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KILL MONTY - 3 vs 2 - Any takers?

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  • #31
    Bodissey, I would be happy to have you join this game, as long as this is acceptable to Uselesses and Elian. Since I think all of the settings are agreed (tech stag on, pods off, no copters, no attrocities), if the substitution is acceptable, we can start the massacre, I mean, game.

    Bodissey, what faction would you like?


    • #32
      I'd like to try the spirituality approach with the Cult of Planet.
      All your base are belong to us


      • #33
        Elian, please post to let us know whether replacing Florin with Bodissey (Cult) is acceptable, and everyone needs to post email addresses. It would be nice to see Uselesses post also, to make sure he is on board. Also email MART with your choice of password.

        After Elain posts, I will email MART and ask him to set up the game.

        My email addresses are:
        mmontgomeryTAslbTODcom [work]
        michaelTAmontgoTODus [home]

        My addresses are mutually exclusive. While at work, I cannot read my home email; while at home, I cannot read my home email. Therefore, for fastest response, please email to both of my addresses.


        • #34
          My email address is markmayhughTAyahooTODcom


          • #35

            I would like to do a training with you Bodissey to see how you play. I would prefer choosing the best player to play with, as otherwise I won't do any good as my faction is a Military one, not a Build or Hybrid one. I need real backup, and otherwise it will just be 1 vs 2 experts and won't be any fun. As Florin was there before, I think he has rights to ask for his place, and we should let him decide If he wants to leave(he wasn't sure last time we spoke)

            We had set a group strategy with Florin before he weren't sure anymore to play. We would like to to this again with you Bodisser and see what's possible.

            So please add me on msn: "" and we'll do a training game. I'm a a very perfectionnist gamer and I love huge challenges, but I might a little dependable in this one.

            We can try a game in the next days, I can play from 17h to 4h GMT (0:00)

            See ya!
            Let us make we more poems.


            • #36
              @Eldramatico: you have mail!

              I might be able to play for two-three hours after 10 PM (GMT) tomorrow.

              My MSN:
              All your base are belong to us


              • #37
                If it's not too late, I'd like to play with the Angels instead.
                All your base are belong to us


                • #38
                  Are we getting close to picking the opposing players and factions yet?


                  • #39
                    yes, we are elaborating a little strategy and we will start soon.

                    We will have in this turn order

                    -CEO Morgan in the middle of the lower right corner
                    -Datajack Roze, in the middle of the lower Left corner
                    -Chariman yang (me) in the lower middle near the obelisk spot, not the nutrient + stream

                    Giving you news later when we start,
                    Let us make we more poems.


                    • #40

                      I have changed my mind about my starting position (The Hive). I wanted to start near the obelisk, well I would prefer starting at the (70, 52) square, near the stream with the nutrient bonus.

                      Please confirm the new starting location for the Hive,
                      Let us make we more poems.


                      • #41
                        in fact, I prefer (68, 52), right on the stream, if it is still possible

                        Let us make we more poems.


                        • #42
                          Ok (67, 53), this time the decision is final
                          Let us make we more poems.


                          • #43
                            Bodissey, do you want to make the game, or should we ask Mart?


                            • #44
                              No problem, Montgomery, I would just need the rules specs.

                              I'd sure appreciate if you could sum them up for me.
                              All your base are belong to us


                              • #45
                                is it ok for the new starting location?
                                Let us make we more poems.

