I know there isn't a lot of interest in the NBA but with the playoffs on the horizon I figured what the heck.
But mainly because I heard a great comment by an announcer during the BULL's victory over Miami yesterday.
As they were coming down the stretch one announcer remarked that L James hadn't shot a free throw all night. Their fact checker let them know that it hadn't happened since near the end of 2009, which prompted the other announcer to remark that Immediately after the game the referees would be fined.
Best line of the day.
But mainly because I heard a great comment by an announcer during the BULL's victory over Miami yesterday.
As they were coming down the stretch one announcer remarked that L James hadn't shot a free throw all night. Their fact checker let them know that it hadn't happened since near the end of 2009, which prompted the other announcer to remark that Immediately after the game the referees would be fined.
Best line of the day.