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Because no one uses the Other Games Forum: X-COM

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  • Killing the ethereal at the end of the game is hilariously easy. When I beat the game on normal, I still had a rocket on each of my heavies, and my sniper was in position for squad sight. Two rockets to the face and a snipe and he was dead in one turn. Cue melodramatic cutscene...
    If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
    ){ :|:& };:


    • It becomes nearly impossible if you stumble into it. The only real tactic involved is making sure all your guys have line of sight and a move.


      • So is everyone bored of this game yet or does it have lasting replayability?
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • Originally posted by Wiglaf View Post
          It becomes nearly impossible if you stumble into it. The only real tactic involved is making sure all your guys have line of sight and a move.
          I stumbled into him, and then killed everybody else before, and even then managed it in three turns with zero casualties. Double tap is amazing.
          Indifference is Bliss


          • Originally posted by Dinner View Post
            So is everyone bored of this game yet or does it have lasting replayability?
            I'm certainly continuing to enjoy it. The Second Wave options enabled by some mods certainly add some spice, and there is something oddly addicting about trying to rebuild a squad after a total wipe.
            "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
            "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


            • I love how the XCOM base IS the interface. If Firaxis redevoloped Civ into an XCOM-style 1st-person 'Run the game from the White House," Komplete with interactive advisors, it would most likely save the series from its Kurrent boring implementation.

              ThinK if this XCOM release just had a boring menu with walls of text and bleeps and bloops... Civ is going the route of M003 and then Firaxis maKes a gem liKe THIS?! baffling.
              Last edited by ZEE; October 29, 2012, 20:48.
              The Wizard of AAHZ


              • Ghost armor is awesome for terror missions because you get four free turns of non-interference from the aliens.


                • I had an insane small UFO landing. I sent 3 assaults, 2 heavies, and a support; 1 Capt., 3 Lt.'s, 1 Sgt.'s, and 1 Squaddie.

                  Capt. Lin: Assault
                  Lt. Lange: Assault
                  Lt. Mubu: Heavy
                  Lt. Morel: Heavy
                  Sgt. Anderson: Support
                  Sq. Parker: Assault

                  Approached the UFO and had seen nothing. I put my soldiers in position to enter the UFO when 2 Mutons and a berserker come waltzing by, flanking me. My overwatch shot one to half health. Then 3 heavy floaters come from the other direction. I rocket two of them and a good shot from my support brings one down to 2 hp. I send one of my run & gun assaults out to flank them and take one out, planning to run & gun my other two and clear them while my other troops hold off the Mutons. Oh and guess what wakes up in the UFO with all this commotion? Yes, the Outsider shows up.

                  Thought it couldn't get worse until my first run & gun assault, Lt. Lange, dashes behind a rock and next to a tree exposing 3 Elite Mutons. ****. He takes his suicide shot of one of the floaters, destroying it. Somehow despite getting hit by one of the floaters and the 3 elite mutons, one of whom even flanks him, my assault is hit only once, though the other floater suppresses him. I send him on a mad dash away and he successfully dodges the plasma. Wow!

                  Now facing 2 Mutons, a Berzerker, 3 Elite Mutons, 2 heavy floaters, and an Outsider, I realize I can't stay outside. A Muton grenade wounds my support and one of my heavies and destroys all cover in their immediate vicinity.

                  I need to make for the UFO! The ceiling will neutralize the floaters a bit, the narrow entrances will allow me to make killing fields, and I'll actually have cover!

                  Capt. Lin goes in first, run & guns his way into cover and, fortunately, in a flanking position on the Outsider. A blast of his laser rifle and the Outsider is neutralized. I run in my 2 heavies, support, and my squadie assault, putting Sq. Parker next to one of the entrances planning to take a shot at the wounded Muton. Crap. Even though the wall he's next to is half blasted away, he can't shoot the Muton. I put him on overwatch here at the front of the UFO, with 2 heavies, a support, and Capt. Lin to the rear.

                  Lt. Lange looked like he was going to make it but a floater grenade and plasma blast later and he was dead. But maybe his death distracts the enemy long enough to get my guys in position?

                  No. On the same alien turn, the Berzerker runs through one of the doors. Sq. Parker hits him in overwatch but the Berzerker stops directly in front of him. The two Mutons, meanwhile, move into position at each side of the door the Berzerker just emerged from.

                  One of my heavies sends a rocket into that wall, killing the previously wounded Muton and injuring the other. In the process, what had been an asset in this UFO is no more: one entire wall of the spacecraft is now open. My other heavy blasts the wounded Muton but the 3 Elite Mutons are now bearing down.

                  I pull Sq. Parker away a bit from the Berzerker and behind cover, with Capt. Lin across from him, and my support behind them. Parker wounds the Berzerker further, but panics in the process. As the Berzerker charges, Capt. Lin reacts, but misses the shot. The panicked Parker, however, hits the Berzerker. A double tap from Lin and the Berzerker is dead.

                  Knowing the Elite Mutons will decimate my men in hardly the best cover (I simply ran them in and then shot at the enemy the next turn), my support drops a smoke grenade. The shots from the Mutons and one of the floaters (who approaches from the side) all miss except one which wounds one of my heavies.

                  On my turn, I have my heavies each shoot a shredder rocket at the floaters and mutons while my support one-shots the flanking floater. I move Parker and Lin behind cover and have them reload.

                  The aliens attack and Lt.'s Mubu and Morel are killed. The elite Mutons approach, one in each of the front doorways, while the 3rd and the final floater are nowhere to be seen.

                  I run & gun Capt. Lin right up next to one of the elite Mutons but he's hit by the 3rd who was in overwatch. Right up next to the Muton, I figure the double tap will be high enough I can take him out. One shot won't cut it.

                  It's at 40%

                  One shot hits, bringing the Muton down to one laser blast away from death but the second one misses. Capt. Lin is killed.

                  I move Sq. Parker up to kill the Muton which he does, after dodging the overwatch, but is killed by the 3rd Muton. Funnily enough, the Muton near the other door threw a grenade which hit the wall of the shuttle and blew up in its face, taking it down to 4 or 5 blips. The other Muton has around the same amount of health but is a turn away.

                  The final floater appears behind Sgt. Anderson at the rear of the UFO but she destroys it with one shot in overwatch. Now she's alone with a severely wounded elite Muton at the door and a second one somewhere just outside. She hunkers down but the shots hit her.

                  An elite Muton enters over the bodies of Parker and Lin and gets next to cover at the rear of the UFO. Anderson moves laterally and is in a position to give this Muton it's death blow.


                  Sgt. Anderson did not survive.

                  HOLY **** that was INSANE!

                  What makes it worse. I'm 1 day away from completing the plasma rifle research
                  Last edited by Al B. Sure!; October 29, 2012, 22:41.
                  "Flutie was better than Kelly, Elway, Esiason and Cunningham." - Ben Kenobi
                  "I have nothing against Wilson, but he's nowhere near the same calibre of QB as Flutie. Flutie threw for 5k+ yards in the CFL." -Ben Kenobi


                  • So is everyone bored of this game yet or does it have lasting replayability?
                    The story-driven nature, grindy midgame and lack of interesting maps mean it won't last as long as it should. DLC is on the way to hopefully fix that.


                    • Also, the mall-like alien bases are retarded and unoriginal. They piss me off more than anything else about this game. Have the aliens shrink my team and make us fight in a frying pan, or make the UFO crash in a football stadium and let my sniper climb the goalposts. Maybe have a mission on the moon, where we lose the US from the council if we damage the flag. Instead of psi panic being a minor debuff, let the aliens teleport my squad into the second in command's gay psyche, and let us do battle in a soccer locker room.


                      • XXXCOM


                        • The missions I find least interesting are the indoors ones. The story missions and the large alien UFOs are incredibly irritating. On the large UFOs, I wind up just bypassing the entire level and entering the ship with grenades. Trouble is, it then makes you go and kill all the remaining dudes. They don't, you know, hear the grenade and seek you out. You have to trudge all over creation hunting down the mutons who mysteriously teleport across the map.

                          I really hate the mechanic where they get a free move to find cover when they detect you, as a sort of hack for them never getting to stumble across you. Surprise is nonexistent in this game until you get ghost armor, and then it's glitchy.


                          • Originally posted by regexcellent View Post
                            The missions I find least interesting are the indoors ones. The story missions and the large alien UFOs are incredibly irritating. On the large UFOs, I wind up just bypassing the entire level and entering the ship with grenades. Trouble is, it then makes you go and kill all the remaining dudes. They don't, you know, hear the grenade and seek you out. You have to trudge all over creation hunting down the mutons who mysteriously teleport across the map.

                            I really hate the mechanic where they get a free move to find cover when they detect you, as a sort of hack for them never getting to stumble across you. Surprise is nonexistent in this game until you get ghost armor, and then it's glitchy.
                            I also really don't get that decision. What's wrong with just starting both sides on opposite ends of the map and pitting you against the AI? If they'd kept tactical facing, overwatch stalemates wouldn't be an issue..


                            • Lightning reflexes also makes overwatch stalemates generally end in favor of the player.
                              If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
                              ){ :|:& };:


                              • If the AI puts 5 mutons on overwatch, lightening reflexes is useless.

