And Now For Something Mostly Different:
The trolling has been fun, but I thought I'd talk about some serious non-animated smilie-making stuff today.
The smilies here kinda suck. They reflect the ninties tech 'poly started with, being mostly tiny and unshaded. I'm not bashin' - just sayin'. But on that theme, here: I'll create the primal emoticon from scratch as a demonstration of the absolute basics.
In fact, I'll time myself, because it's that easy.
(-While I was doing this, my own forum abruptly got busy as ****. Also, never any Skype love until you're busy and inconvenienced. I had to start over and do it again to time it.)

15x15 is the default size here, so

Which gave me a little 225 pixel square the background color in my toolbox. So-

[Ctrl]a (select all)>Delete.
Then, because GIMP has no stinking draw circle function, I used the Ellipse Select Tool to fill the box with a circle -WITH Antialiasing UNclicked (otherwise it will fuzz outside the circle a little and require cleanup)-

And used the Bucket Fill Tool to make a yellow disk

Then I switched to black and drew in the edges

And drew in a basic smiley face

Then Image>Mode>Indexed>set the colors to 2>Export>File>Save As...>entered "Smilie.gif" (it's easier to just type in the extension)>Save

(It pops up with "Created with GIMP". I say to have pride in your work and never skip an opportunity to sign it.)>Save.
Which gives us this
(Compare to the one in place
-Two minutes, twelve seconds from File>New to Save, and I made a three word answer to a Skype during. Going back to make the screenies and writing it, on the other hand, up has taken an hour.
Next: I think I'll cover some more basic, but more complex, stuff before I get back to Advanced Teddy...
The trolling has been fun, but I thought I'd talk about some serious non-animated smilie-making stuff today.
The smilies here kinda suck. They reflect the ninties tech 'poly started with, being mostly tiny and unshaded. I'm not bashin' - just sayin'. But on that theme, here: I'll create the primal emoticon from scratch as a demonstration of the absolute basics.
In fact, I'll time myself, because it's that easy.
(-While I was doing this, my own forum abruptly got busy as ****. Also, never any Skype love until you're busy and inconvenienced. I had to start over and do it again to time it.)
15x15 is the default size here, so
Which gave me a little 225 pixel square the background color in my toolbox. So-
[Ctrl]a (select all)>Delete.
Then, because GIMP has no stinking draw circle function, I used the Ellipse Select Tool to fill the box with a circle -WITH Antialiasing UNclicked (otherwise it will fuzz outside the circle a little and require cleanup)-
And used the Bucket Fill Tool to make a yellow disk
Then I switched to black and drew in the edges
And drew in a basic smiley face
Then Image>Mode>Indexed>set the colors to 2>Export>File>Save As...>entered "Smilie.gif" (it's easier to just type in the extension)>Save
(It pops up with "Created with GIMP". I say to have pride in your work and never skip an opportunity to sign it.)>Save.
Which gives us this

-Two minutes, twelve seconds from File>New to Save, and I made a three word answer to a Skype during. Going back to make the screenies and writing it, on the other hand, up has taken an hour.
Next: I think I'll cover some more basic, but more complex, stuff before I get back to Advanced Teddy...