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[AWB]Dems prep ground for 2014 Electoral Defeat

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  • Originally posted by kentonio View Post
    You're being retarded, you're basically arguing that the very reason suppressors were invented (ie to suppress the sound of gunfire) does not offer an advantage for suppressing the sounds of gunfire.
    It's not the advantage you think it gives you.

    1. Suppressors don't work inside. Gunfire inside will rapidly destroy your hearing (and I don't mean long term hearing; I mean it will make your ears ring).
    2. When outside, when there's lots of other people shooting, having a suppressor/silencer whatever you want to call it will make it difficult to locate you because of all the other noise going on
    3. As an added benefit, they reduce the muzzle flash so if you're shooting at night it won't destroy your night vision

    But if you're out and about mugging people in the projects it's not going to be of much use. Especially since you can't stuff it in a sweatshirt pocket.

    Oh, and most murders are done in front of a ton of witnesses anyway.

    Yes because unregulated items are much more likely to hold their current price point than if you deregulate them..
    The specific regulation is that there's a $200 tax to create/transfer the stupid things.

    If you want to make a cheap suppressor you can do so acceptably with an oil filter. It'll quiet down a .22 a fair amount.


    • Actually a friend told me if you put a baby bottle nipple on the end of a 10/22 and punch a barrel hole in it it works reasonably well. Never tried it myself.
      If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
      ){ :|:& };:


      • Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
        It's not the advantage you think it gives you.

        1. Suppressors don't work inside. Gunfire inside will rapidly destroy your hearing (and I don't mean long term hearing; I mean it will make your ears ring).
        Yes I know, I've had a revolver fired about 3 inches from my ear in a small stone room.

        Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
        2. When outside, when there's lots of other people shooting, having a suppressor/silencer whatever you want to call it will make it difficult to locate you because of all the other noise going on
        3. As an added benefit, they reduce the muzzle flash so if you're shooting at night it won't destroy your night vision

        But if you're out and about mugging people in the projects it's not going to be of much use. Especially since you can't stuff it in a sweatshirt pocket.
        Here's the problem you see, despite the NRA talking points, not all murders are committed by gang bangers in the projects.

        Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
        The specific regulation is that there's a $200 tax to create/transfer the stupid things.
        So you want to make them only $200 and freely available to anyone?

        Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
        If you want to make a cheap suppressor you can do so acceptably with an oil filter. It'll quiet down a .22 a fair amount.
        Except a majority of people won't/can't make things, and a homemade suppressor is far, far less effective than a real one.


        • America shouldn't have any constitutionally protected hobbies. Anyways, guns are for ******** pussies.
          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • Aaaand New York just passed what is now the most draconian scary looking gun ban in the country. Oh and magazines are now limited to seven rounds, but your old ones up to ten rounds are okay if you extra special promise not to put more than seven bullets in them. And also extra special promise not to drive to Pennsylvania to buy some 30 rounders please, that would make us upset.

            Yeah, when you go on that murder-suicide rampage, be sure to only load 7 rounds into your gun, otherwise the penalty might be higher.

            ****ing idiots.

            **** New York. Thank God this at least means Cuomo can't be President anymore.


            • Responding to this because I didn't earlier.

              Originally posted by kentonio View Post
              Yes I know, I've had a revolver fired about 3 inches from my ear in a small stone room.
              Fun fact: revolvers can't be suppressed.

              Here's the problem you see, despite the NRA talking points, not all murders are committed by gang bangers in the projects.
              If you discount gang bangers in the projects then our murder levels are rather unremarkable.

              So you want to make them only $200 and freely available to anyone?
              Um...that's how they are right now. You just have to wait forever for the paperwork to clear because the ATF is understaffed.

              Except a majority of people won't/can't make things, and a homemade suppressor is far, far less effective than a real one.
              Not really, no. A good homemade suppressor isn't hard to make. Making a suppressor is one of the easiest things you can do with machine tools. You need a lathe and a drill press. They are like simplified car mufflers.


                If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
                ){ :|:& };:


                • This is now an "assault weapon" in New York.

                  This is not.


                  • Well the flash suppressor makes it easier to kill babies. Don't you know that flash suppressors instantly render guns invisible?
                    Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                    • Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
                      Thank God this at least means Cuomo can't be President anymore.
                      There was never going to be a President Cuomo regardless. Boss Tweed **** that plays in Albany would never survive daylight on a national stage.
                      When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


                      • It seems like they just want to ban the 1911 because that's what was used by the shooter in NYC new the ESB. You know, the one where the cops gunned down like 9 bystanders.
                        Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                        • Originally posted by Lonestar View Post
                          Well the flash suppressor makes it easier to kill babies. Don't you know that flash suppressors instantly render guns invisible?
                          It's not a flash suppressor, it's a compensator. Previously the only assault weapon feature muzzle device was a flash suppressor, but the new law adds compensators and muzzle brakes too.

                          I just love how we're going to have the exact same AR-15s as before, but with bullet buttons, and the same magazines as before, but you can only put 7 rounds in them .

                          It seems like they just want to ban the 1911 because that's what was used by the shooter in NYC new the ESB. You know, the one where the cops gunned down like 9 bystanders.
                          Doesn't the M1911 have a 7 round magazine? That's still totally legal.


                          • Some have 8 round mags.
                            Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                            • Well as long as you'll have had it before 2014 and you prooooomise not to put all 8 rounds in you're good to go.


                              • DAMN!

