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The Chiron Chronicle - Discussion

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  • #76
    1. I have EIGHT units, all laser, attacking your TWO defenders synth.(at the time of posting - as either the rover unit has disappeared with the pod, or it has been destroyed by my three laser rovers while my infantry surrounded the city To Prevent Escape)

    2.I thought the end of my post...and the troops are getting into position as I post... would show that it just wasn't a plan to be implemented later, but that the attack is imminant.

    How can I write anything further without risking possible contradictions? If I give some account of the battle, I risk writing your defence for you. I figured the onus of admitting defeat or thinking up a clever strategy for success would be on the defender - for fairness sake.

    [This message has been edited by XWaste (edited October 29, 2000).]


    • #77
      Christanine way is better in my opinion. Way i see it, INspiration Point is currently undersieged and blockaded. Also have a Laser Foil bombarding the place, keeping the garrisons heads down. Having something shoot from the seas would surprise the hoot out of the Garrison. also, not all of your Rovers, two our mines



      • #78
        Yeah, but if all I wanted to surround and blockade the city, then thats all I would have posted.

        All I want to ask is was my attack post clear? If it wasn't everyone can tell me and I'll know for the future - I wont take offence. The post seemed quite clear to me but of course, I was the one who wrote it.

        If the same post had been written in attack of one of my cities then I would have regrettably posted its loss and moved on.

        I will take more liberties in the future - as Chrisantine has suggested - but in this case then I would have really felt justified in exploiting my 4:1 advantage (once I had disposed of the scout rovers) and taking the city quite easily - which could have drawn howls of protest from Darkcloud, who seems to have worked out that my forces should be in retreat?

        and LordLMP - I know two of the rovers are yours, have been including them in the total for ease (and to protect your identity )


        • #79
          WTF XWaste!!??!!?

          Since you have 8 laser rovers then please take the city...

          So, the city goes to Xwaste.

          Sorry for the misunderstanding.

          Yes, you attack post was unclear.
          [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited October 30, 2000).]
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          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


          • #80
            Calm down Dark. Cyborgs only had about 4 Augmented Patrols and 1 Strike Rovers. I had 2 Laser Rovers helping them out and disguised as cyborg units.

            The Augmented Patrols was sieging the place while the Rovers was after your Scout Rovers. When they came back, the assault on Inspiration Point started. When it did, my Laser Foil which your faction assumes it belongs to the cyborgs started bombarding the place. The Augmented Patrols and your Synth Garrisons dish it out while the Rovers were giving support, well, atleast mines were. The Synth Garrison you rushed to build was made of Green soldiers, so easy to defeat them. Rest of the garrisons gave the most trouble. Anyway, cyborgs took serious losts trying to take your base, so blah :P only a total of 5-6 units attacked your base, not including my Laser Foil.

            But next time, we should ALL be clear in our attacks and also explain your tactics/strategy. The obvious like Recon Rovers vs Scout Patrol, experience Augmented Patrol vs green Synth Garrison, is easy to guess who will lose/take the serious damage in the initial attack. BUT DO give the defender a chance to answer thought. if my laser foil wasn't around, cyborgs may of lost or taken more loss'.



            • #81
              How much more detailed should I have been, and what parts where unclear? - just asking for clarity, not trying to sound argumentative

              Ok, above I said I had eight units all laser, so I can see why DarkCloud thought I meant 8 laser rovers. I meant that all my forces had laser weapons(inf and rover).

              [This message has been edited by XWaste (edited October 31, 2000).]


              • #82
                I'm not going to be able to post for a few days (to the end of the week) as I have a heap of uni work I have to catch up on.


                • #83
                  OH well... I tried to drop into the story, but seems like I just didn't have time. Story admins, delete Rural Ranger and LightEning from your posts, let my posts be here for... historical value or something.

                  EDIT: And don't try to contact me or tell a sarcastic joke about this message...
                  [This message has been edited by Rural Ranger (edited November 07, 2000).]


                  • #84
                    Did someone insult you rural to make that edited comment?

                    Oh well... goodbye... sorry you didn't have enough time
                    -->Visit CGN!
                    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                    • #85
                      Now that I control the Manifold Nexus could everyone try to give me a list of limits to its powers? I want to get it involved in the story.
                      "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
                      "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
                      "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me


                      • #86
                        the rulebook states that
                        The Manifold Nexus
                        Control of this grants the controlling faction +1 Planet. It is not certain what the Nexus is, but it appears to be the central communications point for all six of the Progenitor Manifold experiments. In essence, it is a control tower for planteary intelligence.

                        Basically it seems that the Nexus is the legacy of the previous Progenitor experiments that lead to the development of intelligence in planet however long ago. It may allow for control/manipulation of planet if used by someone with the correct knowledge. Planet is really covering its own back by not allowing anyone near it, though I don't think anyone will be close to having the required tech for some time to come.


                        • #87
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                          -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

