Originally posted by Sava
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OMG. Are you really that much of a simpleton or is it just an act? Or do you have that hard a time understanding and admitting you are wrong?
I have a great grasp of the reality of things. You seem to act like I am just saying "waive a wand at the problem....". That's just stupid Sava. There are very difficult fundamental changes that have to be made for any of the things you are talking about to have long term success. Will they be easy? No. Will they be quick? No. Are they essential? Yes! To deny the last question is the epitome of stupidity and arrogance. It is not "kumbaya" stuff. Only an idiot would believe in that (or even see that as the point of my posts for that matter).
You must accept the fact that racial legislation and gun legislation will not SOLVE the problem. Could they help? Obviously! Duh! But to say that is all we should do because that is the only "realistic" alternative is so incredibly short sited.
There are immediate things we can do to address some of the fundamental problems like income disparity and educational opportunities. I just can't believe you would be so incredibly niave that you can't see the long term correlations.