At this point we know both which slots our factions will occupy and we have our ini file with those factions set.
We could also edit in e.g. notepad the ini file, but just starting a nes smax game and selectiong factions there for each slot is easier if we do not remember factions txt file names, they need to exact there.
We are ready to start generating the actual scenario.
At this point the data in faction files and alphax.txt that will be permanently saved in save files, should be correct - the way we want. Like faction bonuses, pre-defined units, etc.
We could also edit in e.g. notepad the ini file, but just starting a nes smax game and selectiong factions there for each slot is easier if we do not remember factions txt file names, they need to exact there.
We are ready to start generating the actual scenario.
At this point the data in faction files and alphax.txt that will be permanently saved in save files, should be correct - the way we want. Like faction bonuses, pre-defined units, etc.