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Teh South Park Season 14 Thread (Spoilers!)

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  • #91
    well i be damned. i still think that bleep was better then anything kyle could have said.

    i hope this is a massive troll cus it really fitted the show.


    • #92
      Comedy Central are such pussies sometimes.

      No ****. I thought Trey and Matt added all the bleeps in this week's episode as a way to ratchet up the joke, as they like to do. It was annoying, but I'm sympathetic to the point they're making. Now I find out that Comedy Central did all the censoring and I'm really disappointed in them. ****ing lame...


      • #93
        For once. I agree with Drake.
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • #94
          That made me really, really angry. God dammit, I would expect south park's creators to be the last people on earth to lose their sacks.
          If there is no sound in space, how come you can hear the lasers?
          ){ :|:& };:


          • #95
            Originally posted by Drake Tungsten View Post
            Comedy Central are such pussies sometimes.

            No ****. I thought Trey and Matt added all the bleeps in this week's episode as a way to ratchet up the joke, as they like to do. It was annoying, but I'm sympathetic to the point they're making. Now I find out that Comedy Central did all the censoring and I'm really disappointed in them. ****ing lame...
            I think the issue is whether CC's bleeps were funnier than Kyle's and Santa's speech.
            “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
            "Capitalism ho!"


            • #96
              Even more hilarious:

              The original "Super Best Friends" episode, featuring Mohammed in all his uncensored glory, is available for viewing on the South Park Studios website.

              "Super Best Friends" is now unavailable for streaming at South Park Studios.
              KH FOR OWNER!
              ASHER FOR CEO!!
              GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


              • #97

                I wonder if Matt and Trey are comtemplating jumping ship to HBO.
                "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                • #98
                  I don't think they can. They have a contract with Comedy Central through 2013.
                  KH FOR OWNER!
                  ASHER FOR CEO!!
                  GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                  • #99
                    This injustice will not stand, man.
                    "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                    "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                    • What are we going to do about it? Tell Comedy Central execs that they're going to end up like Theo van Gogh if they don't stop censoring South Park?
                      KH FOR OWNER!
                      ASHER FOR CEO!!
                      GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                      • "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                        "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                        • South Park, Comedy Central (and Muslims) got trolled?

                          "This is just the latest in a long line of threats coming from Revolution Muslim," said Segal, who noted a poem posted on the site in October asking God to kill all the Jews.

                          While the group has only about 12 members, Segal said a "leadership vacuum" has allowed Chesser to become an emerging figure in the fringe fundamentalist organization, which has staged protests at New York mosques. And he said he is worried that Chesser's post may incite others to violence.

                          "The group itself is a relatively small group, but the reach this group has by posting materials online is virtually limitless," Segal said. "You never know who is going to react to this type of material or carry out some sort of attack based on what they're reading. Frankly, I don't think we have the luxury to dismiss this type of rhetoric."

                          He said the ADL has learned that Chesser is interested in starting a Revolution Muslim chapter in nearby Washington.

                          Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, characterized Revolution Muslim as a loosely-organized group with such outrageous beliefs he believes it may be a "setup" to smear Islam.

                          "They say wild and irresponsible things periodically," Hooper told "There's a strong suspicion that they're merely a setup to make Muslims and Islam look bad. They say such wild and crazy things that you have to wonder."

                          There's like 40 people on all the time here, and we don't manage to do crap

                          Frankly, I'm jealous and thinking about going to their (productive) forum instead.
                          Last edited by Ecofarm; April 23, 2010, 18:58.
                          Everybody knows...Democracy...One of Us Cannot be Wrong...War...Fanatics


                          • I'm not sure a person with your limited education would be welcome at Revolution Muslim.
                            KH FOR OWNER!
                            ASHER FOR CEO!!
                            GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                            • Worst episode of the season, but Jimmy surfing made me laugh for some reason. Predictably, the AV Club gave this bad episode a "B"...
                              KH FOR OWNER!
                              ASHER FOR CEO!!
                              GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                              • They have a contract with Comedy Central through 2013.
                                Could be breach of contract. Isn't there something about 'broadcasting shows in their entirety, blablabla?
                                Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                                "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."
                                2015 APOLYTON FANTASY FOOTBALL CHAMPION!

