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Pope: Catholics should ask gay people for forgiveness

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  • Hitlers NSDAP was elected because of economic problems the Weimar republic faced.
    Yes, and no. The NSDAP became the biggest Reichstag party because of the economic problems of Weimar. But they were only able to come to power because of Hindenburg and they were able to shred the Weimar constitution because of weaknesses within Weimar itself.

    And his Ermächtigungsgesetz that gave him full power was pushed through the parliament because of "terrorism"
    Which he would not have been able to do if Weimar had a stronger constitution. The NSDAP wasn't the only group that was trying to pull a similar move. They benefitted from the chaos under Weimar Germany, and Schleicher's putsch in 32 to bring down Bruening. Had Schleicher supported Bruening over Hitler, Hitler would never have come to power.

    Free gun ownership wouldn't have changed anything about this.
    Actually, it would have changed quite a bit.

    Actually, never in history so many germans had access to weapons as during WW2 (thanks to most male germans being drawn into the military and, in the last months of the war, even people too old or too young were put into the Volkssturm)
    How does that apply to Germany in '33?
    Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
    "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


    • - The claim that Hitler was in favor of gun control. I also acknowledged that this claim is not 100% false: he was in favor of prohibition of guns for bad guys (jews). But he certainly was not for a complete regulation of guns for average non-jewish German.
      Why would he favor stripping Jews of guns, if he didn't believe that guns were a means by which citizens could resist the government?

      because they are all different forms of communism and I simply don't know what their policies were concerning gun control.
      All favored gun control.
      Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
      "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


      • US is pretty fascist compared to world standards so guns do that

        they don't have guns for "freedom" (nothing is ever related to their silly mantra) they have it because they are frontier shepherd mentality and then go all silly about high ideas

        when 2 million unarmed citizens get out on the street ANY government fails.

        when some dudes start shooting at the gov, a tank blast puts them to their final resting place

        exception are texans that seem naturally born gun carriers


        • And Israel exists simply because there are oil rich arab countries nearby.

          Pray to god oil doesn't run out...


          • also, didn't castro had the brigadas?

            civilians armed?

            and that's how chavez kicked the liberofascists in the nuts if I'm not mistaken.

            meanwhile in extreme communist western europe there wasn't even one gun to show.


            bull**** guaranteed


            • Originally posted by Ben Kenobi View Post
              How is the situation of Jews in the middle east significantly different from Jews in Weimar Germany?
              How is an independent Jewish state with its own armed forces and significant international support different from a persecuted minority within a state dominated by a different religion who historically had oppressed the Jewish faith? Do you really need to ask that silly question?


              • Are there really 116 pages of this?
                The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                • Originally posted by Giancarlo View Post
                  Read the other thread. I am done with this forum.

                  But I have one last comment to you specifically.

                  You are a miserable wretched and tortured person. Everything you say reeks of desperation. I know what pneumonia means, but that isn't the point here. You are literally one of the most brain dead and idiotic people on this site.

                  You think you are "god's" gift to this site. You think you are unique and have this deep intellect built with your mediocre degree. You have coasted through life not knowing what the word struggle really means. I think you beat yourself up every day because you have a longing for pity. You want others to express pity for you. You want to be the center of attention.

                  You crave attention and praise, and you talk about how you have had girlfriends in the past. I don't know any human being who would subject themselves to such an agony in being with someone as miserable and pathetic as you.

                  You are shameful, hateful and repulsive. Your views are from a different century and represent the very worst of society. The same type of views that spawn hatred and violence.

                  You say you love to drink. No kidding. When you drink, you aren't as deplorable (I ****ing love that word!). When you are sober, you are about as bearable as two pieces of sandpaper rubbing together.

                  My entire interaction with you has exposed you as a shameless bigoted douche who has no concern for your fellow human beings. You place religion above people and that to me is the most dangerous type of person.

                  So my last few words to you are that I hope you get your head out of your ass some day. Perhaps wishful thinking.


                  Edit: I am sure you will provide some stupid reply to this. Don't really give a **** anymore. I'm going to be working and having fun in my life (it's called a balance!). Drag is a way out of stress for me. This forum and your existence is not.
                  Great. Now we need to go get another gay guy. They just don't last these days.
                  No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                  • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
                    How is an independent Jewish state with its own armed forces and significant international support different from a persecuted minority within a state dominated by a different religion who historically had oppressed the Jewish faith? Do you really need to ask that silly question?
                    Replace the second "state" with "region".
                    No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                    • Originally posted by The Mad Monk View Post
                      Replace the second "state" with "region".

