Besides, China would have offered generous terms. That is, if Venezuela hadn't taught them already it never stops.
No announcement yet.
Exit Polls Suggest Syriza Has Won Greek Election
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China is actually trying to cut back on politically motivated "investments" (read foreign aid) and refocus on projects which get a better return on investment. One of their big ones are their "new silk roads" project to upgrade transport infastructure in Asia presumably to easy the transport of Chinese made goods but which could also serve a military purpose of transporting Chinese armies. Their other big projects seem to be oil and gas pipelines from Burma, central Asia, and Russia.
It has been interesting that China has been offering to build roads, ports, and railroads to better connect China and India.Try for discussion and debate.
Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui View PostI mean seriously though, regardless of what side you may be on - from HC all the way to C0ckney, one has to admit it is really amusing seeing Oerdin so aggressively advocating for austerity like some sort of neo-liberal ideologue. By these statements, you'd almost think he was a deficit warrior in the US..."The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.
"The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton
Greece asks for another extension without giving a reason. The talking heads are saying it is like Syriza is now infighting with itself because the fact has hit home that austerity is still there, their big new spending plans aren't going to happen, and now they are fighting amongst themselves about what to do. They better male a decision by tomorrow.Try for discussion and debate.
Originally posted by C0ckney View Postyes it is rather amusing. he seems to have overdosed on ill-informed rubbish and just keep spitting it out without applying any critical thought. in post 391 he warns against the dangers of "greece going protectionist" and thus exports being harmed: in the EU this is impossible; and if greece defaulted, left the euro and was kicked out of the EU - which is very unlikely - then a new drachma would inevitably be weaker than the euro, meaning a boost to exports.
Do you even understand that Paiktis said he wanted Greece to leave the EU and go completely protectionist? It is like you only read half the thread and then run your mouth. No wonder you are so confused and get so much wrong.Try for discussion and debate.
no he didn't; he may want the EU to take on a new form and maybe leave if it can't change, but that is not the same thing.
(i know you are referring to post 387 - it doesn't say what you claim it does).
but in any case, the scenario you talked about could not happen, for the reasons i have explained. either greece stays in the EU, in which case protectionism is impossible, or it leaves, meaning a new (much) less valuable currency and therefore a boost to exports. and it is this basic lack of thinking and understanding that plagues your posts on this subject. the other thing that plagues them is this strange desire you have to see the greeks punished, for - one can only guess - defying some kind of authority, that of the troika, the neo-liberal orthodoxy, or more vaguely still 'the market'.
it reminds me of your post in some threads about palestinians, where you positively delighted in seeing some palestinians lose their land (and, it goes without saying, not bothering to check any facts first), just because they were arabs pitted against the state. i put that down to your racism, but of course racists are invariably authoritarians: seeing the world as a hierarchy with their own 'group' at the top and the subject of their prejudice at, or near, the bottom. your posts delighting in greece's troubles are a salutatory reminder that while racism is its ugliest expression, your venom is all drawn from the same spiteful authoritarian pit."The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.
"The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton
BTW did you see the commission (junker/moschivici) pre-emptying the german-led austerity OCD right from the get go?
they said the text sent today is a good negotiating start up point. not leaving time for another extra-institutional responce. They are doing their best to save the euro against the austerity policies, but it won't work.
Meanwhile the US is now only asking the UK to impose new sanctions in russia and not the rest of the EU?
Logical since it won't pass from the EU now.
meanwhile song dedication to oerdin
Last edited by Bereta_Eder; February 24, 2015, 07:02.
the 4 month extension (3 months asked by greece initially, EU asked to ask for 6 so it can say 4) is already a victory for syriza.
former govs negotiated with EU elites for syriza to come crushing down from the first month of its rule by not extending the former program over a period of months to june as they could but only untill february and so that greece would face extreme liquidity problems (ATMs shutting down) etc and the old school rightwingers/"socialists" () coming back to power.
Didn't work and the reason for it was that syriza indeed put some water to its wine while at the same time being prepared to blow things up.
To try and put oerdin's free market compuslion disorder in some kind of check, syriza's first plan is also to combat tax evasion where it happens. aka the rich folk that have gotten their ill gains through state intermendling and of course the media who are operating without even having paid for air frequency licenses but were happy to support the quislings and their masters and loooots of other things.
In 4 months?
yes we can!
(if not, bey little merkele)
meanwhile, expect an american embassy employee not to be able to step foot anywhere on europe through pan european arrest warrant issued by griekenland for veryfied spying on the former gov. (and as russians say assassination planning. I dont believe it though). the spying on energy issues is veryfied though.Last edited by Bereta_Eder; February 24, 2015, 07:20.
the fat people have to be on the bottom. if they were on top they'd crush the rest of us."The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.
"The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton
anyway, breaking on the bbc
Eurozone 'backs Greece reform plans'
Eurozone approves Greek reform plans aimed at securing extension to bailout, officials say."The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.
"The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton