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Prediction Thread: When Will Ukraine Conquer Russia

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  • Putin and Biden arming Nazis...which one did you vote for?


    • Continually amazed that Ukraine's legally recognized borders (including by Russia) are continually being ignored by the "who armed who" crowd. Russia is guilty...pure and simple. The solution is for Russia to withdraw to its internationally recognized borders...pure and simple.

      Once this is done, then discussions on any other issues can begin. Until then, the occupiers must be expelled.
      "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration." - Hillary Clinton, 2003


      • Yes. Going into a nation because some people are accused to be Nazis can not be normalized. If some people are Nazis, and they are doing a genocide or something, then you bring it up at the UN or ICC and get international support. You don't just attack the nation and act in every way as a belligerent. The majority of the reporting says that Russia is engaging in various war crimes, and that fits what Russia has also claimed.

        Jon Miller-
        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


        • If Nazi's are the issue, then somebody should invade the US, because the Republican Party is becoming the party for Nazi's.

          And yeah... listening to how Russia is there to help "their people" is a total farce considering they are killing and raping them.
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • Originally posted by PLATO View Post
            Continually amazed that Ukraine's legally recognized borders (including by Russia) are continually being ignored by the "who armed who" crowd. Russia is guilty...pure and simple. The solution is for Russia to withdraw to its internationally recognized borders...pure and simple.

            Once this is done, then discussions on any other issues can begin. Until then, the occupiers must be expelled.
            And let the Nazis rule the people they've spent a decade attacking. Sounds like good times. What if the people of Crimea and the Donbas dont want Russia to leave? At this point aint it obvious they dont want to be ruled by Kiev? When Russia "invaded" the people of the Donbas didn't start shooting at them, they were already shooting at the militias sent by Kiev. Now why is that? Russia was helping the people of eastern Ukraine expel the Nazi occupiers on their lands. One more thing, it was a coup. "Legally" the people in Ukraine (and the rest of the world) had no obligation to support it and the ones who didn't were attacked.


            • PLATO
              PLATO commented
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              Actually the Vote was totally legal under the Ukrainian constitution. For it to have been a coup, then there would have had to have been a subversion of the government...there was not. The legislature was intact, took action, and a new leader was chosen. All constitutional so no "coup". Once again (for probably the 1000th time) the "Nazi" thing has been totally debunked. You continue to spout nothing but propaganda and refuse to see facts.

            • Berzerker
              Berzerker commented
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              Geronimo said the vote didn't meet the constitutional requirements and the coup was the massacre...the coup was the massacre. Given what happened and how Ukrainians felt about it notwithstanding your assessment, how did you get the moral high ground to send armed Nazis to kill them?

            • Berzerker
              Berzerker commented
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              Nazis murdered 100 people, the leader was blamed and he ran for his life. No no, not a coup, really. Oh but Jan 6, now that was a coup.

          • Originally posted by Jon Miller View Post
            Yes. Going into a nation because some people are accused to be Nazis can not be normalized. If some people are Nazis, and they are doing a genocide or something, then you bring it up at the UN or ICC and get international support. You don't just attack the nation and act in every way as a belligerent. The majority of the reporting says that Russia is engaging in various war crimes, and that fits what Russia has also claimed.

            Who do you call when Nato is arming the Nazis to kill ethnic Russians and who is giving us the majority of reporting? So, what did the UN have to say about Nato arming Nazis to kill eastern Ukrainians? Its been about a decade now, any word? The UN is an international body, it typically doesn't address what govts do to their own people. Didn't the ICC accuse Putin of a war crime because Russian soldiers evacuated special needs kids from a Ukrainian advance?


            • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

              And let the Nazis rule the people they've spent a decade attacking. Sounds like good times. What if the people of Crimea and the Donbas dont want Russia to leave? At this point aint it obvious they dont want to be ruled by Kiev? When Russia "invaded" the people of the Donbas didn't start shooting at them, they were already shooting at the militias sent by Kiev. Now why is that? Russia was helping the people of eastern Ukraine expel the Nazi occupiers on their lands. One more thing, it was a coup. "Legally" the people in Ukraine (and the rest of the world) had no obligation to support it and the ones who didn't were attacked.
              In what possible way will the "nazis" "rule" anyone after a Ukrainian victory, let alone "nazis" that "attacked them" for 10 years? Specifically who are the nazis? You've claimed the Nazis are Azov. Zelensky wanted peace you say but Azov overruled him and they are Nazis! Berz...Azov is at about 900 troops now. *None* of the officers were in or on record as having even voted for the farthest right party in Ukraine. How in the hell will they "rule" anyone? If zelensky can survive Russian assassinations there is no way he will somehow be beholden to Azov, let alone to imaginary "Nazi's Azov.

              Also the Russian soldiers *were* shot at by people living in the Donbas each time when Russia moved more of them into the Donbas until the new Russian management killed, jailed, disappeared or cowed them into submission.

              Finally what does "supporting" a coup mean? Refraining from declaring independence with an armed insurrection? Are you saying that is now acceptable by every province in Niger (where an actual coup has occurred) to declare independence with armed insurrection and get annexed by various neighboring countries? The "coup" makes that all fair game?


              • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

                The US and its allies recruited, funded and armed fanatical Muslims to wage a proxy war against Russia in Afghanistan. But no, not really... Americans would never dream up such a strategy. Carter's advisor said that was the plan. Why would the Taliban - religious zealots - inherit a country conquered by religious zealots flocking to the call and dime of Uncle Sam? I never mentioned Korea but the war in Vietnam stemmed from France trying to hang onto it after WWII. The natives were restless and war eventually drove the French into retreat with pleas for our help. Not exactly the moral high ground for us to wage a war killing millions.

                If the Donbas and Crimea dont want to be ruled by Azov should we force them? That wont happen of course, we wont risk the US army to compel eastern Ukrainians to live under western Ukrainian rule. What intervention specifically were you comparing Ukraine to for this double standard you see? If Russia toppled the Mexican govt and sent an army to attack people south of our border I would oppose arming Russia - thats consistent. How about you? I defined coup as what now? I didn't support Assad or his dad, I'm opposed to arming terrorists to destroy Syria... or does the end justify the means?
                So now you discover nuance eh? Yes, Soviet Afghanistan was a proxy war. not a 3/3 US war as you constantly claim. Most important of all, the US did not start any part or stage of the soviet Afghanistan war. Soviets and locals started all of the fighting. The US offered assistance with training and weapons that, adjusting for inflation (~$47 billion USD 2023), was actually similar to the USSR level of military aid to Vietnam (about $44 billion USD 2023). Actually, 85% of millitary aid to the mujahedeen came from non US sources. So how in the hell do you ascribe the casualties in both wars as 3/3 belonging to the US?

                If the Donbas and Crimea don't want to be rule by Azov they are lucky that Azov has never ruled them or anybody else.

                You offered a special interpretation of coup as any change in power that occurs even in part due to a violent act. You even interpret that as meaning that if a president if framed for a sniper attack on civilians and loses power then any government that later takes power is a coup. I'd say that's a very special definition of coup.

                Whether or not you support Assad you can't claim that a coup absolves Russia of all culpability in starting a war in the Donbas while pretending that the US owns 3/3 of casualties in Syria for a civil war that erupted when Assad assumed power in Syria through ongoing violence.

                Be consistent Berz. That's all I ask. And no, I don't mean be consistently inconsistent.


                • Originally posted by Berzerker View Post

                  Who do you call when Nato is arming the Nazis to kill ethnic Russians and who is giving us the majority of reporting? So, what did the UN have to say about Nato arming Nazis to kill eastern Ukrainians? Its been about a decade now, any word? The UN is an international body, it typically doesn't address what govts do to their own people. Didn't the ICC accuse Putin of a war crime because Russian soldiers evacuated special needs kids from a Ukrainian advance?
                  Berz...if they were arming them "to kill ethnic Russians" why the hell didn't that happen?? Why did so many fewer ethnic Russians die from 2013 to February 2021 than have died since? If they were shelling cities to kill ethnic Russians, why were so vastly many more ethnic Russian homes destroyed from March 2021 to March 2022 than from January 2013 to January 2021? Why if they wanted to kill ethnic Russians did they pour the overwhelming majority of their shells into the closed Donetsk Airport and into rural battlefields than into Donetsk itself or at least ethnic Russian towns of any size?

                  If Russia Evacuated kids from "a Ukrainian advance" they'd be safe back in Western Ukraine with family members via Belarus, Turkey, the Baltics, or any number of other routes to get them home.
                  Last edited by Geronimo; August 18, 2023, 11:50. Reason: quote marks


                  • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

                    In what possible way will the "nazis" "rule" anyone after a Ukrainian victory, let alone "nazis" that "attacked them" for 10 years? Specifically who are the nazis? You've claimed the Nazis are Azov. Zelensky wanted peace you say but Azov overruled him and they are Nazis! Berz...Azov is at about 900 troops now. *None* of the officers were in or on record as having even voted for the farthest right party in Ukraine. How in the hell will they "rule" anyone? If zelensky can survive Russian assassinations there is no way he will somehow be beholden to Azov, let alone to imaginary "Nazi's Azov.

                    Also the Russian soldiers *were* shot at by people living in the Donbas each time when Russia moved more of them into the Donbas until the new Russian management killed, jailed, disappeared or cowed them into submission.

                    Finally what does "supporting" a coup mean? Refraining from declaring independence with an armed insurrection? Are you saying that is now acceptable by every province in Niger (where an actual coup has occurred) to declare independence with armed insurrection and get annexed by various neighboring countries? The "coup" makes that all fair game?
                    The same way they ruled after the 2014 coup, with terror. But much worse, we will put Nazis in charge of people they consider traitors following a 10 year war. The Nazis wear tattoos, they dont hide what they think (unless they're getting awards from Jon Stewart). Azov is a specific group of Nazis that formed when eastern Ukrainians didn't support the coup. The Ukrainian right wing is much larger, but Azov is the poster boy for Ukrainian Nazism (google their founder). The media had little problem calling them Nazis before 2022, its only recently they whitewashed white supremacy. Well, not here... white supremacy is public enemy # 1 in the USA, arming Nazis to attack people armed with nukes half way around the world is our civic duty.

                    Yes, Zelensky campaigned on peace and won a landslide. When he showed up in the Donbas to inform Azov they had to vacate their forward positions as part of the deal he was told to gtfo and he did. They got it recorded for posterity, I saw the film of him trying to play president and learning from a low ranked Azov soldier he wasn't in charge. Course the reason Azov could do that is because we had their backs, not Zelensky or the Ukrainian people. Democracy is just another lie we tell the world when we hire fanatics to kill for us. How would you know the voting records of Azov officers? The Russians aint trying to kill Zelensky, he's in more danger from us and Azov. And you're wrong, Zelensky has been kissing Azov butt for years. Zelensky fired his friend and advisor for upsetting Azov.

                    I dont know enough about the Niger coup to make comparisons. I do know the people of Crimea and the Donbas had the moral high ground in 2014, not the Nazis we sent to kill them.


                    • So I guess you think the Russians have the high ground now as they kill and rape the people you claim they are fighting for.
                      Keep on Civin'
                      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • Interesting discussion of the opening of delivering F16's ti Ukraine

                        With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

                        Steven Weinberg


                        • Originally posted by Ming View Post
                          So I guess you think the Russians have the high ground now as they kill and rape the people you claim they are fighting for.
                          You have no fking idea what you are talking about.
                          Your universe is upside down.


                          • Originally posted by Ming View Post
                            So I guess you think the Russians have the high ground now as they kill and rape the people you claim they are fighting for.
                            Rape is not self defense


                            • Originally posted by Geronimo View Post

                              Berz...if they were arming them "to kill ethnic Russians" why the hell didn't that happen?? Why did so many fewer ethnic Russians die from 2013 to February 2021 than have died since? If they were shelling cities to kill ethnic Russians, why were so vastly many more ethnic Russian homes destroyed from March 2021 to March 2022 than from January 2013 to January 2021?
                              ​Well, you know, when you Westerners were creaming your pants about the "peaceful protesters" at Maidan in 2014, the "peaceful protesters" who shot and burned police officers with molotov coctails ALIVE (something that never happened at Capitolium), I've started a thread here and told you that very soon your "peaceful Maidan protesters" will start to slaughter the ones who are opposing the coup with artillery, tanks and aviation instead of the Molotov cocktails and you will apploud to them!!!
                              And my prediction was absolutely correct back then in 2014. Just weeks after the new illegal Kiev coup junta had started their military campaign over Donbass.

                              You, Westerners have a memory as great, as a memory of aquarium fish!

                              You are so primitive and so easily manipulated by your media.
                              And you - Americans, are the champions of that! You oversimplify fking EVERYTHING!
                              In your artificially created universe there is only black and white.
                              I've seen that many times here during the last 22 years I am a member of this community.
                              In August 2008, I have started a thread "This is war" or something like that, where I have outraged about Gergian killing of Osetian civilians and Russian peacekeepers and predicted that your media will portray the upcoming war as Russian invasion to innocent Georgia.
                              And I was right again - everything happened just like as I have predicted.
                              One week before the February 24, 2022, I have started a thread, where I predicted once again that there will be war, because Ukranian have ammased 250 000 troops and started a heavy bombardment of Donbass cities, thus starting the war already. In this thread I have predicted that you will not notice that and will start to cream your pants about the Russian agression, when Russia will finally intervenue to stop the Ukranian offensive on Donbass, just like you did in 2008.
                              I was right once again!
                              And your media do the same SH!T over and over again and you never learn!!!

                              You don't need truth, all you need is your media propaganda!!!

                              Back then I have created another thread to show YOUR PROPAGANDA LIES to justify your previous wars and predicted that it will be the same this time!
                              BECAUSE YOU FKERS NEVER LEARN!!!
                              And can't do 2+2!

                              That is because you are imbeciles.
                              They have made you imbeciles on purpose!
                              They are making you imbeciles since your birth, by not giving you a proper education and by brainwashing you with their media on daily basis.
                              You just don't notice that, but "sad, but true"!

                              So, back to your questions.

                              if they were arming them "to kill ethnic Russians" why the hell didn't that happen??
                              Who told you it didn't happen?!

                              Right after the coup, new Kiev authorities have proposed a law to ban the Russian language completely (90% of Ukranian poplation are Russian speakers and about an half of Ukranian population are ethnic Russians, living on the historically RUSSIAN territories, gifted to Ukraine by Russian Tzars and inhuman Bolshevicks) and then sent an army to suppress the Donbass region, which had uprised against the inconstitutional coup of Maidan.

                              And they have killed and terrorized the civilian Russian population on purpose!

                              15 thousand killed civilians is a number from nowhere. The real casualities among Donbass civilians are greater.
                              They have come to Donbass in 2014 with the only one goal - to clear this territory from the local Russian population. Period.
                              You (The Westerners) whine that they have killed so few and didn't succeed back then?
                              Well, that is because we didn't let them to do so and crushed the motherfkers so hard, that they ran with tail between their legs begging for mercy at Minsk.

                              That is the answer.​

                              Why if they wanted to kill ethnic Russians did they pour the overwhelming majority of their shells into the closed Donetsk Airport and into rural battlefields than into Donetsk itself or at least ethnic Russian towns of any size?
                              That is a lie of Western propaganda!
                              Ukranian did and still do hit civilian targets intentionally to terrorize the population.
                              On a mass scale!​
                              Every day!
                              They are intentionally killing women and children using YOUR WEAPONS!!!
                              You bloody motherfkers!!!

                              If Russia Evacuated kids from "a Ukrainian advance" they'd be safe back in Western Ukraine with family members via Belarus, Turkey, the Baltics, or any number of other routes to get them home.
                              I bet you are not aware of the fact that most of the Ukranian refugees had fled to Russia, not to EU!
                              How can you explain that more Ukranian people had fled to Russia, who is a "bloody agressor", than fled to the West, who is an "holy ally and saviour" (a master of stupid nazi Ukranian cannon fodder)?​​

