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  • If the democratic representative actually pulled the fire alarm to try to disrupt the bill, then he needs to resign or be expelled.

    Jon Miller-
    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


    • That is assuming that it was on purpose.

      Jon Miller-
      GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


      • "Rep. Jamaal Bowman was caught pulling a fire alarm in the Cannon House Building moments before the House was scheduled to vote on a funding bill to avert a government shutdown. Bowman’s team has claimed the move was an accident, but didn’t immediately clarify how it happened or what Bowman was trying to do."​


        This guy was asked about the Donbas and didn't know what it was... At least when Gary Johnson asked 'whats Aleppo?' he wasn't arming terrorists to destroy it


        • And the Repubs want to expel him, but they had no problem with Trump leading an insurrection
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • Berzerker
            Berzerker commented
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            Trump sent Buffalo Hat to take over the govt

        • so as it turns out the 98 year old WWII veteran given a standing ovation by the Canadian govt belonged to a Ukrainian Waffen SS unit that killed Jews and he was celebrated by Canadians on Yom Kippur

          The Poles and Israelis may want to meet him to relive his exploits

          I did not know Canada was a haven for Nazis escaping Germany and how its home to their not-so-ashamed descendants


          • The 14th Waffen SS Galician division, that was our Nazi hero's outfit... While they did some fighting they were mostly in charge of security/policing and killing Jews and Poles

            I can see our 98 year old WWII veteran as an 18 year old boy running around raping and butchering Jewish girls... give the man a round of applause, Oh Canada


            • You make it sound like they knew he was a Nazi. They didn't and have apologized for it.
              It was a mistake, not an endorsement. But feel free to blame the whole country for somebodies stupidity.
              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post
                Christia Freeland is a big shot in the Canadian govt. Her family has quite a history with the Nazis. She was asked if Canada would (re)open an investigation into Nazis escaping to Canada with the govts help. Apparently Canada took in a couple thousand or more Nazis making them citizens while Jews were kept in barbed wire camps. Her word salad response would give Kamala a run for the money. Anyway, it seems the Canadian parliament has stricken the ovation from the official record.
                The Nazis in question (the SS Galicia division) surrendered to the British in 1945 and were taken to the UK. Around 1950 some of them were allowed to immigrate to Canada. If any of that happened while "Jews were kept in barbed wire camps" that would be news indeed.

                Parliament declined an invitation from the Liberals to strike the record.

                Corrections aside, definitely not our finest hour.
                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                • Berzerker
                  Berzerker commented
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                  Fear of the Bolsheviks didn't die in '45... And Nazis didn't have to wait until '50 to enter the country
                  Last edited by Berzerker; October 1, 2023, 15:09.

              • Originally posted by Ming View Post
                You make it sound like they knew he was a Nazi. They didn't and have apologized for it.
                It was a mistake, not an endorsement. But feel free to blame the whole country for somebodies stupidity.
                The real blame is largely being ignored, unless it is credible that no one in Foreign Affairs or the Prime Ministers Office bothered to look at the list of attendees for a joint session of Parliament to host one of the most significant heads of govt in the world...

                Hint, nothing political happens in Ottawa without attracting the attention of some pointy heads in the PMO. <- period
                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                • Originally posted by Ming View Post
                  You make it sound like they knew he was a Nazi. They didn't and have apologized for it.
                  It was a mistake, not an endorsement. But feel free to blame the whole country for somebodies stupidity.
                  I didn't blame the whole country and they must have vetted the guy, he met with Trudeau and Zelensky. I think they didn't care, Nazis killing Russians is back in fashion.


                  • Uncle Sparky
                    Uncle Sparky commented
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                    The Ukrainian delegation and PM did not meet with the former SS soldier. He was in the Speaker's gallery as a guest of the speaker (who has since apologized and resigned). A request to deport the former nazi to Poland for trial is currently under review.

                  • Berzerker
                    Berzerker commented
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                    the guy's grand daughter posted from the room where he was meeting with Zelensky and Trudeau

                • Hardline Republicans seek to oust House Speaker Kevin McCarthy

                  ​ A hardline Republican says he will seek to oust House Speaker Kevin McCarthy this week, after he pushed through a last-minute spending bill with support from the opposition Democrats.

                  Mr McCarthy submitted the bill - aimed at averting a government shutdown - in defiance of the right of his party.

                  They had already vowed to topple him if he tried to overcome their opposition with Democratic support.

                  Hardline Republicans in both houses of Congress voted against the motion.

                  Republicans control the House of Representatives, with Democrats enjoying a wafer-thin majority in the Senate.

                  On Sunday, Rep Matt Gaetz vowed to oust Mr McCarthy, telling the CNN that House Republicans needed "trustworthy" leadership.

                  "I do intend to file a motion to vacate against Speaker McCarthy this week," said Mr Gaetz, long a vocal critic of the Californian congressman. "I think we need to move on with new leadership that can be trustworthy."

                  The Florida Congressman, who is among the party's most right-wing members and a keen ally of former President Donald Trump, has been threatening to force a vote on Mr McCarthy's future for weeks.

                  Along with other hard-right Republicans in the so-called Freedom Caucus, Mr Gaetz refused to back successive budgets proposed by Mr McCarthy, insisting on heavy spending cuts and an end to new military aid to Ukraine.

                  The hard-right faction said any attempt to pass a spending bill by relying on Democratic votes would cross a red-line which would prompt an attempt to remove the Speaker from his leadership position.

                  But in a dramatic turnaround on Saturday afternoon, Mr McCarthy decided to put to a vote the temporary funding measure that would keep the government open until 17 November. It contains funding for natural disasters but makes no major concessions on spending levels - a key demand of the Republicans controlling the lower house.

                  Mr McCarthy admitted that the last-minute agreement was not the route he wanted to take, telling reporters that he had "tried to pass the most conservative stopgap measure possible," but "we didn't have 218 Republicans".

                  Mr Gaetz has long been a thorn in Mr McCarthy's side. In January, he repeatedly refused to back him in the Speaker's race, resulting in a record 15 rounds of voting.

                  He eventually relented after securing a number of concession, including a rule change allowing just one member to file a so-called motion to vacate - a move to remove the Speaker - which he is now threatening to use against Mr McCarthy.

                  "Speaker McCarthy made an agreement with House conservatives in January, and since then he has been in brazen, repeated material breach of that agreement," Mr Gaetz said on Sunday. "This agreement that he made with Democrats, to really blow past a lot of the spending guardrails we had set up, is a last straw."

                  But speaking on CBS on Sunday, Mr McCarthy sought to dismiss Mr Gaetz's challenge, calling his criticism "personal".

                  "I'll survive," Mr McCarthy said. "He's more interested in securing TV interviews."

                  "Let's get over with it. Let's start governing. If he's upset because he tried to push us into a shutdown and I made sure government didn't shut down, then let's have that talk," he added.While some 90 Republicans opposed Saturday's temporary spending bill, it is unclear how much support Mr Gaetz's move will have in the wider party.

                  Republican Mike Lawler told ABC's "This Week" on Sunday that "the only responsible thing to do was to keep the government open and funded while we complete our work".

                  "By putting this motion to vacate on the floor, you know what Matt Gaetz is going to do? He's going to delay the ability to complete that work over the next 45 days," Mr Lawler said.

                  But other members of the Freedom Caucus were quick to criticise Mr McCarthy.

                  Matt Rosendale told reporters on Saturday that "you can't form a coalition of more Democrats than you have Republicans who you're supposed to be the leader of, and not think that there's going to be serious, serious fallout".

                  Meanwhile, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ruled out any prospect of her Democratic party loaning Mr McCarthy votes to keep him on office.

                  "I think Kevin McCarthy is a very weak Speaker. He clearly has lost control of his caucus. He has brought the United States and millions of Americans to the brink, waiting until the final hour to keep the government open, and even then only issuing a 45-day extension," she said.
                  Rep Matt Gaetz will seek to remove the Speaker this week, saying Republicans need "trustworthy" leadership.
                  I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
                  Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
                  Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


                  • Berzerker
                    Berzerker commented
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                    Insurrection! He's holding the world hostage. It really is sad the progressives bowed to Queen Nancy without a shrug

                • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

                  I didn't blame the whole country and they must have vetted the guy, he met with Trudeau and Zelensky. I think they didn't care, Nazis killing Russians is back in fashion.
                  As usual, just more bad ASSUMPTIONS on your part... and no, Russians killing and raping their own people is what seems to be back in fashion. But feel free to take their side whenever you can.
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • Their own people... Is that an admission eastern Ukrainians have more in common with western Russians than western Ukrainians? So who was 'raping and killing' them before Putin invaded in '22 after repeated attempts to end the war in the Donbas? Our Nazis were doing the raping and killing. Kinda hard for me to get upset at Russians for attacking the Nazis.


                    • Yeah... kind of hard for you to get upset when Russians kill and rape. Got it.
                      Keep on Civin'
                      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • The Nazis were killing eastern Ukrainians for years with our help, that caused this war. Americans mostly didn't care or didn't know and ignored the neocons playing their hegemonic games. If Russian soldiers committed rape they should be prosecuted and they better pray they didn't rape someone with ties. Does the fact Nazis commit rape (possibly as policy) mean you support rape? They have thugs running around grabbing people off the streets to throw into the meat grinder, do you support that? I assume you dont so why the double standard? I dont expect either side to fight nice, so dont arm them and peace talks will resume.

                        I dont want Nazis given control of the eastern Ukrainians they attacked a decade ago. If these people were allowed to vote on it, would they welcome Azov as their new rulers? You can rest assured our media will turn a blind eye to the purge that follows, killing, rape, real nasty stuff and our fingerprints are on the weapon of mass destruction. No thanks, I'll support the free speech of Nazis but I dont want my taxes arming them to commit mass murder on the border of a nuclear power. The people in charge are psychopaths, they think they can regime change Putin when the hardliners are the ones to replace him, not Boris Yeltzin.


                        • BeBMan
                          BeBMan commented
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                          Meduza revealed that Putin armed the Nazis.

                        • Berzerker
                          Berzerker commented
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                          sure glad we're not arming him then or we'd be arming Nazis... oh... thats right, we are