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Community organiser in chief finding it hard to get by without dog in his life

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  • [QUOTE=kentonio;6249999]No, it really doesn't.[quote]

    Yes it does

    Serious question: Are you actually retarded?
    No. If you really are being serious here .. .the fact that you can't readily differentiate between me and someone actually retarded speaks very poorly of your own intelligence.

    How exactly do you think any white person in pre-civil rights America could properly comprehend the experience of being a black American living under those conditions?
    How can anyone comprehend the experience of anyone else?

    Many people who were not discriminated against because of their race risked their safety to speak out against it. That would suggest they comprehended the importance of ending racial discrimination well enough to do the right thing.

    King was calling out those who, whether due to not understanding or just being afraid to act, were not willing to act and/or were calling for patience rather than action. You want to pretend it was just because they couldn't understand, when the reality is there are many possible reasons and people aren't all the same.

    You've now basically extended your version of 'racist' to mean anyone who thinks that blacks and whites could under any circumstances have different life experiences.
    No. That is an absurd claim you are making about my position that bears no resemblance to anything I've said.

    You ignore that there were white people who risked their own safety to advance the cause of Civil Rights. You ignore that there were blacks who gave King the same advice, "to wait until a better time". Going further back, there were white people who risked their lives to help slaves escape, and who fought and died to end slavery, even though they were never slaves. There are countless examples throughout history of people risking their lives to advance causes for people who were in different situations.

    Obviously it is not a requirement to have been in a position to be able to identify that position as something that should be changed. Empathy, a sense of justice, and logic can be enough.

    But you want to pretend that white people just can't understand the plight of black people. That is why you are racist. You disparage a whole race of people based on your ignorance, in some clumsy attempt to try to insult me. There are much easier ways to that end, kentonio. You don't have to become more of a racist to do so.

    Yes, using the word strictly by it's dictionary definition must mean I'm 'changing' it.
    No. You are not using it by it's definition. You are pretending it's definition is more narrow than it actually is, and that acceptable usage of the term is more narrow than it actually is.

    I will note again that you have avoided addressing the underlying issue. Is it so hard to just come out and say that you think it's ok for people to vote for someone based on their race, as long as they're black? Because that's what your position is. And it's a sickening one.


    • Please stop talking now. You've crossed over from overly verbose simpleton to ridiculous Kenobi parody. I genuinely do not care what else you have to say on this or any other subject.


      • We will see how long it lasts. Perhaps you've learned your lesson and will just keep running this time.


        • Originally posted by PLATO View Post
          You sooooo miss the point.
          The point was you have a black friend and so stereotype all blacks based on that interaction. That sort of silly logic leads you to think that saying "98% of blacks voted for Obama" has any significant meaning in regards to whether blacks are racist or not.

          The reality is that the metric you chose to present black people as being racist is not sufficient to draw any such conclusion from. I don't know why it's so important for you to prove that black people are racist in general. Perhaps because you like to deal with racial stereotypes rather than treat people as individuals. Which is of course what a racist would do ...

