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was corbyn really against the remain?

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  • was corbyn really against the remain?

    I've heard reports that corbyn was really in favor of brexit so he only gave a half arsed attempt at "convincing" people to stay.

    After laughing my ass off at a (very nice guy) telling me the brits are logical and will never leave, I have to ask wether this was indeed true.

    If britain leaves this schoible far right wing dominated europe and is on its own wouldn't that mean that it will be even more the US' lapdog?

    Or would the severely descreased usefulness that it will have outside of the EU, finally releases her from the clutches of homicidal washington?

    Also once "free" who will get the reigns?

    the labour market there is even more deregulated than the average european one.

    Can the labour party, a true socialist labour, take the reigns and implement a sensible policy?

    Or would the clowns the likes of ukip or that british trump suceed and make us all remember where the class system originated from?

    Those are hard questions.

    Also isn't it pathetic that the anti - EU sentiments all have to do with far right wing groups?

    It's like the neoliberal hand that was feeding them is now going to get bitten back!

    Poetic (dog) justice

  • #2
    Greece is slowly destroying the EU, and bringing us closer to nuclear armageddon.


    • #3
      it's just that socialism has deep roots in europe so when they try to make it american it reacts.


      • #4
        maybe yuo shouldn't have invited eastern european countries that are tired of socialism


        • #5
          they're not real liberal democracies but that's ok because this is going away little by little anyway

          I also think those will be your only future NATO partners in a few years


          • #6
            Turkey can stay in NATO too


            • #7
              love them


              • #8
                Not really. His performance was lackluster so you know his heart wasn't in it plus the far left of labor was upset about the neoliberal policy requirements of EU treaties. They yearn for the old days of the 1970's when they could nationalize industries when they won elections. Leaving the EU makes that possible again.
                Try for discussion and debate.


                • #9
                  locallity against neoliberalism and its main EU vehicle.
                  Good work

                  now they should go get those racist bastards the likes of UKip and get the country going again


                  • #10
                    Only they won't!!!

                    Apparently the racists are too strong in britain.
                    They have managed to con the people plus the left wing was half arsed in its attempt to conveince them to stay.

                    Now the UK is having a mental breakdown because all the right wing racists negated on their promises to safeguard the NHS, so now the brits find themselves outside of the EU, with a very real possibility of break up, with incompetent racists at the helm, with the pound falling and a vicious trade war with the world's largest economy looming.

                    Their only salvation is to be completely wipped arses and go squirying tail between legs and negate on their democracy and beg to be let back in.

                    Hey dinner, how does that make you feel?

                    Will you sent some marines over here to regulate the situation?



                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Yes, I think he basically hid because he didn't believe in our EU membership, which as an Old Labourite is perfectly likely. What pisses me off though is that he wasn't honest about it, and basically just ****ed Labours Remain campaign despite most of them being pro-EU.

                        No way he can survive 30+ members of the shadow cabinet resigning. When he was first elected I was furious with the Labour MP's for trying to depose him against the will of the voters, but he's going to be going soon and frankly I think he deserves it. He showed absolutely zero leadership qualities during that campaign, and at the point where half the country is desperate for a strong opposition, Labour have disintegrated into a complete joke.


                        • #13
                          i love how the right-wing media, aided by the usual spineless liberals in the guardian et al, is spinning corbyn's refusal to engage in the absurd histrionics that characterised the campaign as a negative point.

                          he has said he won't resign, and nor should he. those worthless labour MPs are not the labour party; the members and the unions are the labour party, and they supported and support corbyn. if the current plotters actually manage to put someone forward to oppose corbyn, that challenger shall lose and lose badly. at that point, it will be time to find a way to deselect those MPs who do not represent the membership.
                          "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                          "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


                          • #14
                            Even his allies said he showed a lack of leadership in the Referendum campaign, and as the leader of the main opposition party that is unacceptable. As for him staying on, there was a stat earlier about something like 58% of voters who voted Labour in the last election think he should go. The Tory party just set off a landmine under itself, and yet the Labour party is in such complete disarray that the Tories still hold a 4 point lead today.

                            Think about that for a moment. If there is an election held soon (which it looks increasingly likely there must be) then Labour are going to be annihilated, and the far right of the Tory party handed a 5 year mandate. Does anything about that seem like a good idea?


                            • #15
                              a true left wing leader should only have the people on his side, although it surprises me.
                              aren't there enough "hardcore" lefties in the labour party in order to support him?

                              he needs to address the people directly along those lines: now that we are free of the schacles of the EU, whatever way that has happened, we will not let our great country in the fangs of opportunistic corporate lackeys that have no respect for the founding prinicples of this country like solidarity, no man behind. Values that we have made essence in the NHS etc etc etc

                              This is a non wielding battle to grasp firlmly this one in a lifetime opportunity to make britain the country that is all inclusive that cares for each and everyone of its children now, (damn it you have no consitution but he could say)
                              We are the bones and flesh of the constitution, we will defend it to the end. equality and freedom for all!


                              30% in elections

