Originally posted by Oerdin
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When a BBQ is planned, immediately the husband volunteers to take up the work, and the following things happen:
a)Woman buys food
b)Woman makes salads, prepares side dishes, BBQ sauces, and desert.
c)Woman makes a quick marinade because Man "forgot".
d) Man puts meat on BBQ.
e)Woman gets plates and cutlery from the kitchen.
f) Man talks with friend, woman reminds that meat is already burning.
g)Man says thanks and orders another beer from his wife at the occasion.
h)Man takes meat from grill.
i)Man hands over the meat to the woman, relieves her from the burden of carrying the beer.
j) Woman puts meat, plates, cutlery, napkins, glasses, bread and sauces on the table.
k)Everyone eats.
l)Woman gets more beer for her husband.
m)Woman collects plates and glasses, makes the dish-washing and cleans the grill.
n)Everyone thanks the man for the delicious meal.
o)Man pats his wife, asking her how she liked not having to cook for once.
p)Man doesn't get sex for a week.
q)Man marvels about the mystery of women.