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Green and Grey - turn track

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  • 2182 to Gaians

    I can tell you it's no PARTY running an air-war in FM. It's a good thing I'm off today so I could take a few hrs to play the move. (I take off Fridays during the summer) I guess I'll be the one slowing things down from now on.


    • On to the Cult!


      • 2183 to Chaunk


        • 2183 on.

          I accidentally pod boomed one of my bases to size 8 before it has a hab complex. The additional pop has been changed to a doctor, and the base will be starved down a level. Hopefully this is ok with you all. (Unless of course we're allowing pod booming past habcomplex limits? )

          BTW, Googlie, there's been a reload warning the past couple of turns from you, having stability issues?
          Play hangman.


          • Originally posted by Chaunk

            BTW, Googlie, there's been a reload warning the past couple of turns from you, having stability issues?
            Rats - it's that damn laptop again (I've loaned my desktop to a friend for a couple of weeks).

            I usually open the turn, play the easy moves, then save as a normal save to go off and do stuff (and this weekend was in between British Open golf viewing, so the turns were actually saved two or three times during the last couple of playings).

            When I re-open it again to play some more, or to conduct some diplomacy, then save again (ie, overwriting the earlier save) for some reasoin with the laptop it records the next opening thereafter as a reload, and not a save reopening - but I don't get a message saying so, as would happen with any normal replaying of a turn

            I've only heard of one other player having a similar problem - it seems to be unique to laptops running on ME2000 that have been upgraded to XP.

            Shouldn't be an issue after this Wednesday, as I'll have my desktop rig back by then

            Originally posted by Chaunk
            I accidentally pod boomed one of my bases to size 8 before it has a hab complex
            Dunno if you've built the Ascetic Virtues, but remember that it allows population to go to 2 over the without hab-complexes or hab-dome limits


            • 2183 to Gaians


              • on to the Cult


                • 2184 to Chaunk (all in one sitting, so there shouldn't be any relaod messages - can you confirm that for me?)


                  • No reload warning from you this time Googlie.

                    However, since I lost about half a dozen transport foils last turn with no combat, I can only presume that someone has retired the design, and need a replay from whoever did so onwards.
                    Play hangman.


                    • Originally posted by Chaunk
                      No reload warning from you this time Googlie.

                      However, since I lost about half a dozen transport foils last turn with no combat, I can only presume that someone has retired the design, and need a replay from whoever did so onwards.
                      That bug is NO fun
                      You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                      • Hmm - not me .... I am conscious of that feature (bug?) and never retire a design unless it's one that I've specifically designed just for retirement (ie to rush a prototype with a crawler then retire to get the minerals heldover for what I really want to build)

                        Haven't done that in this game for twenty turns or so, so can plead "not guilty"


                        • Originally posted by Chaunk
                          However, since I lost about half a dozen transport foils last turn with no combat, I can only presume that someone has retired the design, and need a replay from whoever did so onwards.
                          I did design a new unit last turn, but did not retire any units last turn.



                          • that is a bug probably. once in a tcp/ip game on tiny map I lost 2 top of the line defensive units to this bug, 1-4t-1. they suddenly vanished next turn while doing something in workshop previous turn.

                            if you wish, i can investigate. starting from previous Hive turn, write in email or pm your workshop actions (the best you can remember) then I will attempt to duplicate it and see the outcome. I would need the turn from either you Chaunk or Googlie, the end turn.

                            this may be computer specific, then I might attempt to do workshop actions in order to go around the problem (you would duplicate all the remaining of the turn).

                            so is it that you lost all your transport foils, Chaunk?
                            Map creation contest
                            WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                            • Hmm - you can't retire basic unit designs (including transport foils)

                              Of course, if you've armored or tranced them, then they can be retired

                              Are you sure that they weren't victims of native life, or war. or being probed away (or an earthquake raising land)?


                              • All of my transports except my sole unity foil were lost, with no combat messages, and in a situation where some of them were stacked with noodles on top and so unprobable. The noodles are still there.

                                I didn't keep an exact eye on it, but did Net Warrior get fusion this turn (I know he was researching it last turn, but didn't check this turn yet)? Design retired in the auto-upgrade process perhaps?
                                Play hangman.

