Originally posted by Flubber
I am still womdering why we all suck so bad on plus minus-- One would think that if we all picked good players, our aggregate plus minus would be around 0or slightly positive-- But I just added it up for this week and between us all we are MINUS 14. Are the higher point getters ( ie the folks we pick) inherently negative for their teams? It would seem so if the aggregate scores for these folks are usually negative
heck last week our teams were an aggregate of MINUS 41
How is this happening ? Since plus minus is inherently a zero-sum game ( with the exception of SHG which give out more minuses than pluses) how is it that our players in total fare so badly?
I am still womdering why we all suck so bad on plus minus-- One would think that if we all picked good players, our aggregate plus minus would be around 0or slightly positive-- But I just added it up for this week and between us all we are MINUS 14. Are the higher point getters ( ie the folks we pick) inherently negative for their teams? It would seem so if the aggregate scores for these folks are usually negative
heck last week our teams were an aggregate of MINUS 41
How is this happening ? Since plus minus is inherently a zero-sum game ( with the exception of SHG which give out more minuses than pluses) how is it that our players in total fare so badly?
2. There are players with higher +/- and lower scoring, and those with lower +/- and higher scoring. Those who have high in both are clearly chosen; but, on balance, fantasy players will take someone with good stats outside of +/- than someone who has only +/-, because 4 categories are better than 1.