If this was a deliberate strategy on your part (a highly dubious assertion IMO)
Even if it was possible to draft a team with this intention, I've got to point out that successfully doing so is basically aspiring to mediocrity. WHY WOULD YOU LIMIT YOUR UPSIDE???
1. Claiming that you have the league's "highest low score" is a lie. You list your low score as 110.30. My low score to date is 136.45. My guess is there are a bunch of other teams with a higher worst scoring week as well.

2. Claiming to have never been blown out. Really? While you've never faced a truly high-scoring team (174 is the best you've faced), I see one loss by 30+, and three more by 40
3. Claiming that 140 points (which you've only managed 7 out of 12 times) is "enough to win." WTF, dude? More like "enough to hope your opponent sucks."
Seriously Ben, why not just man up and admit that this team sucks? There's no shame in it. It happens to everyone. This year, 3 of my 4 teams are likely playoff bound, but the other is 3-9.
Anyways, if you said my team was weak - something you did not say at the start of the year - I would like to hear what you think I should have done. You've told me constantly 'stick with the draft'.