From: Representative Solo
Exactly which resolution from this council gives the Pirates the right to stop vessels and "inspect" them? Also I would like to know which resoulution sets up registrations numbers for vessels? And while I am asking, exactly what resolution names the Peacekeepers, under Commssioner Lal, the Planetary police force?
As far as I know no Spartan representative has ever voted on any of these matters. I would go as far to say that no Morgan, University, Hive, Believer, Cult or Drone representative has ever voted on such a measure either. That pretty much leaves the so called Chiron Alliance. And if that is so. What does that say for their committment to this body?
I am only trying to determine exactly what they seem to think of this body. I suspect that they hold it as dear as their precious democracies. Which, if examined a little closely is as democratic as ours. What kind of democracies have leaders for life.