Originally posted by Bereta_Eder
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Exit Polls Suggest Syriza Has Won Greek Election
I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio
I've said this all along. The Germans have to take a hard line or else all the other PIIGS will want the same and Germany can't afford that so it is make Greece live up to its side of the bargain or force it out time.
Hold on for the effects on greek finance,
It is a complete fantasy world. Under EU law any nationalized business has to be bought at fair market value. Where is the money for this? The Greeks can't even buy toilet paper much less nationalize all the companies in the country. ****, every business the state does own right now is an inefficient money loser because the lazy Greeks run it into the ground pretending it is a welfare ticket they can milk instead of actually working.
1. Right of domicile in first residence completely protected (minus some that superceed some value - it is very high though)
2. Pensions - no cuts. stable
3. "Contribution" to enter hospitals etc scrapped
4. Privitization of power company. scrapped. energy mix to be differentiated through RES.
5. Right of businesses to massively fire employees, scrapped
6. Lay offs in public sector (determined by affiliation to ruling party), scrapped
7. Various other privitizations will proceed on a case to case basis
8. minimum wage to gradually increase
9. Obligation to produce a 4% primary surplus every year so as to serve the debts. scrapped. money will be poured right back to the economy
and others I don't remember now.
Also on the social front:
_ same sex mariage status to be passed ASAP
_greek citienship to kids born and grown up here, to be voted ASAP
_close down of detention centers of immigrants, to be forwarded to the rest of europe
_building of high security prisons, scrapped
Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View PostThe exact same text that schauble so called "rejected" was accepted and signed by the gemran gov. verbatim.
Hold on for the effects on greek finance,Try http://wordforge.net/index.php for discussion and debate.
Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View PostSignificant changes that came about after syriza won the elections:
1. Right of domicile in first residence completely protected (minus some that superceed some value - it is very high though)
2. Pensions - no cuts. stable
3. "Contribution" to enter hospitals etc scrapped
4. Privitization of power company. scrapped. energy mix to be differentiated through RES.
5. Right of businesses to massively fire employees, scrapped
6. Lay offs in public sector (determined by affiliation to ruling party), scrapped
7. Various other privitizations will proceed on a case to case basis
8. minimum wage to gradually increase
9. Obligation to produce a 4% primary surplus every year so as to serve the debts. scrapped. money will be poured right back to the economy
and others I don't remember now.
Also on the social front:
_ same sex mariage status to be passed ASAP
_greek citienship to kids born and grown up here, to be voted ASAP
_close down of detention centers of immigrants, to be forwarded to the rest of europe
_building of high security prisons, scrapped
etcTry http://wordforge.net/index.php for discussion and debate.
a bit more whining:
fear needs to be conquered one step at a time.
fear is what the elites use to control the people.
people must believe, and then believe their own eyes but there has to be a leap of faith.
the election losers said: that the day after syriza won, the ATMs would shut down, there will be no toilet paper (really oerdin, work for the conservatives), greece will find itself isolated, ****ing turkey would invade.
None of this happened. and it will not happen.
believe. overcome your fear.
and if I may be so bold, prepare and leave the euro, even nato. become truely nationally independent. build alliances, proclaim a complete neutrality and enhance democracy on a more and more regional level.
(it will not happen but one can dream)
Originally posted by Dinner View PostThose are hundreds of billions worth of promises..."The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.
"The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton
anyway, the euro is already done. germany's current austerity plan is already defeated.
we move on to spain and its new government
(I have the suspicion that this media called "democracy now" will probably produce anaphylaxia in some (too leftist or something?) , but at least it's in the english language)
Originally posted by C0ckney View Postno they aren't. greece's whole economy is just over 200 billion euros. is there anything you're not wrong about?Try http://wordforge.net/index.php for discussion and debate.
Originally posted by Bereta_Eder View Postanyway, the euro is already done. germany's current austerity plan is already defeated.
we move on to spain and its new government
(I have the suspicion that this media called "democracy now" will probably produce anaphylaxia in some (too leftist or something?) , but at least it's in the english language)), and yet spend like mad men on everything else. There is no way even the tax increases on the wealthy and companies could pay for their wish list. Most companies will just relocate outside of Spain while markets for Spanish products will dry up without those free trade deals. Only idiots vote for this type of nonsense.
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