announce that the Free Drones vote for Datatech Sinder Roze.

    Foreman Domai

    I would like to announce that the Free Drones vote for Datatech Sinder Roze.


    • Private Message - Standard Encryption
      From: Lady Deirdre Skye
      To: Foreman Domai

      Dear Foreman,
      I am glad to hear that you have decided to continue your programme of 'cleaning up' your industry. We Gaians have extensive experience with advanced recycling systems, and we would be more than happy to share our knowledge with you.

      Would it be useful to you if a deputation of Gaian experts were to travel to Free Drone Central (or, indeed, any other of your bases) to implement further measures to help alleviate your pollution problems? Once the measures were in place, I have no doubt that your own workers could duplicate them for each of your bases.

      If you are agreeable, please tell me, and I will arrange to transport our team by shuttle to the base of your choosing. We are also attempting to use our empathic talents to alleviate the mind worm problems around your bases. If you lower your ecodamage levels, I feel sure that Planet will leave you completely alone.

      Yours in friendship,
      Lady Deirdre Skye
      "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


      • Private Message : Enhanced Encryption
        From: Datajack Roze
        To: Lady Deirdre

        Of course you would have my support in such a situation. As well, I'm sure you would have the support of many others if such a situation arose. Bullying is not acceptable as a means of becoming Planetary Governor in any situation. I do hope that the Colonel is wise enough to see the futility in shear ludicracy of such a situation.

        I hope that all is well with you and your faction. I'm glad that despite my withdrawl from the Chiron Alliance we are able to continue to cooperate to acheive our mutual goals.

        Your friend,


        Private Message : Enhanced Encryption
        From: Datajack Roze
        To: Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five

        It is good to hear from you again friend. This mysterious Project Delta of yours certainly has been occupying a great deal of your time. When do you plan to show off your great new achievement to the rest of the world?

        I thank you for your support in the election, and I shall certainly endevour to return peace to Planet. Otherwise, I shall simply have to fight twice as hard in council to ensure that Santiago gets away with nothing.

        I know you have been busy, but I was hoping to speak with you. Since my withdrawl from the Chiron Alliance, I have technically lost my closest friend an ally in you. I wish to propose our own Pact of Sisterhood. While we have managed to keep the peace lately on this Planet, I fear what may happen if the conflict in the West is allowed to escalate. By remaining allies, it would certainly make Morgan and Zakharov think twice before picking a fight. What do you say, can an agreement be arranged?

        Ever your friend,


        "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."


        • From: Ambassador Ian Davidson-Splertovsky

          Originally posted by Svensgaard

          Pillaging of seaports? I can recall attacks on seaports during the Second University War and the Hive War, but there was never any pillaging of any seaports.
          Ah, yes, but the 'freelancers' of your faction happen to have been pillaging many factions.

          As far as I am concerned, there wasn't any acts of piracy since the Second University War. The Nautilus Navy do occassionally inspect merchant vessels that are suspicious, especially the ones coming from the Hive. Inspecting isn't piracy.

          Captain Svensgaard
          Inspecting is not piracy- it is an invasion of privacy. However, members of your faction HAVE been committing piracy, and they should, therefore and henceforth be punished because of their acts of violence and piracy versus other factions.
          -->Visit CGN!
          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


          • Ah, yes, but the 'freelancers' of your faction happen to have been pillaging many factions.
            Really now? where and when?

            Inspecting is not piracy- it is an invasion of privacy. However, members of your faction HAVE been committing piracy, and they should, therefore and henceforth be punished because of their acts of violence and piracy versus other factions.
            Where is your proof? Do realize, there were some cases where ships as been disguised in Nautilus Pirate colors and emblem. As for the invasion of privacy, yes it would be. That is the price for those who do not use the proper identification codes, follow the official trade routes, ignoring comm transmissions, etc. It is also the price to ensure that there won't be another repeat of the SeaQuest incident. Anyway, about two thirds of the ships the Nautilus Pirates ever inspected carried illegal goods.

            Captain Svensgaard

            [OOC: for example, the transport foil disguised in pirate colors used by the Cult of War when they tried to infiltrate a Pirate base.].


            • Private Message - Enhanced Encryption
              From: Prime Function Aki Zeta-5
              To: Datatech Sinder Roze

              I know you have been busy, but I was hoping to speak with you. Since my withdrawal from the Chiron Alliance, I have technically lost my closest friend an ally in you. I wish to propose our own Pact of Sisterhood. While we have managed to keep the peace lately on this Planet, I fear what may happen if the conflict in the West is allowed to escalate. By remaining allies, it would certainly make Morgan and Zakharov think twice before picking a fight. What do you say, can an agreement be arranged?

              Ever your friend,

              Of course, my friend. A Pact of Sisterhood is an entirely logical progression of our friendship. Consider it official!

              On another subject, a transport of mine is nearing its destination - the small island just west of Mount Planet. It is carrying two Colony Pods, and I was intending to set up two new bases there. As a gesture of our goodwill, would it be useful to you if I turned over one of those bases to you shortly after its founding?

              As for now, I must leave you, but please do contact me soon.
              Your new Pact Sister,

              "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


              • From: Ambassador Ian Davidson-Splertovsky
                To: Planetary Council

                Re: Pirates Raids on Shipping

                Originally posted by [LordLMP]

                Really now? where and when?
                Zakharov will not pursue this issue far, however; he would like to note that the Morganites shipping convoys have been repeatedly attacked... However, it is up to Morgan to discuss that issue.

                Our merchants have reported that they have seen suspicious vessels; and in the last year, we lost over ten University merchant ships... This is unacceptable. Due to our investigations, over 5 of them were attribuited to an outside force, not related to anything created by planet. We attribuite their destruction to Pirate forces, for, they were traveling through Pirate territory when they mysteriously disappeared.

                Where is your proof? Do realize, there were some cases where ships as been disguised in Nautilus Pirate colors and emblem. As for the invasion of privacy, yes it would be. That is the price for those who do not use the proper identification codes, follow the official trade routes, ignoring comm transmissions, etc. It is also the price to ensure that there won't be another repeat of the SeaQuest incident. Anyway, about two thirds of the ships the Nautilus Pirates ever inspected carried illegal goods.
                IF, and ONLY IF University vessels do not use the identification codes or reply and observe all reasonable communications transmissions do you have permission to board our ships.
                -->Visit CGN!
                -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                • *****Level 5 Encryption*****
                  To: Lady Deirdre Skye
                  From: Colonel Santiago

                  Lady Skye, Sparta has for some time been attempting to change for what we think is the better. In the early years our only concern was survival. This has been achieved despite early disasters that without our discipline and training would have meant the end of the Spartan movement. We are now trying to settle down into a sustained society. It is strange that you should mention that we change to a green economy. My second in command, Marshal Kessel, has advocated this in the past and would have implemented this change himself if we had not been confronted by a hostile Pirate regime. We cannot justify hampering our ability to produce sufficient weapons to defend ourselves. If you but look to the seas at the vast Pirate navy you will see that we have no choice at this time to but to keep our current industrial system in place. The Eastern Continent on which we reside is very dangerous. More so than your own even. Because on the Eastern Continent we must contend with growing Drone-Pirate cooperation to the north and the Peacekeepers to the south. You may notice that our one ally on the continent is a former enemy. That is because we saw more danger in the Safe Haven-Free Drone-UNHQ alliance than at the Hive.

                  We are not trying to pressure you in any way. You are a sovereign faction and as such have a right to decide your own self interest. We will not consider a vote for the Data Angels as contempt for Sparta. We make no threats and plan no reprisals. But we do offer you a chance to side with us in our struggle of factional independence against those who think they know what is best for you. Remember the Peacekeeper deployments on your territory?

                  As for the situation on the Western Continent. The Believers have expressed a desire to end the war as long as the Cult controls their mind worm population and refrains from encouraging attacks on Believer citizens and property. We support this 100%. And yes we have tremendous animosity against the cult. It was they who went to war against Sparta long ago. But we are willing to overlook that and work for a settlement. We are willing to do this regardless of your vote in the election.

                  We have been vilified for our political system since the beginning of the mission. But I would like to remind you that each of the faction leaders has been able to secure for themselves permanent leadership position. Also I would like to remind you that Marshal Kessel, in his short tenure as leader of Sparta, enacted reforms that allowed citizens to vote for their representatives in each and every base in the Spartan Federation. I still appoint governors as many other of the faction leaders do as well. I hope that you will consider all of this when you make your vote. The future of Sparta dependent upon it maintaining it’s separate identity. The question is do you want Gaian affairs dependent upon Gaians, or PK, Pirates or some combination of the two?

                  Perhaps soon we may again discuss our transition to a less harmful impact upon Chiron..
                  Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                  • (OOC: Have the Spartans been reading our communiques? If they haven't, how do they know that we have complained about their 'bullying' to Roze?)

                    Incoming Transmission
                    From: Lady Deirdre Skye
                    To: Planetary Council

                    I have finally made my decision. Despite countless protestations by the Spartans that they intend to change their industry for the better, we have seen no hard evidence that this is the case. They even refuse to pursue a Green economy, saying that they must produce 'enough weaponry to defend themselves'. If such 'defence' is the Spartans' ultimate goal, then I cannot support them in their attempt for the Planetary Governorship.

                    I pray that Datatech Sinder Roze may bring sanity, compassion and harmony back to Planet. May she walk with Planet in everything that she does.

                    The Gaian vote goes to Datatech Sinder Roze.

                    Lady Deirdre out
                    "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


                    • Zakharov will not pursue this issue far, however; he would like to note that the Morganites shipping convoys have been repeatedly attacked... However, it is up to Morgan to discuss that issue.

                      Our merchants have reported that they have seen suspicious vessels; and in the last year, we lost over ten University merchant ships... This is unacceptable. Due to our investigations, over 5 of them were attribuited to an outside force, not related to anything created by planet. We attribuite their destruction to Pirate forces, for, they were traveling through Pirate territory when they mysteriously disappeared.
                      One of them was damaged for some reason, which they may of hitted something or accidently attacked by Isle of Deeps. One of our Cruisers ask if they wanted any help, which they refused. So the Cruiser let them be, but stayed in range. Then the ship simply started sinking, so the Cruiser went in to rescue the crew. Majority were saved and the rest died when they hit whatever they hit, which probebly was a half submerge Unity Pod according to their various stories. Some of the survivors refused to go back to University, rest did and the University authourities were contacted, with no replies. The Crew didn't want to say what was their cargo and we didn't press any further. So if University forgotten about that particular case, it is not our fault.

                      As for the rest, three were inspected and discovered something interesting in the cargo bays. We interogated the captains and some of the crew, which we later sent to University. Again, if University happen to loose these people, ain't our fault. The Merchant ships we kept. As for the fifth case, it is unknown as they simply dissapeared near a Fungus Field, which one of our Patrolling ships warned them. We have told the University authourities, yet, still no replies to ask for further details.

                      All five of the ships routes were to Zarya-Sunrise from the Human Hive. Should I go any further Ambassador? *grinning*

                      IF, and ONLY IF University vessels do not use the identification codes or reply and observe all reasonable communications transmissions do you have permission to board our ships.
                      Of course, as well as the ones who takes different routes instead of the ones they registered to take and the ones where our ships get odd sensor signatures which doesn't match their manifest. The Nautalus Pirates are not fond of people trying to smuggle stuff via or near Pirate waters.

                      Captain Svensgaard


                      • Despite countless protestations by the Spartans that they intend to change their industry for the better, we have seen no hard evidence that this is the case. They even refuse to pursue a Green economy, saying that they must produce 'enough weaponry to defend themselves'. If such 'defence' is the Spartans' ultimate goal, then I cannot support them in their attempt for the Planetary Governorship.
                        The Nautilus Pirates operates a Green Economy and still able to maintain a strong Industry. Sorry for gloating, just wanted to point that out.

                        Captain Svensgaard


                        • Representative Solo rises to speak.

                          "Colonel Santiago has asked me to inform you that she will be among us shortly. She is currently on her way here from Righteous Sentence and looks forward to addressing the council."

                          Private Message
                          To: Ambassador Fuentes
                          From: Spartan Representative Solo

                          Ambassador, Colonel Santiago would like me to indicated her interest in talking to Commissioner Lal during her stay at the Planetary Council Base. She is willing to meet him at the Morgan embassy if you and Morgans agree.

                          Private Message
                          To: Council Liaison Aron Fleischer
                          From: Spartan Representative Solo

                          Council Liaison, Colonel Santiago has expressed her desire to meet with Commisoner Lal. She believes that the Commisioner might be aprehesive about meeting her so she as asked me to inquire if it would be possible to utilize your embassy as a neurtal ground. She would be greatful if CEO Morgan meets her request. She has also informed me that since the voting will most likely come down to a tie, since we will not recognize a cult revote, she is prepared to offer a compromise plan that would have CEO Morgan retain his seat as Planetary Governor. Either for a full second term or just as intermediatory.

                          Private Message
                          To: Hive Representative Sau-ji Tseng
                          Spartan Representative Solo

                          I would like to inform you that Colonel Santiago has requested to meet with Commissoner Lal in an attempt to judge his committment to various topics concerning Sparta and the Hive. If you desire, I can provide a transcript of the meeting. Colonel Santiago is also interested in the Honorable Chairman's toughts on the future of the Western Continent.

                          [OOC: Natan, did you get your pm? Is it ironic that the Spartans are doing the heavy diplomatic moves. Where are the hugs as the Chiron Alliance members meet each other? ]
                          Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                          • Private Message
                            From: Ambassador Ian Davidson-Splertovsky
                            To: Svensgaard

                            Several of these reports conflict with our reports, such as the first tale... However, we shall let that issue drop for now. As for the "3 inspected"... We have no comment- those merchants have been deat with and we would wish that you not discuss exactly what those merchants were transporting.

                            About the fifth case- it is believed that Pirate vessels sunk the merchants- we cannot varify this of course, but the last transmission the ship made was extremely suspicious.

                            As for the rest, three were inspected and discovered something interesting in the cargo bays. We interogated the captains and some of the crew, which we later sent to University. Again, if University happen to loose these people, ain't our fault. The Merchant ships we kept. As for the fifth case, it is unknown as they simply dissapeared near a Fungus Field, which one of our Patrolling ships warned them. We have told the University authourities, yet, still no replies to ask for further details.

                            Of course, as well as the ones who takes different routes instead of the ones they registered to take and the ones where our ships get odd sensor signatures which doesn't match their manifest. The Nautalus Pirates are not fond of people trying to smuggle stuff via or near Pirate waters.
                            IF you must investigate University vessels that go astray- you must provide them with due chance to change their course.

                            Thank you for this little clarification.

                            -->Visit CGN!
                            -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                            • Private Message
                              From: High Academian Zakharov
                              To: Free Drones

                              Please, submit your vote for the Spartans today...
                              There are usefull reasons for you to vote for the Spartans.

                              Thank you for your consideration...
                              Whomever you vote for, however; will be acceptable to the University... But if you wish to help us more- a vote for the Spartans will almost certainly guarantee technological partnership and merchant indices.
                              -->Visit CGN!
                              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                              • OOC: Ahem, Darkcloud...Drones already voted for Roze. A while ago. Deirdre was the last vote. We have a deadlock.

                                Private Message : Enhanced Encrpytion
                                From: Datajack Roze
                                To: Prime Function Aki Zeta-Five

                                I am certainly relieved that we can continue to cooperate with each other. I think Morgan and Zakharov have realized that the two of us united are two great a threat to risk taking on finally. Hopefully it will lead to peaceable talks, especially with the current deadlock in votes that we have occuring at the Planetary Council. I wish I had not been so quick to speak against the Cult re-vote. It would have been the deciding factor. And if Lal had not been so damned obstinate we would have had no difficulties. Now we have an unprecedented tie, and I'm not sure how it will be resolved.

                                As far as your offer of the colony pod, that would certainly be most highly appreciated. While we had no specific plans for that region, your offer is far to generous to pass up. Besides, our united presence in the region might also prevent Sister Miriam from turning her "crusades" our way if she seeks to expand. I will send some defensive garrisons to the region, and I would be more than willing to aid in the defence of your holdings as well, at least until you have raised your own garrison.

                                As well, now that we have re-affirmed our Pact, do you have any defensive requirements that we can assist you with? I know you are primarily a faction of research and knowledge, and our forces would certainly be willing to provide any relief to your defensive garrisons as requested. Besides, many of my troops love being stationed down in your slightly warmer Southern climate. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you, won't you?

                                Wish us luck in this current disaster at the Planetary Council Base. Hopefully an equitable situation can be reached.

                                Roze stands and addresses the Council

                                Well, it appears that we have ourselves a deadlock. As Colonel Santiago is on her way, I agree that we await her arrival and consider her proposal. I shall prepare my own proposal, and hopefully we can work something out that will be equitable to everyone.

                                "Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."

