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chegitz kicks tea bagger butt

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  • Tea Partiers tussled with counter protesters during at least two of the nationwide anti-immigration Tea Party rallies on Saturday.

    HuffPuff gets it very wrong.
    Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


    • Originally posted by chequita guevara View Post
      Get your eyes checked, then. It's not easy to see, but it is there, once you know what to look for. BTW, I did see him strike my friend with my own eyes, but as eyewitness testimony is frequently faulty, and because it is self-serving, I don't expect you to consider it as valid evidence. However, it is supported by the video. It's at the 27th-28th second in the link Riesstiu posted.
      No you didn't, you are clearly looking the other way when the slap comes. Unless you have eyes in the back of your head.

      Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


      • See:

        Attached Files
        Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


        • Yeah, Floyd uses the "I was just dicking with you" cop out.
          Whatever. When gay people are legal, I'll care what you think. Until then, keep on truckin', moron
          Follow me on Twitter:
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          • You're in the Exiled too, "Lefties with Testes".

            The Tea Party blogosphere is all abuzz with whiny articles about how they’re being oppressed by “violent liberals,” and they’re using this video (which deserves a laugh track and Benny Hill theme song accompaniment) as proof of the Liberal Tyranny. I thought “liberal violence” was an oxymoron, a punchline in a Simpson’s episode. But maybe it’s finally coming true again, the rise of the gutsy leftie willing to fight after 40 years of leftwing slumbering in the face of relentless rightwing assaults.

            Whatever side you’re on, if you’re a lover of the sport, you’ve gotta admit this adds excitement to the debate. Because in the end it’s not whether you win or lose…unless of course you’re a short-haired rightwing cop-wannabe getting your ass kicked by a sign-wielding longhair. Then you definitely, definitely don’t want to lose. Especially not when it’s caught on camera and distributed all over the internet. In fact if I were giving advice here, I’d tell that Tea Party dude not to go the Kenneth Gladney martyr-in-a-wheelchair route, because, well, look at Gladney. Is that what you want to become?


            • Originally posted by chequita guevara View Post

              Globally, communism is still very popular.
              Really?? Could you name the countries where it has been adopted in the last 5 years?

              Originally posted by chequita guevara View Post

              Keep in mind that capitalism kills 25,000 children under the age of five every single day, and you'll understand why we are heroes in most of the world. :
              Cite? I am curious how that figure is reached.

              Originally posted by chequita guevara View Post

              Just counting children under the age of five, capitalism kills as many people in eight years, globally, as everyone the communists are accused of killing over the whole period of their power.
              I notice a disconnect in your terminology. You speak of capitalism (ie the system)killing more children than the people the communists (ie the people who adhere to communism) are accused of killing.

              I just wondered . . . in the former group would you include industrial accidents, disease, malnutrition and the like while in the latter are you only counting executions? I just wondered why in one case it was the system and in the other its the people. Is this some form of ideological disconnect where communism doesn't kill people its the communists while for capitalism its the system and not the people

              Assuming (but not accepting) that your statistic happens to be true, how does it compare when you do a per capita per year of power comparison? I am also curious where many of the dictatorships (which may pay lip service to one system/ideology or another but really only are concerned with individual power) get placed

              Originally posted by chequita guevara View Post

              So to answer your question, it feels pretty ****ing great.
              Wow -- assume for a second you are right and capitalism is as bad as you seem to feel. I would have expected something other than smug self-satisfaction at your own "knowledge " that you believe in the "right thing". Hell I would have expected that you would be downright depressed at you inability to effect any real change.
              Last edited by Flubber; November 18, 2009, 13:59.
              You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


              • Originally posted by Flubber View Post
                Wow -- assume for a second you are right and capitalism is as bad as you seem to feel. I would have expected something other than smug self-satisfaction at your own "knowledge " that you believe in the "right thing". Hell I would have expected that you would be downright depressed at you inability to effect any real change.

                QFT. No real commies are ever happy, just like no real commies work for big bad banks or overeat.


                • I've actually changed my mind and think the video is cool because the right wing nuts are making such a big deal about it on the internet claiming they're being "attacked" by "violent liberals" when in fact even their stupid explanation is that tea baggers came up to Che's counter demonstration and attempted to steal their signs and then push them. That's what started the whole thing yet the wing nuts are trying to pretend their martyrs just because their plan back fires and makes them look like retards.
                  Try for discussion and debate.


                  • Finally watched it. Three points...

                    1. It was fun to see one of che's commie buddies calling the tea partier a "******". Classy.

                    2. You punch like a ****, che. I don't think you should be proud of a throwdown in which your only effective move was to fall on your opponent.

                    3. Vic Mackey totally started the fight.
                    KH FOR OWNER!
                    ASHER FOR CEO!!
                    GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                    • He did successfully pin the guy no matter how he did it.
                      Try for discussion and debate.


                      • Originally posted by Tuberski View Post
                        No you didn't, you are clearly looking the other way when the slap comes. Unless you have eyes in the back of your head.

                        You are so right. I do remember the lip of the bullhorn coming off, so he must have done that previously.
                        Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                        • Originally posted by Drake Tungsten View Post
                          Finally watched it. Three points...

                          1. It was fun to see one of che's commie buddies calling the tea partier a "******". Classy.

                          2. You punch like a ****, che. I don't think you should be proud of a throwdown in which your only effective move was to fall on your opponent.

                          3. Vic Mackey totally started the fight.
                          1. Considering several people on our side are gay, unlikely. You misheard.

                          2. I wasn't punching the guy. I was trying to hold him down, he hit me in the face with his camera, so I smashed my stick on his head then jumped on him.

                          3. No, the tea bagger hit our guy first.
                          Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                          • I remember when Saras made the mistake of posting pictures of his wife and then everyone jumped on it like it was the last big mac at a weight watchers convention.
                            Try for discussion and debate.


                            • You misheard.

                              No, I didn't. The commie with the ridiculous hair called the tea-partier cameraman a "******" several times while chasing him across the street.

                              I wasn't punching the guy.

                              You clearly threw a couple ****-punches before you subdued your opponent by tripping and landing your fat ass on top of him.

                              No, the tea bagger hit our guy first.

                              That's not what the video shows. Vic Mackey clearly started it.
                              KH FOR OWNER!
                              ASHER FOR CEO!!
                              GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                              • Originally posted by Drake Tungsten View Post
                                The commie with the ridiculous hair called the tea-partier cameraman a "******" several times while chasing him across the street.
                                HEY, say what you want about Che, but leave the frizzy-haired dude alone.

                                That man is the definition of hardcore.
                                Order of the Fly
                                Those that cannot curse, cannot heal.

