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what happened to the großrossiya thread

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  • Also, Serb, enough with off topic crap, whataboutism and irrelevancies. Tell us how you will deal with all the fascists everywhere once the Grossrossiya is built.
    Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
    Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
    Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


    • Originally posted by Serb View Post

      YES OR NO?

      how do the russians cope with the extensive rapes that were conducted by russian soldiers in the russian part of occuüpied germany?

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        • Originally posted by Serb View Post
          It's a new trend in the modern democratic Ukraine, you can see a lot of alike slogans and advertising on streets or on TV:

          Everyday separatist is the one who agitates against mobilization and waits for Putin's arrival.
          (and the same sh!t like "is the one who's popularizing Russian state symbols, protesting against mobilization, initiates meetings where people are being agitated for civil disorder or overthrowing of the legal authorities, the one who praises DNR and LNR). If you seen such people - CALL NOW (and phone numbers of Ukraianian KGB). Punishment is 7-12 years of prison.

          Once again THE STATE IS DOING THIS. THEIR F*CKING NAZI STATE!!! The state braindead morons like Saras call a democratic pro-Western friend of Europe. A f*cking democracy, my ass.
          Well, at least now we know what kind of action is supported by the West against an opposition in a democratic pro-Western countries like Ukraine - all opposition should be thown to jail for 7-12 years for "initiates meetings where people are being agitated for civil disorder or overthrowing of the legal authorities, the one who praises DNR and LNR". The only question is, why they told completely opposite things during Maidan in Kiev?

          Anyway, we can just change "DNR and LNR" to "the West" in this phrase, and we can throw all our liberals to jail for 7-12 years. Nice.
          Last edited by Ellestar; October 8, 2015, 04:47.
          Knowledge is Power


          • Originally posted by Proteus_MST View Post
            how do the russians cope with the extensive rapes that were conducted by russian soldiers in the russian part of occuüpied germany?

            Hey, these are things of a long past. I have a more intersting question, do US and Western citizens sleep well after knowing that a "democratic" country rapes kidnapped foreign citizens in an illegal prison?

            What about Afghanistan becoming the biggest producer of drugs in the world under US control? It's not 19th century where the West fought wars in China for a permission to sell drugs there. Now it's so called "civilized" times, but the West continues to fight wars for the right to sell drugs in industrial quantities.
            Knowledge is Power


            • Originally posted by Saras View Post
              So you would like Ukraine to welcome Russian troops and cede itself, or else be called nazis? Lol what a dumbass.
              Look, dumbass, I am saying the sad truth you will never admit - the democratic Ukraine with freedom of speech and independent courts, etc. exist only in your Western damaged brain. In reality after 1.5 years after Maidan Ukraine has become a police state with a "legal" and centralized propaganda machine (they do have their own "ministry of truth" (a strict and state censorship) on legal basis), the state with state terror vs. its own cities on every levels of everyday life, where the state encourages its citizens to inform about anyone who has a different opinion on any matter, the state which throws people in jails for having a different opinion, for God's sake - for just SAYING WORDS you don't like. The state which slaughters with rockets, artillery, aircrafts, etc. the ones who have rebelled against all that fascist sh!t the Ukraine has become.

              And you western f*ckers support them, 'cause your "free and independent" Western media would NEVER tell you the TRUTH. And even if it sometimes does - you deny that truth 'cause it buries a perfect picture you already have in your mind about the topic.
              Last edited by Serb; October 8, 2015, 08:57.


              • Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Post
                They did more than that.
                They followed the mission around, shouting slogans, tried to enter the hotel and made it very apparent that if the metting actually took place, there would be violence.

                The police and authorities instead of protecting freedom of speech and right of assembly, simply banned the meeting and arrested the ukranian organizers that went to protest the treatement of the greek mission.

                Maybe they weren't more violent because an OSCE team was following them around.

                Must be bad not to be a "true ukranian" these days...
                If you are not a true Ukrainian you have a great chance to be beaten, sometimes to death, thrown in jail, "commite a suicide" (sometimes by shooting in your head twice) or just dissapear without a trace.

                That is a real Ukraine. One big Bandera's nazi circus. An attraction of terror.

                Not the sh!t Saras and other brainwashed Westerners have in their empty heads about Ukraine.


                • Originally posted by Saras View Post
                  There's a raging debate about taking all the monuments down. Lithuania is a free country with a vibrant free press and is constantly re-assessing its tragic (we lost over 200'000 of our Jewish citizens to the Holocaust, about 300'000 other to Soviet deportations and mass murder, etc.), controversial (Noreika is not the only guy who thought he was a Lithuanian patriot, fighting to liberate it from the Soviets, but ended up as an accomplice to nazis) and tricky history of 1939-1945. Unlike fascist contemporary Russia.

                  But again, I'd like to draw everyone's attention to the fact that the whole LITHUANIA=NAZI verbal diarrhoea started when I mentioned Finnish soldiers in 1940.
                  Germany is a WAY more free country than Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia or Ukraine, but if you do there a one million part, just a TINY portion of what you f*ckers, you stinking nazi lackeys, do in your countries to glorify and rehabilitate nazism - you will spend the rest of your life in jail.

                  No one in straight mind would name a street after a Himmler, Mussolini, Horti or whatever nazi bloody motherf*cker or a erect monument of a nazi butcher in any other European free country. No one would tolerate parades of SS veterans on the streets of their capitals or neo-nazi torchlight processions of neonazis with SS transparants, nazi slogans, pictures of Hitler and his local lackeys, while wearing actual nazi's uniform. No one would rebury SS ****ers with all state and military honors and posthumously award them with the highest state awards.

                  You, motherf*ckers, DO!

                  Only a Baltic States and Ukraine are doing that for decades, "because they are free countries".
                  Free countries? Really? I have a news for you - you are doing that 'cause you are f*cking nazi lackeys. As you always were.

                  Блядские фашисткие недобитки.

                  p.s. And I loved the part where tried to play a victim. You mother****ers, have lost 95% out of your pre-war 200 000+ of Jewish population, because YOU HAVE SLAUGHTERED THEM.

                  YOU DID THAT,
                  YOUR OWN LITHUANIAN activists,
                  not the German invaders.

                  Germans were actually shocked the way you were doing that. The German Nazis were rational bloody murderers, most of them had no pleasure in exterminating their victims, that was just a job for them and they did their job in an efficient and rational way just like any other job a German does.

                  But you, Baltic f*ckers and your Ukrainian and Romanian brothers in faith (a nazi faith) were taking pleasure in killing your victims, 'cause you are f*cking sadists. And cowards.

                  Because a sadist is ALWAYS a coward.

                  When a true coward wants to avenge something - he beats people to death with its crowbar, then climbs to the top of the bloody pyramid of dead bodies and starts to sing the national anthem of Lithuania.
                  When a German Nazi sees that he first:
                  a) pukes
                  b) realizes that this guy is a true coward and a perfect lackey who would do for him all the bloody extermination work.

                  That is an efficient solution for a German mind.

                  That is a real story about one of modern national heroes of Lithuanian state. You know the name of the guy? Or should I call it?
                  Last edited by Serb; October 8, 2015, 09:05.


                  • Originally posted by Ellestar View Post
                    Hey, these are things of a long past.
                    The motherf*cker considers himself a smart troll. Не обращай внимания на его гнилой пиздеж я давно забил на него хуй.


                    • Originally posted by Saras View Post
                      Also, Serb, enough with off topic crap, whataboutism and irrelevancies. Tell us how you will deal with all the fascists everywhere once the Grossrossiya is built.
                      Who the f*ck told you we want a build a Grossrossiya?

                      That's what I was trying to tell you from the beginning:
                      Вы тупорылые зомбированые идиоты, чей мозг давно отрафировался и спит крепким каматозным сном, и поэтому постоянно рождает чудовищ like Grossrossiya.

                      Потому что вам, суки, так проще, поскольку, если вы наконец-то проснетесь, то осознаете, что настоящее, настоящее, а не мифическое, сука, чудовище - ЭТО ВЫ, бляди!

                      By "you" I've meant the West with all your manifest destiny, exceptional nation, white supremacy, the castle on the hill and other protofascist bullsh!t.

                      You have long forgotten what humanism is.

                      All your entire nearly dead Western civilization did.

                      And since somewhere deep in your souls you know that - you prefer to live with your eyes wide shut and convince yourself whenever you kill someone that you did that for the victim's own good, not for another car in your garage.

                      You f*cking Empire of cannibals.
                      Last edited by Serb; October 8, 2015, 09:09.


                      • the state with state terror vs. its own cities on every levels of everyday life, where the state encourages its citizens to inform about anyone who has a different opinion on any matter, the state which throws people in jails for having a different opinion, for God's sake - for just SAYING WORDS you don't like.
                        Why does this sound familiar? Oh yeah, now I remember.
                        It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                        RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                        • Originally posted by Serb View Post
                          Who the f*ck told you we want a build a Grossrossiya?

                          That's what I was trying to tell you from the beginning:
                          Вы тупорылые зомбированые идиоты, чей мозг давно отрафировался и спит крепким каматозным сном, и поэтому постоянно рождает чудовищ like Grossrossiya.

                          Потому что вам, суки, так проще, поскольку, если вы наконец-то проснетесь, то осознаете, что настоящее, настоящее, а не мифическое, сука, чудовище - ЭТО ВЫ, бляди!

                          By "you" I've meant the West with all your manifest destiny, exceptional state, white supremacy, the castle on the hill and other proto-fascist bullsh!t.

                          You have long forgotten what humanism is. All your f*cking nearly dead Western civilization. And since somewhere deep in your souls you know that - you prefer to live with your eyes wide shut and convince yourself whenever you kill someone that you were doing that for the victim's own good, not for another car in your garage.
                          A f*cking Empire of cannibals.
                          And yet somehow we didn't annex any peninsulas and didn't shoot down a passenger plane. Right back at ya, mr.Projection.
                          Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
                          Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
                          Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


                          • Originally posted by Serb View Post
                            Germany is a WAY more free country than Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia or Ukraine, but if you do a one million part, just a TINY portion of what you f*ckers, you stinking nazi lackeys do in your countries to glorify and rehabilitate nazism - you will spend the rest of your life in jail.

                            No one in straight mind would name a street after a Himmler, Mussolini, Horti or whatever nazi bloody motherf*cker or a erect monument of a nazi butcher in any other European free country. No one would tolerate parades of SS veterans on the streets of their capitals. No one would rebury SS ****ers with all state and military honors and posthumously award them with the highest state awards.

                            You, motherf*ckers, DO!

                            Only a Baltic States and Ukraine are doing that for decades, "because they are free countries".
                            Free countries? Really? I have a news for you - you are doing that 'cause you are f*cking nazi lackeys. As you always were.

                            Блядские фашисткие недобитки.

                            p.s. And I loved the part where tried to play a victim. You mother****ers, have lost 95% out of your two hundred thousands of Jewish population, because YOU HAVE SLAUGHTERED THEM.

                            YOU DID THAT, YOUR OWN LITHUANIAN activists, not the German invaders.

                            Germans were actually shocked the way you were doing that. The German Nazis were rational bloody murderers they had no pleasure in exterminating their victims, that was just a job for them and they did their job in an efficient and rational way just like any other job a German do.

                            You, Baltic f*ckers and your Ukrainian and Romanian brothers in faith (nazi faith) were taking pleasure in killing your victims, 'cause you are ****ing sadists in nature. And cowards. Because a sadist is ALWAYS a coward. When a true coward wants to avenge something - he beats people to death with its crowbar, then climbs to the top of the bloody pyramid of dead bodies and starts to sing a national anthem of Lithuania.
                            When a German Nazi sees that he first:
                            a) pukes
                            b) realizes that this guy is a true coward and a perfect lackey who would do for him all the bloody extermination work, 'cause that is an efficient solution for German mind.

                            That is a real story about one of modern national heroes of Lithuanian state. You know the name of the guy? Or should I call it?
                            This thesis has a grain of truth to it, but does not hold water when extrapolated, as you are feebly attempting here with you cute little high blood pressure brain. Why was there no mass murder (or even persecution, or stripping the rights of) Jews in Lithuania in 1918-1939?
                            Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
                            Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
                            Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


                            • Also a Russian lecturing non-Russians about antisemitism is just precious. You guys practically invented it.
                              Originally posted by Serb:Please, remind me, how exactly and when exactly, Russia bullied its neighbors?
                              Originally posted by Ted Striker:Go Serb !
                              Originally posted by Pekka:If it was possible to capture the essentials of Sepultura in a dildo, I'd attach it to a bicycle and ride it up your azzes.


                              • after ww2, the red army set up "comfort camps" consisting of german children

                                many russian soldiers kept notches in their belts, keeping track of how many children they raped
                                To us, it is the BEAST.

