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  • rah
    Actually I said the comment that you quoted was racist. If you want to own it though, I have no problem with the accusation.

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  • Uncle Sparky
    commented on 's reply
    You are an absolute idiot.

  • Kidlicious
    Originally posted by rah View Post

    Typical racist raving. Totally expected. People don't trust the community anymore because a black man moved in next door. Quite hilarious.
    Ah so you falsely accuse me of being a racist. Perfect.

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  • rah
    And since you bring up community mindedness, the diminishing of trust in the community is the direct result of diversity.
    Typical racist raving. Totally expected. People don't trust the community anymore because a black man moved in next door. Quite hilarious.

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  • Proteus_MST
    Originally posted by Kidicious View Post

    No because we would all die. The chance of being killed by a mass shooter is still very low despite what you heard.
    What if you would regulate the size of these nuclear bombs?
    Say to a maximum of 0.01 kt (which would be the size of the ammu8nition of a nuclear M 29 Davy Crockett recoilless rifle for civilian sale.

    This would decrease the chance that ysu all would die and you could still have individual fun with nuclear weapons (and especially, would be able to effectively protect yourself from the state and its army which, after all, is the reason for the 2nd amendment, according to some NRA followers).
    Considering the costs of even these tiny nuclear weapons I am also sure that they wouldnt be too widespread, as only the richest 10-20 % of US society would be able to afford one (or more) of them

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  • Proteus_MST
    Well, the extreme individualism in the USA obviously is detrimental to the community.

    Best example is the health insurance sector.
    The "freedom" to not have a health insurance costs you (as the whole US society) big.
    The costs (compared to a single payer insurance, like all other western nations have) are much higher and the coverage is much worse ... also, due to it all being almost totally unregulated capitalism, you have a high danger of getting ripped off, for example in emergency rooms (where you may have to pay 1000 $ for just a bandage and no medical assistance).
    And even those who "like" the freedom of not being insured play russian roulette, as a medical emergency (or cancer) can result in much more costs than they would have had, if they had paid for a health insurance in countries with single payer insurance models (usually resulting in medical bankruptcies, which btw. is something almost completely unheard of in countries with single payer insurances ... they are more or less unique to the USA)
    Not to forget those who had preexisting conditions (which include previous pregnancies as I have learned) which gives US health insurance agencies an excuse to deny them coverage, or charge astronomical costs.

    So you, as a society, pay a high price for your "individual freedom" in the health sector.
    Last edited by Proteus_MST; May 22, 2018, 08:55.

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  • Kidlicious
    Originally posted by Aeson View Post
    Kid, do you support nuclear weapon proliferation to ordinary citizens? If not ... why?
    No because we would all die. The chance of being killed by a mass shooter is still very low despite what you heard.

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  • Kidlicious
    Originally posted by ricketyclik View Post

    And the truth is?

    A massively disenfranchised society all about individual worth? A system that tells people that if they just knuckle down and do their bit they'll do fine, while all the while they're being ripped off? A system that actively discourages community mindedness?

    You tell me.
    Well part of it is constantly complaining of being ripped off, or oppressed, being victims or people saying things they don't like but is usually true. Basically a high level of dishonesty and ungratefulness.

    And since you bring up community mindedness, the diminishing of trust in the community is the direct result of diversity.

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  • Aeson
    Kid, do you support nuclear weapon proliferation to ordinary citizens? If not ... why?

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  • ricketyclik
    Originally posted by Kidicious View Post

    You didn't get my point. Not surprising. Or maybe you did but you wanted to protect people from the truth.
    And the truth is?

    A massively disenfranchised society all about individual worth? A system that tells people that if they just knuckle down and do their bit they'll do fine, while all the while they're being ripped off? A system that actively discourages community mindedness?

    You tell me.

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  • Kidlicious
    Originally posted by ricketyclik View Post

    You're so right. Look at all the other countries that have mass shootings in schools.
    You didn't get my point. Not surprising. Or maybe you did but you wanted to protect people from the truth.

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  • Kidlicious
    Originally posted by Proteus_MST View Post
    Kind of funny when the Left actually says something true for once but they try to use sarcasm

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  • Proteus_MST
    Well, to sum it up:

    Things responsible for school shootings:
    Video games
    Too many doors
    Not enough walls
    Walls that are too thin
    Mean girls
    Bad parents
    The liberal media
    Not enough police officers
    Ineffective police officers
    Not enough guns

    Things not responsible:
    Too many guns

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  • ricketyclik
    Originally posted by Kidicious View Post
    The problem is not guns. It's not shootings. It's this.
    You're so right. Look at all the other countries that have mass shootings in schools.

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  • Kidlicious
    The Santa Fe shooter has a creepy family member just like the Las Vegas shooter had his creepy brother. The father of the Santa Fe shooter is blaming people for bullying his son when he obviously is more to blame for the way he raised his son. This is our society now. The problem is not guns. It's not shootings. It's this.

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