If you mean Woodrow Wilson (and not Harold Wilson, or some local Canadian politician called Wilson) it's vastly amusing that you call me an antisemite and describe yourself as a Wilsonian. You might want to research his views on racial hierarchies.
As I became older, I changed my beliefs. I went to university and fell in with the traditional Christians and Catholics (in part due to my belief that if you loved someone you should marry them and that sex was to be reserved for love and marriage). I have gradually sloughed off stuff I believed in earlier. I see the wisdom now in subsidiarity, in having smaller units govern, and the necessity for federalism vs populism. It's important that regions have power to counterbalance the popular vote. Now, I'm pretty firmly in the conservative camp with some libertarianish leanings (political compass scores me +5, -2). I believe in natural rights, although that has extended from just freedom of speech, to religion, and the right to bear arms.