Originally posted by Ben Kenobi
Rivers has a much higher YPA.
If it's the yards that matter then Tomlinson deserves to get in. If it's the YPA or YPC, then Rivers gets in.
That neither gets to go is one of the worst decisions ever. One of the top offenses in the league and the only one who gets to go is Dielman on the OL?
Rivers has a much higher YPA.
If it's the yards that matter then Tomlinson deserves to get in. If it's the YPA or YPC, then Rivers gets in.
That neither gets to go is one of the worst decisions ever. One of the top offenses in the league and the only one who gets to go is Dielman on the OL?

Rivers should've gotten in, sure. Don't turn it into some sort of travesty, though; that sort of melodramatics just encourages us to heap scorn on you. State the fact (Rivers was snubbed) that we'll all agree with, and move on...
