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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • Originally posted by N35t0r View Post


    Using a pig would have been difficult, since most of them are not self-propelled and are limited to moving with the flow. Nord Stream 2 has had no flow since the initial acceptance tests, so it would have meant Russia put in an explosive while the line was still supposed to be put in operation, which would have come out on Germany's end.
    I suppose the ones that are self propelled would be used instead?


    • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

      I suppose the ones that are self propelled would be used instead?
      Most self propelled pigs are tethered, since the power requirements of the ILI tool plus the propulsion method are huge. I guess a bomb with a timer has significantly less power requirements than the tool's sensors and electronics, but the motors are still the biggest power draw. The longest-ranged self propelled tools are all tethered, not autonomous, and 10km is more in line with their range, not 100, let alone 8-900 km.
      Indifference is Bliss


      • Let's not forget the two Russian warships that were nearby when this happened. My guess is an unmanned undersea drone attack directed from one of those ships.
        "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


        • Originally posted by N35t0r View Post


          Using a pig would have been difficult, since most of them are not self-propelled and are limited to moving with the flow. Nord Stream 2 has had no flow since the initial acceptance tests, so it would have meant Russia put in an explosive while the line was still supposed to be put in operation, which would have come out on Germany's end.
          I didn't know that.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • Originally posted by Dinner View Post

            I didn't know that.
            Yeah, I'm indirectly in the industry, and the amount of bull**** that gets thrown around as hare-brained theories is very funny.

            I guess it doesn't help when most people's mental image of inspection pigs are two Bond films...
            Indifference is Bliss


            • Originally posted by N35t0r View Post

              I guess it doesn't help when most people's mental image of inspection pigs are two Bond films...
              I have to admit that is what I pictured when the discussion of Pigs started
              "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


              • It's totally understandable. I knew a tiny bit more coming off uni, but only because we covered pipelines in a small part of one course. It's not the most wide-spread or visual industry, to start with, and pretty much none of it is public-facing.
                Indifference is Bliss


                • The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said on Thursday that inspectors had unfettered access and found no indication of undeclared nuclear activity and materials at three sites in Ukraine.

                  IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said in a statement that inspectors "completed their in-field verification activities at three locations in Ukraine at the request of the of the government of Ukraine."

                  The request to send teams of UN inspectors was issued after Russia made allegations that Kyiv was planning to deploy a so-called "dirty bomb" containing radioactive material.

                  "Our technical and scientific evaluation of the results we have so far did not show any sign of undeclared nuclear activities and materials at these three locations. Additionally, we will report on the results of the environmental sampling as soon as possible," Grossi said.

                  Grossi went on to say that the IAEA remained poised to conduct further verification activities in Ukraine if necessary.
                  Europeans have a moral obligation to support Ukrainians as Russia attacks civilian infrastructure as winter sets in, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell told DW. Get the latest news on the war in Ukraine.



                  • Perhaps Serb posts infrequently because he is spending most of his time in the woods.
                    A Russian IT developer has been hiding in a forest for a month to avoid mobilization. Not willing to leave Russia, but also not wanting to go to war, he has spent the last month equipping a tent, and says he has maintained a normal work schedule with his employer.
                    “It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see.”

                    ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


                    • So EPW can feel better.

                      Try for discussion and debate.


                      • must you perpetuate the stereotype of the effeminate gay englishman?


                        • Medvedev "I also want to say a few things about Satan"

                          Nov 4 (Reuters) - Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Friday cast Russia's war in Ukraine as a sacred conflict with Satan, warning that Moscow could send all its enemies to the eternal fires of Gehenna.

                          Russia's invasion of Ukraine has killed tens of thousands and triggered the biggest confrontation with the West since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis when the Cold War superpowers came closest to nuclear war.

                          Medvedev, who once cast himself as a liberal moderniser as president from 2008 to 2012, said Moscow was fighting "crazy Nazi drug addicts" in Ukraine backed by Westerners who he said had "saliva running down their chins from degeneracy".

                          Ukraine and the West have repeatedly dismissed President Vladimir Putin's assertions that Ukraine is run by fascists who have persecuted Russian speakers. Instead, they cast the war as a brutal land grab by Moscow.

                          In a message marking Russia's Day of National Unity, Medvedev said the task of the fatherland was to "stop the supreme ruler of Hell, whatever name he uses - Satan, Lucifer or Iblis".

                          Medvedev, now deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, said Russia had different weapons, including the ability to "send all our enemies to fiery Gehenna", using a Hebrew term often translated as Hell.

                          Since the war began, Medvedev's rhetoric has become increasingly fierce though his published views sometimes chime with thinking at the top levels of the Kremlin elite.

                          Satan's weapons, Medvedev said, were "intricate lies. And our weapon is the truth. That is why our cause is right. That is why victory will be ours! Happy Holidays!"


                          • Moscow Medvedev > Baghdad Bob
                            "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


                            • it's far right religious nutcase gone wild.

                              power corrupts absolute power corrupt absolutely

                              thank god greece has a rotating election every 4 years


                              • if you're a mafi aboss you want to convince people you're something more

                                anmyway very sad for russia but not sad angry because it has casued the death of so many people

                                englightment is western and very concrete freedom equality tolerance to the different

                                there's nothing "alternative" to that.

                                either you adhere to these principles or you don't

                                you country is demoted to a far right homophobic piece of mafia sh!t state

                                the best hospitals are in europe and free and there is socialism protecting them

                                yiou are not socialists. you have let mafia take control]
                                and the west doenst hate russia or russians despite your propaganda. neither are you alone or persecuted

                                but itis too late now. you have killed so many I don't know how man or god can frgive you now

