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Health 'reform' that Burdens our Young

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  • #91
    It's not a well known fact, but if you're receiving Social Security and you were born after 1936 you're living off of your kid's Social Security payments. The population born before 1936 put in as much or more into the system than they have or will be paid, but the population born after 1936 put less into the system than they will receive.

    For the past month the Lynchburg TV station has been putting on a commercial in which a group of seniors decry health reform that burdens their kids. The point of the commercial is to encourage people to write to our local Congessman and kick his a** for voting for health reform. I'm pretty sure the people on the commercial are all under 70 years old, at least they look like they're in their 60's, so when I see this thing I can't help but remember that every single one of these hypocrits are living off their kids, yet they're incensed that their kids want a little piece too.
    "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


    • #92
      Originally posted by Ming View Post
      Yeah... 50% of the bommers voted for Obama... yet 66% of the youth voted for Obama, giving him the victory... yet you want to give Drake the victory... you are as stupid as he is
      I don't really give a flying **** because in the end it all goes back to the boomers. Boomers overwhelming supported Bush II in 2000 and 2004 and that is bad enough in itself. Obama is a product of baby boomer stupidity. Baby boomers have completely ****ed up American politics since the late 60s, first by being ungrateful hippy douche bags and losing Vietnam as youths. Then, after transitioning from idiotic youth into idiotic adults, they completely dismantled American industry (boomers are a bunch of greedy bastards always in search for cheap crap), they destroyed our positive trade surpluses, they created economic bubbles, and they started new wars not having learned their lessons in Vietnam.

      If that isn't bad enough, these fat pieces of trash now want universal medical coverage so they can get free plastic surgery to fix their hideous faces and liposuction after eating like pigs for decades. I stand by my that baby boomers are hypocrites and human refuse. They deserve to rot in labor camps for the messes they created.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Riesstiu IV View Post
        I don't really give a flying **** because in the end it all goes back to the boomers. Boomers overwhelming supported Bush II in 2000 and 2004 and that is bad enough in itself. Obama is a product of baby boomer stupidity. Baby boomers have completely ****ed up American politics since the late 60s, first by being ungrateful hippy douche bags and losing Vietnam as youths. Then, after transitioning from idiotic youth into idiotic adults, they completely dismantled American industry (boomers are a bunch of greedy bastards always in search for cheap crap), they destroyed our positive trade surpluses, they created economic bubbles, and they started new wars not having learned their lessons in Vietnam.

        If that isn't bad enough, these fat pieces of trash now want universal medical coverage so they can get free plastic surgery to fix their hideous faces and liposuction after eating like pigs for decades. I stand by my that baby boomers are hypocrites and human refuse. They deserve to rot for the messes they created.
        Other than that, the Boomers are okay though?
        "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
        "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain


        • #94
          Don't get me wrong, I'm not completely prejudice against baby boomers. Some of my best friends are baby boomers. It's just that as a whole, their generation has utterly failed to capitalize on the gains made by the greatest generation. Instead, they set out to destroy those gains out of spite and jealousy against their parents.


          • #95
            Yet another "old people oppress young people" thread. The young become old and the old used to be young.
            I drank beer. I like beer. I still like beer. ... Do you like beer Senator?
            - Justice Brett Kavanaugh


            • #96
              Originally posted by Riesstiu IV View Post
              I don't really give a flying **** because in the end it all goes back to the boomers. Boomers overwhelming supported Bush II in 2000 and 2004 and that is bad enough in itself. Obama is a product of baby boomer stupidity. Baby boomers have completely ****ed up American politics since the late 60s, first by being ungrateful hippy douche bags and losing Vietnam as youths.
              Vietnam was no more winnable for us than Afghanistan was for the Russians. The only means of winning the war, other than those we used, that we could have used would have been exterminating the populace, using nukes, or invading North Vietnam. Any one of those would have shattered our strained alliance systems. The last two might have brought on WW3, the last one would probably have been unwinnable itself. All the protestors did was bring the American people back to reality before it was too late.
              Then, after transitioning from idiotic youth into idiotic adults, they completely dismantled American industry (boomers are a bunch of greedy bastards always in search for cheap crap they destroyed our positive trade surpluses,
              The shift in American consumption from goods produced domestically to goods produced in other countries began in the late 1960's to early 1970's, at which time most baby boomers were young adults or children. It was their parents who largely decided to buy Japanese and German electronics and cars. The outsourcing of American manufacturing largely took place from the 1970's to the 1990's. I think if you look at the ages of the people running those comapnies at the time you'd find that most of them were born before the baby boom.
              they created economic bubbles,
              They're certainly not the first generation to do that. Furthermore the legislation setting up the conditions for this recession was passed in the 1980's and 1990's. I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of the Congressmen who voted on them were born before the baby boom
              and they started new wars not having learned their lessons in Vietnam.
              Bush II and Rice might qualifiy as baby boomers, but I'm willing to bet that most of the rest of Bush's cronies don't. Cheny certainly doesn't. Bush II, as the son of wealth certainly isn't a typical baby boomer. Also, you have to remember that after Vietnam the baby boomers largely melded back in to mainstream American culture. Show me for instance that the "greatest generation" supported Bush less than the baby boomers.

              If that isn't bad enough, these fat pieces of trash now want universal medical coverage so they can get free plastic surgery to fix their hideous faces and liposuction after eating like pigs for decades. I stand by my that baby boomers are hypocrites and human refuse. They deserve to rot in labor camps for the messes they created.
              And how would you classify yourself?
              "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!

