The second place that the eurosceptic and anti-immigration party AdF took in the local elections in the german state if mecleboutgh-pomerania, opened again the discussion about the rise of the far right in europe.
I dont belong in those who think that european citizens woke up one morning and they were fascists.
You don't go to sleep as a democrat and wake up as a fascist.
The immigrants and refugees that come to europe bring fear to many european citizens,
Immigration in coleration with market economy - that is very wild and has nothiong to do with capitalism as it was 40 years ago - produce insecurity in millions of citizens in europe.
There is a number of immigrants that each country can take before social cohesion is disrupted
States exist so they safeguard the rights of their citizens and provide security.
That is the reason immigration is controled by the states of europe
Capital "migrates" towards any direction, while men do not have - not all - that right
It's very easy to label everyone as a fascist and racist but that is not going to help you particularly.
Personally I'm in favor of free movement of peoples.
But if that happens, it is certain that immigrants will take millions of jobs from the citizens of europe, leaving them without work and income in their ouwn state
Immigrants drop down wages
The immigrant driver from pakistan will be happy to work for 3 times the money he would have gotten home
The european bus driver will be forced to work for the same monay - if he wants to keep his job - while now he gets lots more money and has a fair standard of living
Immigration in corelation with the steady rise of unemployment - look how many unemployed are now in europe and how many there were 20 years ago - push citizens to nationalistic parties, since the socialist ones have become neoliberal and no longer provide an alternative.
Of course, immigrants are not the main cause for the unemployment in Europe. Free market economy is.
Noone can stop people from migrating. They will find a way no matter how many obstacles you raise.
The financial inequality between the coutnries of the west and the rest of the countries was certain that it would attract millions of immigrants.
It is very convenient for someone to think that the citizens of the west would live comfy and free while the rest would live miserably in 3rd world countries with tyranical regimes that are supported by the countries of the West.
There is only one way to stop mass immigration in europe: all these people to be able to live humanly in their own countries
In an environment of globalization and wild market economy that is impossible to happen.
It would take another system, either socialist or coommunist for that to happen.
But today it is forbiden to talk about socialism and communism
Neoliberalism and market economy are a one way street even if everyone sees by now that this leads straight to fascism.
Have a nice journey on this one way street and IDs in the teeth.