I was not aware that Nambla was complicit in covering up rape. Or if they are complicit in doing so, then their behavior is several orders of magnitude less severe than that of the Catholic church.
Historically, how many altar girls have there been relative to the number of altar boys?
How many female orphanages are run by male clergy?
Priests attacked young girls as well as young boys, but the opportunities to attack boys far outnumbered the opportunities to attack girls.
You already know this, of course, you're just once again dishonestly equating homosexuals with pedophiles while at the same time excusing the Catholic church's complicity in decades if not centuries of rape.
Most of the bishops are gone now, except for one oir two, and they are close to retirement age. There were 7 cases of abuse in the past year. You're 10x more likely to be abused by your public school teacher than by a priest.