Fun anti-scientific ideas peddled by leftists:
--All the daffy crap that goes along with homeopathy: crystals, auras, chakras, spiritism, all that hooey. Largely promoted by hippies. Its equivalent on the right would be faith healing, but that's gone somewhat out of style. There's a new left-wing quackery spawned every five minutes. I like Iridology, myself. Look at my left eye and tell me if my liver's doing okay, would you?
--Astrology. While people from all walks of life are fond of it, it's hard to blame the Religious Right for it when most churches call it occult.
--As others have pointed out, veganism tends to be accompanied by any number of crank theories/"studies" supporting it.
--Nuclear power is incredibly dangerous and any amount of radiation will kill us all!!!1!!
--Biggest booster of vaccination scares: Jenny McCarthy. Not very conservative.
--Various cretin 9/11 conspiracy theories. Jet fuel can't melt steel, you sheeple.
--Postmodernism. The mother of them all. Not only does science, as a whole, not represent objective reality, these folks don't believe there is such a thing as objective reality to represent. Or if it does exist, it's beyond our power to ever observe it, so even the most ignorant and silly remark is as good as E=MC^2. The number of conservatives who believe this is approximately zero.
--All the daffy crap that goes along with homeopathy: crystals, auras, chakras, spiritism, all that hooey. Largely promoted by hippies. Its equivalent on the right would be faith healing, but that's gone somewhat out of style. There's a new left-wing quackery spawned every five minutes. I like Iridology, myself. Look at my left eye and tell me if my liver's doing okay, would you?
--Astrology. While people from all walks of life are fond of it, it's hard to blame the Religious Right for it when most churches call it occult.
--As others have pointed out, veganism tends to be accompanied by any number of crank theories/"studies" supporting it.
--Nuclear power is incredibly dangerous and any amount of radiation will kill us all!!!1!!
--Biggest booster of vaccination scares: Jenny McCarthy. Not very conservative.
--Various cretin 9/11 conspiracy theories. Jet fuel can't melt steel, you sheeple.
--Postmodernism. The mother of them all. Not only does science, as a whole, not represent objective reality, these folks don't believe there is such a thing as objective reality to represent. Or if it does exist, it's beyond our power to ever observe it, so even the most ignorant and silly remark is as good as E=MC^2. The number of conservatives who believe this is approximately zero.