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KILL MONTY - 3 vs 2 - Any takers?

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  • #46
    I am very much willing to play instead of florin, so if it is not yet decided then consider my candidature

    and if it is already decided, then contact me in case of any future switches of players


    • #47
      The new location is fine.

      The parameters are:
      tech stag on, pods off, no copters, no attrocities, no AI, look first for starting location

      1 - USELESSES - Morganites - Starting in the Lower Right corner of the map
      2 - BODISSEY - Angels - Starting in the Lower Left corner of the map
      3 - LOEVAN - Hive - Starting at (67, 53), of the isle in the middle.
      4. Monty - University - Upper right
      5. Marky - Free Drones - Upper left

      This is the setup as I understand it. Please correct if I got something wrong.


      • #48
        Good luck guys.

        My monney are on blue team


        • #49
          I am fine with the setup, too.

          Does anyone else need to chime in, or can Bodissey go ahead and start the game?


          • #50
            I guys,

            Do I allow Cooperative Victory?

            And I just need a hint: how do I start a multiplayer game without the AI?
            All your base are belong to us


            • #51
              we just need a little time to finalize our strategy. We'll tell you to start soon
              Let us make we more poems.


              • #52
                Ok i have noticed that first players get all the projects they get the same turn and I think it's unfair for one of the teams. I think this really sucks as the creators obviously didn't think about what would happen if 2 players get the projects the same turn. If they do, even if they have tech at the same time, even if the higher players have more minerals, because first players plays before, they will get every project finished the same turn as others. Because it is PBEM. I don't know, could we arrange something to make it fair? I don't know what to do exactly. Perhaps we can put a different player order than monty's team before and other team after. Perhaps mix the team, or if you don't mind let us be first players. I don't want to waste the game because of that....

                Giving you news for starting soon after you answer,
                Let us make we more poems.


                • #53
                  Eldramatico, the secret project issue is why my team is going last. That way, if both teams get a secret project on the same turn, the other team gets the project. No problem there, because my team is intentionally taking this penalty, so we don't need to worry about making it fair.

                  Bodissey, yes, we allow cooperative victory. I don't know how to start a game with less than 7 total players; I thought that was one of the moderator secrets. I know Mart does this a lot, so can you email him and ask?




                  • #54
                    Just sent a request to Mart regarding the multiplayer setup.

                    You're welcome, Mike.

                    All your base are belong to us


                    • #55
                      I was to start this game.

                      5 players, we would use veterans map, what are the starting locations and factions. If you could make a short list, I will not have to search through posts.

                      The game has all 7 slots declared always with some faction. In scenario editor you just do not insert units for 2 factions, then you have 5 factions. Game knows that factions are not there having no units. I think this works this way.
                      Map creation contest
                      WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                      • #56
                        We are ready.

                        We start in that turn order:


                        Gaians will be at the bottom left of the map, and Angels bottom right. Hive same place as said before, on stream.
                        Both gaians and angels start where it starts in pbem game with comps, near the stream, the road and the energy bonus.
                        Let us make we more poems.


                        • #57
                          I realized the
                          (68, 52) spot on stream is a better starting location for the Hive. Would you mind start it there? :S Thks
                          Let us make we more poems.


                          • #58

                            Everyone still in for this game?
                            Let us make we more poems.


                            • #59
                              If not , i can take a place
                              Last edited by florin79c; November 13, 2008, 20:10.


                              • #60
                                Ah, I misunderstood. Bodissey, you thought about setting up this game. I would be glad to see more CMNs here

                                In this case we will have a short demo how to set up a multiplayer....

                                One of the tricky parts in smax is that certain factions when in some slots may have key technologies unavailable as the first choice, e.g. Centauri Ecology or any for Ind.Auto B-line.

                                What can be done is to try various positions with factions we have.
                                Tested, I started a singleplayer game choosing the following factions:

                                1. Angels
                                2. Gaians
                                3. Morgan
                                4. Hive
                                5. Sparta
                                6. University
                                7. Drones

                                In the first turn, enabled scenario and saved this as scenario, now I started a multiplayer >> multiplayer scenario and when asked which factions I chose:

                                - Angels
                                - Gaians
                                - Hive
                                - University
                                - Drones

                                Note, that Morgan and Sparta served as "filler" factions, since we just something declared in these slots.

                                I checked what each of these factions gets as first turn tech choice, and it was ok. Centauri Ecology, Ind Auto bline, Applied Physics, Mobility, Bioeng,...
                                Last edited by Mart; November 14, 2008, 05:19.
                                Map creation contest
                                WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet

