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10 (or more) Things I hate About You

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  • #16
    Well, I'm going over to we**** where they accept me for who I am and never a word of disagreement. :stomp:
    “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
    "Capitalism ho!"


    • #17
      el presidente Obama-rtinez


      • #18
        Originally posted by Sava View Post
        cracker ass crackers
        I've missed you, ghost of Albert Speer
        <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


        • #19
          Originally posted by zakubandit View Post
          4. Refusal to submit to the public scrutiny of birth records

          Are you ****ing kidding me?
          "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
          "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


          • #20
            Originally posted by zakubandit View Post
            8. Wants presidential militia to be formed
            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


            • #21
              Guy, you haven't been informed that he has used his book millions to pay a lawyer team to ensure that his birth records are not released to the public. It may not matter to his supporters, but when his birth record is in question and the people want to see it he should allow us to see it, fighting use only makes him seem more of a tyrant.

              And yea, he talked about forming a militia or paramilitary group that worked for the president. It was in line with his idea to require teens to attend community groups.
              "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the Blood of Patriots and tyrants" Thomas Jefferson
              "I can merely plead that I'm in the presence of a superior being."- KrazyHorse


              • #22

                Best DL ever. Seriously. A ****ing Birther?

                "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                • #23
                  21. Doesn't bend over backwards to apply right-wing agenda
                  22. is black
                  I'm consitently stupid- Japher
                  I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


                  • #24
                    23. is muslim
                    <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


                    • #25
                      24. is not muslim
                      “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                      "Capitalism ho!"


                      • #26
                        Dashi, way to go....24. not a you hate that he is not a muslim.
                        "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the Blood of Patriots and tyrants" Thomas Jefferson
                        "I can merely plead that I'm in the presence of a superior being."- KrazyHorse


                        • #27
                          25. he doesn't understand basic jokes
                          “As a lifelong member of the Columbia Business School community, I adhere to the principles of truth, integrity, and respect. I will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
                          "Capitalism ho!"


                          • #28
                            I heard he is paying a small militia full of lawyers to cover up the documents that prove he is really Muslim.
                            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by zakubandit View Post
                              So I was thinking, after reading how el presidente Obama-rtinez (what, he wants us to learn Spanish so I figured I would add it to him) has dropped alot of public opinion points lately. So lets figure out why. I also predict this will get maybe 1 or 2 posts before a retort is posted in his defense.

                              1. No experience in governing
                              2. No experience with foreign affairs
                              3. No experience with military or military affairs
                              4. Refusal to submit to the public scrutiny of birth records
                              5. Thinks only he knows what is best
                              6. Trying to rush EVERYTHING so that legislatures can't actually read and decide
                              7. Didn't say anything about Black Panthers on voting day
                              8. Wants presidential militia to be formed
                              9. Wants Spanish to be taught from kindergarten on
                              10. Socialized medicine
                              11. 60% government ownership of General Motors
                              12. Denies friendship with Bill Ayers the domestic terrorist
                              13. Too many czars
                              14. Completely retarded
                              15. Says we are not trying to achieve victory in Afghanistan....****ing moron

                              I would go on and on, but what do you all think should go on this never ending list? He adds stuff to it himself daily and I left a ton out.

                              Comrade Tassadar, is that you?


                              • #30
                                26. He doesn't know it, and if he doesn't know it, he needs to go out and learn it.
                                "You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."--General Sir Charles James Napier

