Originally posted by wdplays
Holy Cow, am I pissed!! After working my tail off and seriously denting my economy so that I could finish Retro Eng first and get to Biomachinery (The Cloning Vats) first, what does this POS game do??? It offers me Cent Gen and only Cent Gen as my next research topic. What a complete and utter shaft!!
Is this some kind of bug or something? Is there a policy about what to do when a player gets hosed this way?
Turn sent to Flubber.
Holy Cow, am I pissed!! After working my tail off and seriously denting my economy so that I could finish Retro Eng first and get to Biomachinery (The Cloning Vats) first, what does this POS game do??? It offers me Cent Gen and only Cent Gen as my next research topic. What a complete and utter shaft!!
Turn sent to Flubber.
If someone sends you another tech -- ANY tech-- it should change your available choices. Next turn you can switch at the cost of half your accumulated points
ADvanced hint for next time-- If you have a partner/friend willing to help you , you can ensure that there is some crap tech of their that you do not have. Any time you are going to make a discovery have them offer it to you pre-accepted in the diplo box. Don't accept it when it first appears but wait instead until after your research completes-- IF your desired tech is offered, ignore your partner/friends tech trade. If it is not, go back to the diplo box and accept their offer. Then go to re-select your research- You should have different choices but taking anything different will cost you one half of your accumulated tech points IIRC.
THis works doubly good if the crap tech was your only possible research choice
Since my tech mix is different than yours, I will have different choices but they may or may not include Biomachinery-- I believe I finish Retro Eng this turn too so I should be able to see what gives for me--
Oh and on the way to fusion I had a turn where I could not pick anything on the route-- IT happens and is part of the game