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  • Where is Biden holding all them Chinese Officials? He's surely behind them disappearing in increasing numbers me thinks:

    They were trusted and favoured by Xi Jinping. Now, they seem to be vanishing.

    In recent months, the disappearances of several high-ranking Chinese officials have sparked intense speculation over whether Mr Xi is embarking on a purge, particularly of those linked to the military.

    The latest person who appears to have fallen from grace is defence minister Li Shangfu, who has not been seen in public for some weeks now.


    Guess he put them into the American embassy-biolab-military base complex in Beijing for their DNA or something.


    • are you sure they didn't fall from a spy balloon?


      • Ray Epps was charged with disorderly conduct for conspiring to overthrow the US govt

        he plead guilty

        cant wait to see how many decades he gets as a ringleader of the insurrection

        oh wait... disorderly conduct? Meh, give him a month of house arrest. No, former Marine, 6 months probation.

        Now Ray, dont you go inciting any more coups with your disorderly conduct


        • And Trump is still scott free for the moment... He was a ring leader. Epps was just a flunky.
          But go ahead and continue sprouting all your wild ass theories with absolutely NO PROOF.
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • I predicted Ray would get a sweet deal before his lawsuit v Fox goes forward, now he can show the jury his misdemeanor conviction to rebut the accusation he was a plant

            problem is Ray wont get a jury to believe he wasn't a plant and this conviction for disorderly conduct is so laughable it might have the opposite effect


            • As usual, you have NO PROOF HE WAS A PLANT.
              Just making stuff up...
              Let us know if you EVER come up with even a shred of proof.
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • 1) on tape urging people to enter the capital
                2) on tape at the initial breach site while Trump was still speaking (yeah right, MAGA man wasn't even at Trump's speech)
                3) on tape telling man to leave a weapon behind or risk getting shot by cops
                4) on tape whispering in the ear of another man a second before he charges the barrier with several men
                5) claims he told him to take it easy on the cops (verbally or physically?)
                6) on tape charging past the barrier right behind the handful of men who pushed it aside
                7) 2 of those men received instructions from Ray
                8) Ray tells kin back in Az he orchestrated the riot

                wanna bet we wont find anyone else charged with disorderly conduct for all that?

                if we do, its another plant lol... They cant throw the book at some people and ignore or dismiss others for worse conduct and Ray's conduct was in rarified air. Buffalo Hat got ~3 years for walking around.


                • it could “diminish the civil rights of vulnerable communities” in custody cases.​

                  Guv Gavin Newsom (D-Ca) has vetoed a bill directing judges in custody cases to factor in the parent's refusal to recognize trans kids gender identity. For example, Timmy says he's Tammy (and he might be) and Mom or Dad says Timmy is Timmy.

                  Gavin's running for Prez


                  • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
                    1) on tape urging people to enter the capital
                    2) on tape at the initial breach site while Trump was still speaking (yeah right, MAGA man wasn't even at Trump's speech)
                    3) on tape telling man to leave a weapon behind or risk getting shot by cops
                    4) on tape whispering in the ear of another man a second before he charges the barrier with several men
                    5) claims he told him to take it easy on the cops (verbally or physically?)
                    6) on tape charging past the barrier right behind the handful of men who pushed it aside
                    7) 2 of those men received instructions from Ray
                    8) Ray tells kin back in Az he orchestrated the riot

                    wanna bet we wont find anyone else charged with disorderly conduct for all that?

                    if we do, its another plant lol... They cant throw the book at some people and ignore or dismiss others for worse conduct and Ray's conduct was in rarified air. Buffalo Hat got ~3 years for walking around.
                    gee... and none of that proves he was a plant.
                    One more time, where is your proof that he was a plant. Oh, that's right... there is none. But you keep sprouting it like it's a fact.
                    While all it is is right wing propaganda pulled out of somebodies ass.
                    Keep on Civin'
                    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • I have a special rock that keeps tigers away from my house. My evidence showing it's true is there have never been any tigers near my house.
                      Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
                      1992-Perot , 1996-Perot , 2000-Bush , 2004-Bush :|, 2008-Obama :|, 2012-Obama , 2016-Clinton , 2020-Biden


                      • if your pet rock gets lost just grab that tiger by the tail


                        • Still waiting for actual proof Berz... I guess I'll have to wait a very long time.
                          Keep on Civin'
                          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • Berzerker
                            Berzerker commented
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                            what would convince you short of a confession?

                            oh wait, he did confess... he orchestrated the riot and was taken off the FBI's wanted list

                          • Ming
                            Ming commented
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                            Oh wait... he didn't confess to being a plant. He did confess to being a Trump lackey.

                        • Meanwhile, the Republicans want to kill PEPFAR, 'cause it supports "reproductive health" something very important for HIV/AIDS patients, But according to them Reproductive health means abortion so PEPFAR must be destroyed.
                          I'd include a source but i can't find anything that isn't paywalled.​
                          I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
                          Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
                          Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


                          • can it support HIV/AIDS patients without funding abortion?


                            • 15 min in... Canadian Parliament gives standing ovation to Ukrainian Canadian veteran of WWII

                              He fought for the Nazis against Canada's Russian ally


                              • N35t0r
                                N35t0r commented
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                                Yeah, the MP who presented him thought he had fought for the red army and already apologized.

                              • Broken_Erika
                                Broken_Erika commented
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                                And the Speaker has resigned.